*)Documented the lng-file format

*)Updated language files to the new standard, especially German
*)Wrote language highlighting definition for Notepad++
*)Corrected News.html

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@2685 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
rramthun 19 years ago
parent 310f1c41cd
commit ca8ef0ca9f

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
YaCy lng highlighting for Notepad++
To enable the highlighting of YaCy lng files simply copy the file userDefineLang.xml into your Notepad++ root directory.
If you have already created other user defined languages merge the content of your existing userDefineLang.xml with the contents of ours.
Now open one of the lng files and highlighting should work instantly. "YaCy lng" is now available in the "Language"-menue, too.

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<UserLang name="YaCy lng" ext="lng">
<Global caseIgnored="no" />
<TreatAsSymbol comment="no" commentLine="no" />
<Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" />
<Keywords name="Delimiters">=00=00</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder+">#---------------------------</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder-">#-----------------------------</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Comment"> 1 2 0#</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words1">#File:</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words2"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words3"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words4"></Keywords>
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="3" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="3" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="10" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="FF8040" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="8000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
Description of the YaCy lng format
You are not forced but encouraged to use the following format for your language file.
It ensures a high compatibility, readability and full support of syntax highlighting in Notepad++ and other editors.
Also we recommend to use an fully UTF-8 capable text editor and to save in this format, so please don't use an old notepad.exe ;-)
If you start a completely new translation, you can build it from scratch and search all the strings out of the HTROOT files yourself (best, but most laborious way) or use a good, current translation and copy the English strings from there.
If you would decide to copy from an existing translation, i.e. the German, because at the moment it is the most complete, take care, that you delete all strings which are not translated into your target language.
Otherwise the user may have a mixed German/Japanese webinterface when he chooses the Japanese translation. This is not good, if you don't translate the whole interface simply don't mention the strings you don't translate in your language file and they will be left in English.
Every languagefile should have a header, which gives short information about it and should consist of comments as described later in this document.
It should start with the filename, the "direction" of your translation, the SVN-keyword for the date with the last change (don't forget to "svn propset svn:keywords "LastChangedDate" <filename>.lng" if you maintain the file by yourself), a copyright header, followed by a maintainer.
The maintainer should be someone with SVN write-access. He is responsible for getting upates of the lng-file from other persons and checking them into our repository on a long term basis.
If you are willing to contribute once or only for a short time, find a maintainer who is willing to to this job for a long time.
The maintainer of the German language file (who wrote this document ;-)) is always up to act as maintainer for new languages, if you are not able/willing to do so by yourself.
Then follows an enumeration of all people who contributed at least some content to the translation file in chronological order and an advice for newbies to contact the maintainer if they have something to contribute.
# de.lng
# English-->German
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
# first published on http://www.anomic.de
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is maintained by Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>
# This file is written by (chronological order) Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>, Oliver Wunder <webmaster@daburna.de>, Jan Sandbrink
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
---File definitions---
YaCy needs to know which XHTML file you are translating. The definition consists of a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by the word "File:", a blank space and the filename of the translated file relative to the YaCy HTROOT.
Every file can only be declared once.
#File: Messages_p.html
#File: env/templates/header.template
---Start of translation section---
After the "File"-declaration you should open the file specific part by a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by 27 hyphens.
---Translation mappings---
This is the real work. Find every string you want to translate in the corresponding files in HTROOT.
In the correct section, initialized by the above "File"-definition and framed by the "Start/End of translation section"-strings, you enter the original string, a double equals sign and the translation.
---End of translation section---
After the translation strings you should close the file specific section with a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by 29 hyphens.
Comments are started with a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by a blank space and the comment itself.
