@ -668,27 +668,122 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
return type . equals ( yacySeed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) | | type . equals ( yacySeed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ;
public static final long minDHTNumber = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( kelondroBase64Order . zero ( 12 ) ) ;
public static final long maxDHTDistance = Long . MAX_VALUE ;
public double dhtPosition ( ) {
// normalized to 1.0
public final long dhtPosition ( ) {
// normalized to Long.MAX_VALUE
return dhtPosition ( this . hash ) ;
p ublic static double dhtPosition ( final String ah ash) {
p rivate final static double dhtPositionDouble ( final String wordH ash) {
// normalized to 1.0
return ( ( double ) kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( ahash . getBytes ( ) ) ) / ( ( double ) maxDHTDistance ) ;
long c = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( wordHash . getBytes ( ) ) ;
assert c ! = Long . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( c = = Long . MAX_VALUE ) return 0.999999999999 ;
return ( ( double ) c ) / ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
public final static long dhtPosition ( final String wordHash ) {
// normalized to Long.MAX_VALUE
long c = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( wordHash . getBytes ( ) ) ;
assert c ! = Long . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( c = = Long . MAX_VALUE ) return Long . MAX_VALUE - 1 ;
return c ;
/ * *
* calculate the DHT position for horizontal and vertical performance scaling :
* horizontal : scale with number of words
* vertical : scale with number of references for every word
* The vertical scaling is selected using the corresponding reference hash , the url hash
* This has the effect that every vertical position accumulates references for the same url
* and the urls are not spread over all positions of the DHT . To use this effect , the
* horizontal DHT position must be normed to a ' rest ' value of a partition size
* This method is compatible to the classic DHT computation as always one of the vertical
* DHT position corresponds to the classic position .
* @param wordHash , the hash of the RWI
* @param partitions , the number of partitions should be computed with partitions = 2 * * n , n = scaling factor
* @param urlHash , the hash of a reference
* @return a double in the range 0 . . 1.0 ( including 0 , excluding 1.0 ) , the DHT position
* /
private final static double dhtPositionDouble ( final String wordHash , final String urlHash , final int e ) {
assert wordHash ! = null ;
assert urlHash ! = null ;
if ( urlHash = = null ) return dhtPositionDouble ( wordHash ) ;
// calculate the primary DHT position:
// this is done first using the 'classic' dht position and then
// calculation an alternative 'first' position considering the partition size
// because of the number of partitions, the 'original' position is reached as one of the
// alternative dht positions within the partitions
double primary = dhtPositionDouble ( wordHash ) ; // the hash position for horizontal performance scaling
// the number of partitions is 2 ** e, the partitions may grow exponentially (every time it is doubled)
double partitions = ( double ) ( 1L < < e ) ;
// modification of the primary position using the partitions to create a normalization:
double normalization = Math . floor ( primary * partitions ) / partitions ;
// calculate the shift: the alternative position for vertical performance scaling
double shift = Math . floor ( dhtPositionDouble ( urlHash ) * partitions ) / partitions ;
// the final position is the primary, normalized position plus the shift
double p = primary - normalization + shift ;
// one of the possible shift positions points to the original dht position:
// this is where the shift is equal to the normalization, when
// Math.floor(dhtPosition(wordHash) * partitions) == Math.floor(dhtPosition(urlHash) * partitions)
assert p < 1.0 : "p = " + p ; // because of the normalization never an overflow should occur
assert p > = 0.0 : "p = " + p ;
return ( p < 1.0 ) ? p : p - 1.0 ;
