@ -1394,13 +1394,14 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
if ( date = = null ) return "" ; else return DateFormatter . format ( date ) ;
/ *
public class presearch extends Thread {
Set queryhashes ;
char [ ] order ;
String urlmask ;
long time ;
int searchcount , fetchcount ;
public presearch ( Set queryhashes , char [ ] order , long time /*milliseconds*/ , String urlmask , int searchcount , int fetchcount ) {
public presearch ( Set queryhashes , char [ ] order , long time , String urlmask , int searchcount , int fetchcount ) {
this . queryhashes = queryhashes ;
this . order = order ;
this . urlmask = urlmask ;
@ -1430,38 +1431,34 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
* /
//public serverObjects searchFromLocal(Set querywords, String order1, String order2, int count, boolean global, long time /*milliseconds*/, String urlmask) {
public serverObjects searchFromLocal ( plasmaSearchQuery query ) {
// tell all threads to do nothing for a specific time
wordIndex . intermission ( query . maximumTime ) ;
intermissionAllThreads ( query . maximumTime ) ;
wordIndex . intermission ( 2 * query . maximumTime ) ;
intermissionAllThreads ( 2 * query . maximumTime ) ;
serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
try {
char [ ] order = new char [ 2 ] ;
if ( query . order [ 0 ] . equals ( "quality" ) ) order [ 0 ] = plasmaSearchResult . O_QUALITY ; else order [ 0 ] = plasmaSearchResult . O_AGE ;
if ( query . order [ 1 ] . equals ( "quality" ) ) order [ 1 ] = plasmaSearchResult . O_QUALITY ; else order [ 1 ] = plasmaSearchResult . O_AGE ;
//char[] order = new char[2];
//if (query.order[0].equals("quality")) order[0] = plasmaSearchResult.O_QUALITY; else order[0] = plasmaSearchResult.O_AGE;
//if (query.order[1].equals("quality")) order[1] = plasmaSearchResult.O_QUALITY; else order[1] = plasmaSearchResult.O_AGE;
// filter out words that appear in bluelist
Iterator it = query . queryWords . iterator ( ) ;
String word , gs = "" ;
while ( it . hasNext ( ) ) {
word = ( String ) it . next ( ) ;
if ( blueList . contains ( word ) ) it . remove ( ) ; else gs + = "+" + word ;
if ( gs . length ( ) > 0 ) gs = gs . substring ( 1 ) ;
query . filterOut ( blueList ) ;
// log
log . logInfo ( "INIT WORD SEARCH: " + g s + ":" + query . queryHashes + " - " + query . wantedResults + " links, " + ( query . maximumTime / 1000 ) + " seconds" ) ;
log . logInfo ( "INIT WORD SEARCH: " + query . queryWords + ":" + query . queryHashes + " - " + query . wantedResults + " links, " + ( query . maximumTime / 1000 ) + " seconds" ) ;
long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// start a presearch, which makes only sense if we idle afterwards.
// this is especially the case if we start a global search and idle until search
if ( query . domType = = plasmaSearchQuery . SEARCHDOM_GLOBALDHT ) {
Thread preselect = new presearch ( query . queryHashes , order , query . maximumTime / 10 , query . urlMask , 10 , 3 ) ;
preselect . start ( ) ;
//if (query.domType == plasmaSearchQuery.SEARCHDOM_GLOBALDHT) {
// Thread preselect = new presearch(query.queryHashes, order, query.maximumTime / 10, query.urlMask, 10, 3);
// preselect.start();
// do global fetching
int globalresults = 0 ;
@ -1479,13 +1476,14 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
// now search locally (the global results should be now in the local db)
long remainingTime = query . maximumTime - ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) ;
plasmaWordIndexEntity idx = searchManager . searchHashes ( query . queryHashes , remainingTime * 8 / 10 ) ; // the search
plasmaSearchEvent theSearch = new plasmaSearchEvent ( query , log , wordIndex , urlPool . loadedURL , snippetCache ) ;
plasmaWordIndexEntity idx = theSearch . search ( remainingTime * 8 / 10 ) ;
log . logFine ( "SEARCH TIME AFTER FINDING " + idx . size ( ) + " ELEMENTS: " + ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) / 1000 ) + " seconds" ) ;