# This is a comment without many sense.
Full example:
# de.lng
# English-->German
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
# first published on http://www.anomic.de
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is maintained by Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>
# This file is written by (chronological order) Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>, Oliver Wunder <webmaster@daburna.de>, Jan Sandbrink
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
#File: ConfigLanguage_p.html
# Only part 1.
# Contributors are in chronological ordern, not how much they did absolutely.
# Thank you for your help!
<!-- lang -->default\(english\)==Deutsch
<!-- author -->==Roland Ramthun, Oliver Wunder, Jan Sandbrink
<!-- maintainer -->==&lt;admin@yacy-forum.de&gt;
#File: Blacklist_p.html
Blacklist Manager==Blacklist Manager
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==Diese Funktion stellt einen URL-Filter vor den Proxy. Das Laden einer URL aus der Blacklist wird geblockt.
from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==Sie k&ouml;nnen mehrere Blacklists anlegen und getrennt aktivieren.
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==Sie k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls Ihre Blacklist einem anderen Peer zum Download anbieten.
collect blacklist entries from other peers.==Im Gegenzug k&ouml;nnen Sie sich selber von anderen Peers Blacklists runterladen.
Edit list:==Liste bearbeiten:
\(active\)\#not active::active\#\(/active\)\# \#\(shared\)\#not shared::shared\#\(/shared\)==(active)#nicht aktiv::aktiv#(/active)# #(shared)#nicht freigegeben::freigegeben#(/shared)
New list:==Neue Liste:
Enable/disable this list==Liste an/ausschalten
Share/don't share this list==Liste freigeben/nicht freigeben
Delete this list==Liste l&ouml;schen
Active list:==Aktivierte Liste:
These are the domain name / path patterns in this blacklist:==Dies sind die Domainnamen / -pfade die in der Blacklist sind:
You can select them here for deletion==Sie k&ouml;nnen sie einzeln zum L&ouml;schen w&auml;hlen
Delete URL pattern==URL aus der Liste l&ouml;schen
Enter new domain name / path pattern in the form:==Geben Sie eine neue Domain/einen neuen Pfad in dieser Form ein:
Add URL pattern==F&uuml;ge URL hinzu
Import blacklist items from other YaCy peers:==Importiere Blacklist von anderen YaCy Peers:
Load new blacklist items==Lade neue Blacklist
Import blacklist items from URL:==Importiere Blacklist von URL:
Load new blacklist items==Lade neue Blacklist
Import blacklist items from file:==Importiere Blacklist aus Datei:
"Load new blacklist items"==Lade neue Blacklist
was removed from blacklist==wurde aus Blacklist entfernt
was added to the blacklist==wurde zur Blacklist hinzugef&uuml;gt
Activate this list for==Diese Liste ist g&uuml;ltig f&uuml;r
#File: Blog.html
show more entries==zeige weitere Eintr&auml;ge
new entry==Neuer Eintrag
import XML-File==XML-Datei importieren
export as XML==als XML exportieren
No changes have been submitted so far!==Es wurden noch keine &Auml;nderungen &uuml;bertragen!
Access denied==Zugriff verweigert
To edit or create blog-entries you need to be logged in as Admin or User who has Blog rights.==Um Blogeintr&auml;ge zu ver&auml;ndern oder zu erstellen m&uuml;ssen Sie als Admin oder User mit Blog-Rechten eingeloggt sein.
Are you sure==Sind Sie sicher
that you want to delete <b>\#\[subject\]\#</b> by \#\[author\]\#?==dass Sie <b>#[subject]#</b> von #[author]# l&ouml;schen wollen?
Yes, delete it.==Ja, l&ouml;schen.
No, leave it.==Nein, belassen.
Import was successful!==Import war erfolgreich!
Import failed, maybe the supplied file was no valid blog-backup?==Import fehlgeschlagen, unter Umst&auml;nden war die angegebene Datei keine g&uuml;ltige Blog-Sicherung?