public final static long dhtPosition ( final String wordHash , final String urlHash , final int e ) {
assert wordHash ! = null ;
assert urlHash ! = null ;
if ( urlHash = = null | | e < 1 ) return dhtPosition ( wordHash ) ;
// the partition size is (Long.MAX + 1) / 2 ** e == 2 ** (63 - e)
assert e > 0 ;
long partitionMask = ( 1L < < ( Long . SIZE - 1 - e ) ) - 1L ;
return ( dhtPosition ( wordHash ) & partitionMask ) | ( dhtPosition ( urlHash ) & ~ partitionMask ) ;
/ * *
* compute all vertical DHT positions for a given word
* @param wordHash , the hash of the word
* @param partitions , the number of partitions of the DHT
* @return a vector of long values , the possible DHT positions
* /
private final static double [ ] dhtPositionsDouble ( final String wordHash , final int e ) {
assert wordHash ! = null ;
int partitions = 1 < < e ;
double [ ] d = new double [ partitions ] ;
double primary = dhtPositionDouble ( wordHash ) ;
double partitionSize = 1.0 / ( double ) partitions ;
d [ 0 ] = primary - Math . floor ( primary * partitions ) / partitions ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < partitions ; i + + ) {
d [ i ] = d [ i - 1 ] + partitionSize ;
return d ;
public final static long [ ] dhtPositions ( final String wordHash , final int e ) {
assert wordHash ! = null ;
int partitions = 1 < < e ;
long [ ] l = new long [ partitions ] ;
long partitionSize = 1L < < ( Long . SIZE - 1 - e ) ;
l [ 0 ] = dhtPosition ( wordHash ) & ( partitionSize - 1L ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < partitions ; i + + ) {
l [ i ] = l [ i - 1 ] + partitionSize ;
return l ;
public final static long dhtDistance ( final String word , final yacySeed peer ) {
return dhtDistance ( word , peer . hash ) ;
public final static double dhtDistance ( final String from , final String to ) {
// computes a virtual distance, the result must be set in relation to maxDHTDistace
// if the distance is small, this peer is more responsible for that word hash
// if the distance is big, this peer is less responsible for that word hash
if ( from = = null ) return dhtPosition ( to ) ;
final double fromPos = dhtPosition ( from ) ;
final double toPos = dhtPosition ( to ) ;
return ( fromPos < = toPos ) ? ( toPos - fromPos ) : ( 1.0 - fromPos + toPos ) ;
private final static long dhtDistance ( final String from , final String to ) {
// the dht distance is a positive value between 0 and 1
// if the distance is small, the word more probably belongs to the peer
assert to ! = null ;
assert from ! = null ;
final long toPos = dhtPosition ( to ) ;
final long fromPos = dhtPosition ( from ) ;
final long d = toPos - fromPos ;
return ( d > = 0 ) ? d : ( d + Long . MAX_VALUE ) + 1 ;
private static String bestGap ( final yacySeedDB seedDB ) {
@ -697,7 +792,7 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
return randomHash ( ) ;
// find gaps
final TreeMap < Double , String > gaps = hashGaps ( seedDB ) ;
final TreeMap < Long , String > gaps = hashGaps ( seedDB ) ;
// take one gap; prefer biggest but take also another smaller by chance
String interval = null ;
@ -709,19 +804,18 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
if ( interval = = null ) return randomHash ( ) ;
// find dht position and size of gap
final double gapsize = dhtDistance ( interval . substring ( 0 , 12 ) , interval . substring ( 12 ) ) ;
assert gapsize > = 0.0 ;
double gappos = dhtPosition ( interval . substring ( 0 , 12 ) ) + ( gapsize / 2 ) ;
if ( gappos > = 1.0 ) gappos = gappos - 1.0 ; // fix overflow; can only occur for gap at end
final long gaphalf = dhtDistance ( interval . substring ( 0 , 12 ) , interval . substring ( 12 ) ) > > 1 ;
long p = dhtPosition ( interval . substring ( 0 , 12 ) ) ;
long gappos = ( Long . MAX_VALUE - p > = gaphalf ) ? p + gaphalf : ( p - Long . MAX_VALUE ) + gaphalf ;
return positionToHash ( gappos ) ;
private static TreeMap < Double , String > hashGaps ( final yacySeedDB seedDB ) {
final TreeMap < Double , String > gaps = new TreeMap < Double , String > ( ) ;
private static TreeMap < Long , String > hashGaps ( final yacySeedDB seedDB ) {
final TreeMap < Long , String > gaps = new TreeMap < Long , String > ( ) ;