remainingTime = query . maximumTime - ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) ;
if ( remainingTime < 500 ) remainingTime = 500 ;
if ( remainingTime > 3000 ) remainingTime = 3000 ;
plasmaSearchResult acc = searchManager. order ( idx , query . queryHashes , stopwords , order , remainingTime , 10 ) ;
plasmaSearchResult acc = theSearch. order ( idx , remainingTime , 10 ) ;
if ( query . domType ! = plasmaSearchQuery . SEARCHDOM_GLOBALDHT )
snippetCache . fetch ( acc . cloneSmart ( ) , query . queryHashes , query . urlMask , 10 ) ;
log . logFine ( "SEARCH TIME AFTER ORDERING OF SEARCH RESULT: " + ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) / 1000 ) + " seconds" ) ;
@ -1595,7 +1593,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
// log
log . logInfo ( "EXIT WORD SEARCH: " + g s + " - " +
log . logInfo ( "EXIT WORD SEARCH: " + query. queryWord s + " - " +
prop . get ( "totalcount" , "0" ) + " links found, " +
prop . get ( "orderedcount" , "0" ) + " links ordered, " +
prop . get ( "linkcount" , "?" ) + " links selected, " +
@ -1607,21 +1605,21 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public serverObjects searchFromRemote ( Set hashes , int count , boolean global , long duetime ) {
public serverObjects searchFromRemote ( plasmaSearchQuery query ) {
// tell all threads to do nothing for a specific time
wordIndex . intermission ( duet ime) ;
intermissionAllThreads ( duet ime) ;
wordIndex . intermission ( 2 * query . maximumT ime) ;
intermissionAllThreads ( 2 * query . maximumT ime) ;
if ( hashes = = null ) hashes = new HashSet ( ) ;
serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
try {
log . logInfo ( "INIT HASH SEARCH: " + hashes + " - " + count + " links" ) ;
log . logInfo ( "INIT HASH SEARCH: " + query. queryHashes + " - " + query . wantedResults + " links" ) ;
long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
plasmaWordIndexEntity idx = searchManager . searchHashes ( hashes , duetime * 8 / 10 ) ; // a nameless temporary index, not sorted by special order but by hash
long remainingTime = duetime - ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) ;
plasmaSearchEvent theSearch = new plasmaSearchEvent ( query , log , wordIndex , urlPool . loadedURL , snippetCache ) ;
plasmaWordIndexEntity idx = theSearch . search ( query . maximumTime * 8 / 10 ) ;
long remainingTime = query . maximumTime - ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) ;
if ( remainingTime < 500 ) remainingTime = 500 ;
plasmaSearchResult acc = searchManager. order ( idx , hashes , stopwords , new char [ ] { plasmaSearchResult . O_QUALITY , plasmaSearchResult . O_AGE } , remainingTime , 10 ) ;
plasmaSearchResult acc = theSearch. order ( idx , remainingTime , 10 ) ;
// result is a List of urlEntry elements
if ( acc = = null ) {
@ -1636,9 +1634,9 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
//plasmaIndexEntry pie;
plasmaCrawlLURL . Entry urlentry ;
plasmaSnippetCache . result snippet ;
while ( ( acc . hasMoreElements ( ) ) & & ( i < count ) ) {
while ( ( acc . hasMoreElements ( ) ) & & ( i < query. wantedResults ) ) {
urlentry = acc . nextElement ( ) ;
snippet = snippetCache . retrieve ( urlentry . url ( ) , h ashes, false , 260 ) ;
snippet = snippetCache . retrieve ( urlentry . url ( ) , query. queryH ashes, false , 260 ) ;
if ( snippet . source = = plasmaSnippetCache . ERROR_NO_MATCH ) {
// suppress line: there is no match in that resource
} else {
@ -1669,7 +1667,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
prop . put ( "fwrec" , "" ) ; // peers that would have helped to construct this result (recommendations)
// log
log . logInfo ( "EXIT HASH SEARCH: " + h ashes + " - " +
log . logInfo ( "EXIT HASH SEARCH: " + query. queryH ashes + " - " +
( ( idx = = null ) ? "0" : ( "" + idx . size ( ) ) ) + " links found, " +
prop . get ( "linkcount" , "?" ) + " links selected, " +
( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ) / 1000 ) + " seconds" ) ;