Please select the XML-file you want to import:==Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie die XML-Datei die Sie importieren wollen:

@ -88,27 +88,27 @@ globalheader();
<li>New Features</li>
<li>Exchanged complete html (table-based) interface by new xhtml interface pages</li>
<li>Exchanged complete HTML (table-based) interface by new XHTML interface pages</li>
<li>Added Crawler/Indexing Monitor</li>
<li>Added Surftipps and voting for surftipps, public bookmarks and other public links</li>
<li>Technical Enhancements</li>
<li>Added IndexAbstracts Interface for join-Search (not yet working)</li>
<li>Added Crawler for ftp protocol</li>
<li>Added Crawler for FTP</li>
<li>Added fully controlled DHT cache</li>
<li>Added write cache for LURLs</li>
<li>Enabled new Database structures; they are swiched off until testing is finished</li>
<li>Refactoring of parser and charset recorgnition</li>
<li>Enabled new database structures; they are switched off until testing is finished</li>
<li>Refactoring of parser and charset recognition</li>
<li>Updated versions of external parser</li>
<li>Enhanced YaCy SOAP services</li>
<li>fixed wrong ranking calculation</li>
<li>fixed version number presentation</li>
<li>Fixed wrong ranking calculation</li>
<li>Fixed version number presentation</li>
<li>UTF-8 Bugfixes, better overall handling of non-ascii characters</li>
<li>many minor bugfixes</li>
<li>Many minor bugfixes</li>

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# de.lng
# de.lng
# English-->German
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
@ -8,12 +10,7 @@
# This file is maintained by Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>
# This file is written by (chronological order) Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>, Oliver Wunder <webmaster@daburna.de>, Jan Sandbrink
# If you find any mistakes in this file please don't hesitate to email them to me.
# If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface do so, too.
# English=German
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
#File: ConfigLanguage_p.html
@ -27,8 +24,6 @@
#File: Blacklist_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Blacklist Manager==Blacklist Manager
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==Diese Funktion stellt einen URL-Filter vor den Proxy. Das Laden einer URL aus der Blacklist wird geblockt.
@ -68,7 +63,6 @@ Activate this list for==Diese Liste ist g&uuml;ltig f&uuml;r
#File: Blog.html
@ -97,7 +91,6 @@ Please select the XML-file you want to import:==Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie die XML-Da
#File: Bookmarks.html
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Bookmarks==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Lesezeichen
Add Bookmark==Lesezeichen hinzuf&uuml;gen
@ -129,7 +122,6 @@ Bookmarks per page.==Lesezeichen pro Seite.
#File: CacheAdmin_p.html
Local Cache Management==Lokale Cache Verwaltung
>Local Cache==>Lokaler Cache
The current cache size is==Die aktuelle Gr&ouml;&szlig;e des Caches betr&auml;gt
@ -138,8 +130,6 @@ The maximum cache size is==Die maximale Gr&ouml;&szlig;e betr&auml;gt
#File: Config_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Advanced Config==Erweiterte Einstellungen
Here are all configuration options from YaCy.==Hier sind alle Konfigurationseinstellungen von YaCy.
You can change anything, but some options need a restart, and some options can crash YaCy, if wrong values are used.==Sie k&ouml;nnen alles &auml;ndern, bedenken Sie aber, dass einige &Auml;nderungen einen Neustart von YaCy erfordern und andere &Auml;nderungen YaCy ganz zum Absturz bringen k&ouml;nnen.
@ -149,8 +139,6 @@ For an explanation of the available options please look into yacy.init==Eine Erk
#File: ConfigAdvanced_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Advanced Config==Erweiterte Einstellungen
Here are all configuration options from YaCy.==Hier sind alle Konfigurationseinstellungen von YaCy.
You can change anything, but some options need a restart, and some options can crash YaCy, if wrong values are used.==Sie k&ouml;nnen alles &auml;ndern, bedenken Sie aber, dass einige &Auml;nderungen einen Neustart von YaCy erfordern und andere &Auml;nderungen YaCy ganz zum Absturz bringen k&ouml;nnen.
@ -160,7 +148,6 @@ For explanation please look into yacy.init==Eine Erkl&auml;rung finden Sie in de
#File: ConfigBasic.html
Select a language for the interface==W&auml;hlen Sie eine Sprache f&uuml;r das Interface
Basic Configuration==Grundeinstellungen
Your YaCy Peer needs some basic information to operate properly==Ihr YaCy-Peer ben&ouml;tigt einige Grundinformationen um korrekt zu funktionieren
@ -201,8 +188,6 @@ You can also use your peer without opening it, but this is not recomended.==Sie
#File: ConfigLanguage_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Language selection==Sprachauswahl
Language selection==Sprachauswahl
You can change the language of the YaCy-webinterface with translation files.==Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie die Sprache &auml;ndern. W&auml;hlen Sie die gew&uuml;nschte Sprache aus der Liste aus.