if ( seedDB = = null ) return gaps ;
final Iterator < yacySeed > i = seedDB . seedsConnected ( true , false , null , ( float ) 0.0 ) ;
double d ;
long l ;
yacySeed s0 = null , s1 , first = null ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
s1 = i . next ( ) ;
@ -730,19 +824,14 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
first = s0 ;
continue ;
if ( s0 . hash . equals ( "fF99P8dMio7M" ) ) {
System . out . print ( 0 ) ;
d = dhtDistance ( s0 . hash , s1 . hash ) ;
assert d > = 0.0 ;
gaps . put ( d , s0 . hash + s1 . hash ) ;
l = dhtDistance ( s0 . hash , s1 . hash ) ;
gaps . put ( l , s0 . hash + s1 . hash ) ;
s0 = s1 ;
// compute also the last gap
if ( ( first ! = null ) & & ( s0 ! = null ) ) {
d = dhtDistance ( s0 . hash , first . hash ) ;
assert d > = 0.0 ;
gaps . put ( d , s0 . hash + first . hash ) ;
l = dhtDistance ( s0 . hash , first . hash ) ;
gaps . put ( l , s0 . hash + first . hash ) ;
return gaps ;
@ -752,19 +841,13 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
assert t > = 0.0 : "t = " + t ;
assert t < 1.0 : "t = " + t ;
// now calculate a hash that is closest to the best position
double d , bestD = Double . MAX_VALUE ;
final int tries = 128 ;
String hash , bestHash = null ;
for ( int v = 0 ; v < tries ; v + + ) {
hash = randomHash ( ) ;
d = dhtPosition ( hash ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( d - t ) < bestD ) {
bestD = Math . abs ( d - t ) ;
bestHash = hash ;
return bestHash ;
return new String ( kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . uncardinal ( ( long ) ( ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) * t ) ) ) + "AA" ;
private static String positionToHash ( final long l ) {
// transform the position of a peer position into a close peer hash
return new String ( kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . uncardinal ( l ) ) + "AA" ;
public static yacySeed genLocalSeed ( final yacySeedDB db ) {
@ -923,4 +1006,46 @@ public class yacySeed implements Cloneable {
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
// java -classpath classes de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed hHJBztzcFn76
// java -classpath classes de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed hHJBztzcFG76 M8hgtrHG6g12 3
// test the DHT position calculation
String wordHash = args [ 0 ] ;
double dhtd ;
long dhtl ;
int partitionExponent = 0 ;
if ( args . length = = 3 ) {
// the horizontal and vertical position calculation
String urlHash = args [ 1 ] ;
partitionExponent = Integer . parseInt ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
dhtd = dhtPositionDouble ( wordHash , urlHash , partitionExponent ) ;
dhtl = dhtPosition ( wordHash , urlHash , partitionExponent ) ;
} else {
// only a horizontal position calculation
dhtd = dhtPositionDouble ( wordHash ) ;
dhtl = dhtPosition ( wordHash ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT Double = " + dhtd ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT Long = " + dhtl ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT as Double from Long = " + ( ( double ) dhtl ) / ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT as Long from Double = " + ( long ) ( Long . MAX_VALUE * dhtd ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT as b64 from Double = " + positionToHash ( dhtd ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "DHT as b64 from Long = " + positionToHash ( dhtl ) ) ;
System . out . print ( "all " + ( 1 < < partitionExponent ) + " DHT positions from doubles: " ) ;
double [ ] d = dhtPositionsDouble ( wordHash , partitionExponent ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < d . length ; i + + ) {
if ( i > 0 ) System . out . print ( ", " ) ;
System . out . print ( positionToHash ( d [ i ] ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;
System . out . print ( "all " + ( 1 < < partitionExponent ) + " DHT positions from long : " ) ;
long [ ] l = dhtPositions ( wordHash , partitionExponent ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < l . length ; i + + ) {
if ( i > 0 ) System . out . print ( ", " ) ;
System . out . print ( positionToHash ( l [ i ] ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;