@ -222,7 +207,6 @@ Error saving the language file.==Es trat ein Fehler beim Speichern der Sprachdat
#File: ConfigProfile_p.html
Your Personal Profile==Ihr pers&ouml;nliches Profil
You can create a personal profile here. Other YaCy users can view these information using a link on the network page.==Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Ihr pers&ouml;nliches Profil verwalten. Andere YaCy-Benutzer k&ouml;nnen dieses Profil &uuml;ber einen Link auf ihrer Netzwerkseite ansehen.
You do not need to provide any personal data here, but if you want to distribute your contact information, you can do that here.==Sie m&uuml;ssen hier keine pers&ouml;nlichen Daten eingeben, aber wenn Sie Kontaktinformationen bereitstellen m&ouml;chten, k&ouml;nnen Sie das hier machen.
@ -242,8 +226,6 @@ here.==im Profil benutzen.
#File: ConfigSkins_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Skin Selection==Skinauswahl
You can change the appearance of YaCy with skins. Select one of the default skins, download new skins, or create your own skin.==Sie k&ouml;nnen hier das Aussehen von YaCy mit Skins &auml;ndern. W&auml;hlen Sie einen der mitgelieferten Skins, laden Sie einen neuen herunter oder basteln Sie sich selber einen neuen Skin.
Current skin:==Aktueller Skin:
@ -259,8 +241,6 @@ Error saving the skin.==Es trat ein Fehler beim Speichern des Skins auf.
#File: Connections_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Connection Tracking==Verbindungsstatus
Incoming Connections==Eingehende Verbindungen
Showing \#\[numActiveRunning\]\# active, \#\[numActivePending\]\# pending connections from a max. of \#\[numMax\]\# allowed incoming connections.==Es werden #[numActiveRunning]# aktive und #[numActivePending]# wartende Verbindungen von max. #[numMax]# erlaubten eingehenden Verbindungen angezeigt..
@ -276,8 +256,6 @@ Waiting for new request nr.==Warte auf neue Anfrage Nr.
#File: CookieMonitorIncoming_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Incoming Cookies Monitor==&Uuml;berwachung eingehender Cookies
Cookie Monitor: Incoming Cookies==Cookie &Uuml;berwachung: Eingehende Cookies
This is a list of Cookies that a web server has sent to clients of the YaCy Proxy:==Dies ist eine Auflistung aller Cookies, die ein Webserver an diesen YaCy Proxy geschickt hat:
@ -288,8 +266,6 @@ Cookies==Cookies
#File: CookieMonitorOutgoing_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Outgoing Cookies Monitor==&Uuml;berwachung ausgehender Cookies
Cookie Monitor: Outgoing Cookies==Cookie &Uuml;berwachung: Ausgehende Cookies
This is a list of Cookies that a browser using the YaCy Proxy has sent to a web server:==Dies ist eine Auflistung aller Cookies, die Ihr Browser an einen Webserver geschickt hat:
@ -300,7 +276,6 @@ Cookies==Cookies
#File: Help.html
YaCy: Help==YaCy: Hilfeseiten
This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the <em>online-interface</em> of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the <em>global<em> index.==YaCy ist eine Suchmaschine, die &auml;hnlich dem Prinzip des verteilten Rechnens (distributed computing wie z.B. SETI@home) funktioniert. Das ganze heisst hier eher "verteiltes Durchsuchen und Indexieren" des Internets. Ausserdem bringt sie einen HTTP Proxy Server mit. Sie benutzen gerade das <em>Online-Interface<em> von YaCy. Sie k&ouml;nnen dieses Interface auch zum Konfigurieren Ihrer pers&ouml;nlichen Einstellungen, Proxy-Einstellungen, der Zugriffs-Kontrolle und den Crawl-Einstellungen benutzen. Sie k&ouml;nnen das Interface auch zum Starten von Crawls, Nachrichtenversand an andere YaCy-Nutzer und zur &Uuml;berwachung Ihres Index, Cache-Status und des Crawl-Prozesses benutzen. Besonders wichtig ist, dass man die Suchseite benutzen kann, um entweder den eigenen oder den <em>globalen<em> Index zu durchsuchen.
@ -377,8 +352,6 @@ There is ".html" at the end, which is not included with the Regular Expression.=
#File: index.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Search Page==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Suchseite
P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internet Suche
@ -447,8 +420,6 @@ Give negative vote==Link negativ bewerten
#File: IndexCleaner_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Control==Index Kontrolle
Index Cleaner==Index Aufr&auml;umer
@ -472,7 +443,6 @@ RWIDbCleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of words with reference to blac
#File: IndexControl_p.html
Index Control==Index Kontrolle
Index Administration==Index Administration
The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references==Der lokale Index besteht im Moment aus #[wcount]# W&ouml;rtern und #[ucount]# URL-Links.
@ -505,8 +475,6 @@ Word-Hash:</td>==Wort-Hash:</td>
#File: IndexCreate_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Creation==Index Erzeugung
Start Crawling Job:==Starte Crawling Aufgabe:
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. \"Crawling\" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under \"Crawling Depth\".==Sie k&ouml;nnen hier URLs angeben, die gecrawlt werden sollen und dann das Crawling starten. "Crawling" bedeutet, dass YaCy die angegebene Webseite runterl&auml;dt, alle Links extrahiert und dann den Inhalt hinter diesen Links runterl&auml;dt. Dies wird solange wiederholt wie unter "Crawling Tiefe" angegeben.
@ -629,8 +597,6 @@ Busy Peers==Besch&auml;tigte Peers
#File: IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Creation/Indexing Queue==Index Erzeugung/Indexier Warteschlange
Index Creation: Indexing Queue==Index Erzeugung: Indexier Warteschlange
The indexing queue is empty==Die Indexier Warteschlange ist leer.
@ -656,8 +622,6 @@ Fail-Reason==Fehler Grund
#File: IndexCreateLoaderQueue_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Creation / Loader Queue==Index Erzeugung / Lade Warteschlange
Index Creation: Loader Queue==Index Erzeugung: Lade Warteschlange
The loader set is empty==Die Lade Warteschlange ist leer.
@ -669,8 +633,6 @@ Depth==Tiefe
#File: IndexCreateWWWGlobalQueue_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy '\#\[clientname\]\#': Index Creation / WWW Global Crawl Crawl Queue==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Erzeugung / Globale WWW Warteschlange
Index Creation: WWW Global Crawl Queue==Index Erzeugung: Globale WWW Warteschlange
This queue stores the urls that shall be sent to other peers to perform a remote crawl.==Diese Warteschlange enth&auml;lt URLs, die an andere Peers gesendet werden sollen, um einen Remote Crawl durchzuf&uuml;hren.
@ -690,8 +652,6 @@ Anchor Name==Anker Name
#File: IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy '\#\[clientname\]\#': Index Creation / WWW Local Crawl Queue==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Erzeugung / Lokale WWW Warteschlange
Index Creation: WWW Local Crawl Queue==Index Erzeugung: Lokale WWW Warteschlange
This queue stores the urls that shall be crawled localy by this peer.==Diese Warteschlange enth&auml;lt URLs, die von diesem Peer lokal gecrawlt werden sollen.
@ -715,8 +675,6 @@ This may take a quite long time.==Dies wird vielleicht einige Zeit dauern.
#File: IndexImport_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Index Import==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Import
Index DB Import==Index Datenbank Import
The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references.==Der lokale Index besteht zur Zeit aus (mindestens) #[wcount]# W&ouml;rtern und #[ucount]# URLs.
@ -772,8 +730,6 @@ Various stack files that belong to the crawling queue==Verschiedene Stack-Dateie
#File: IndexMonitor.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
#YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Monitor
Index Monitor Menu==Index Monitor Men&uuml;
Index&nbsp;Monitor&nbsp;Overview==Index Monitor &Uuml;berblick
@ -838,8 +794,6 @@ Title==Titel
#File: IndexTransfer_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references.==Der lokale Index besteht zur Zeit aus (ungef&auml;hr) #[wcount]# W&ouml;rtern und #[ucount]# URLs.
Chunk Size<br>\(Word Entries\)==Chunk-Gr&ouml;sse<br />(Wort Eintr&auml;ge)
Words Range==Worte-Bereich
@ -860,8 +814,6 @@ Start/Stop Transfer==Starte/Stoppe Transfer
#File: Language_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Language selection==Sprachauswahl
Language selection==Sprachauswahl
You can change the language of the YaCy-webinterface with translation files.==Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie die Sprache &auml;ndern. W&auml;hlen Sie die gew&uuml;nschte Sprache aus der Liste aus.
@ -881,8 +833,6 @@ Error saving the language file.==Es trat ein Fehler beim Speichern der Sprachdat
#File: Lab.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Lab==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Labor
The YACY Lab==Das YaCy Labor
This is the place where we try new functions of the YaCy search engine.==Dies ist ein Platz, an dem wir neue Funktionen der YaCy Suchmaschine testen.
@ -895,8 +845,6 @@ Configuration</a>==Einstellungen</a>
#File: Messages_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
@ -913,15 +861,11 @@ reply==antworten
#File: MessageSend_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Send message==Nachricht versenden
#File: Network.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Network Overview==Netzwerk&uuml;bersicht
Network Menu==Netzwerkmen&uuml;
@ -1001,8 +945,6 @@ To do this, press this button:==Um dies zu tun, dr&uuml;cken Sie bitte diesen Kn
#File: News.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Network Menu==Netzwerkmen&uuml;
Incoming&nbsp;News==eingehende News
@ -1214,8 +1156,6 @@ The network picture below shows how the latest search query was solved by asking
#File: ProxyIndexingMonitor_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Monitor for Proxy Indexing==Index Profil f&uuml;r den Proxy Index
This is the control page for web pages that your peer has indexed during the current application run-time==Dies ist die Kontrollseite f&uuml;r Internetseiten, die Ihr Peer w&auml;hrend der aktuellen Sitzung
as result of proxy fetch/prefetch.==durch Besuchen einer Seite indexiert.
@ -1259,8 +1199,6 @@ Page.==Seite ansehen.
#File: QuickCrawlLink_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Quick Crawl Link==YaCy '#[clientname]#''#[clientname]#': Schnell-Crawl-Link
Quick Crawl Link==Schnell Crawl Link
Quickly adding Bookmarks:==Schnell Crawl Lesezeichen:
@ -1278,8 +1216,6 @@ Unable to add URL to crawler queue:==Es ist nicht m&ouml;glich die URL zur Crawl
#File: Settings_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Settings==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Einstellungen
This is the configuration page for YaCy. Access to this page should be limited to an administration person only.==Dies ist die Konfigurationsseite f&uuml;r YaCy. Zugriff auf diese Seite sollte nur der Administrator haben.
@ -1369,7 +1305,7 @@ Changes will take effect immediately.==&Auml;nderungen sind sofort wirksam.
#File: Settings_PortForwarding.inc
#check for logical mistakes, unsure about some translations
# check for logical mistakes, unsure about some translations
Port Forwarding==Port Weiterleitung
You can use a remote server running a ssh demon to forward your server/proxy port.==Sie k&ouml;nnen einen Remote Server mit einem ssh demon nutzen, um Ihrem Server/Proxy Port weiterzuleiten.
This is useful if you want to tunnel throug a NAT/router.==Dies ist n&uuml;tzlich, wenn Sie durch einen NAT/Router tunneln wollen.
@ -1480,7 +1416,6 @@ Changes will take effect immediately==Änderungen sind sofort aktiv
#File: SettingsAck_p.html
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Settings Acknowledge==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Einstellung Verarbeitung
Settings Receipt:==Einstellungen angenommen:
No information has been submitted==Es wurden keine Informationen &uuml;bertragen.
@ -1553,8 +1488,6 @@ You can reach your YaCy server under the new location==Dieser YaCy-Peer kann nun
#File: Settings_Admin.inc
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Administration Account Settings==Administrator Konto Einstellungen
This is the account that restricts access to this 'Settings' page. If you have not customized it yet, you should do so now:==Dies ist das Konto, das Zugriff auf diese sonst gesch&uuml;tzte "Einstellungen" Seite hat. Wenn Sie es noch nicht eingerichtet haben, sollten Sie es nun tun:
Account Name:==Konto Name:
@ -1565,8 +1498,6 @@ value="submit">==value="Speichern">
#File: Settings_SystemBehaviour.inc
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
System Behaviour Settings==System Einstellungen
Auto pop-up of status page on start-up:==Automatisches Pop-Up der Status-Seite beim Start von YaCy:
@ -1575,8 +1506,6 @@ Auto pop-up of status page on start-up:==Automatisches Pop-Up der Status-Seite b
#File: simple_search.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Search Page==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Suchseite
"Search for \#\[former\]\#"=="Suche f&uuml;r #[former]#"
P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internet Suche
@ -1608,8 +1537,6 @@ from 'late' peers to enrich this search result.==um mehr Treffer zu erzielen.
#File: Status.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
System-, Index- and Peer-Status==System-, Index- und Peer-Status
Welcome to YaCy!==Willkommen bei YaCy!
@ -1676,8 +1603,6 @@ to log in as administrator and see full status.==um sich als Administrator einzu
#File: Status_p.inc
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Private System Properties==Private Systemeigenschaften
System Resources==Systemressourcen
@ -1720,8 +1645,6 @@ Global Crawl Trigger==ausgehende Remote-Crawls
#File: Steering.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Steering Receipt:==Steuerung:
No information has been submitted==Es wurden keine Informationen &uuml;bermittelt
@ -1760,8 +1683,6 @@ user</a> page.==Benutzerseite</a> zur&uuml;ck.
#File: ViewFile.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': View URL Content==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Zeige URL Inhalte
View URL Content==Zeige URL Inhalte
@ -1787,8 +1708,6 @@ Original Resource Content==Original Quellen Inhalt
#File: ViewLog_p.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
reversed order==in umgekehrter Reihenfolge
@ -1796,8 +1715,6 @@ reversed order==in umgekehrter Reihenfolge
#File: ViewProfile.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Remote Peer Profile==Remote Peer Profil
Remote Peer Profile:==Remote Peer Profil:
Wrong access of this page==Falscher Zugriff auf diese Seite
@ -1819,7 +1736,6 @@ Comment==Kommentar
#File: Wiki.html
Changes will be published as announcement on YaCyNews==&Auml;nderungen werden &uuml;ber den YaCy News Service bekannt gegeben.
@ -1872,8 +1788,6 @@ Architecture \(C\) by Michael Peter Christen==Architektur (C) von Michael Peter
#File: WatchCrawler.html
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Next update in==Nächste Aktualisierung in
@ -1887,8 +1801,6 @@ Local Crawler==Lokaler Crawler
#File: env/templates/simpleheader.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Project Home==Projektseite
Help / Wiki==Hilfe / Wiki
Peer Owner Profile==Impressum dieses Peers
@ -1896,8 +1808,6 @@ Peer Owner Profile==Impressum dieses Peers
#File: env/templates/header.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
YaCy&nbsp;-&nbsp;Distributed&nbsp;Web&nbsp;Indexing&nbsp;-&nbsp;Administration==YaCy - Verteiltes Internet-Indexieren - Administration
Global&nbsp;Index==Globaler Index
Crawler Control==Crawler Steuerung
@ -1941,7 +1851,6 @@ Download YaCy==YaCy herunterladen
#File: env/templates/submenuConfig.template
Peer Configuration Menu==Peerkonfigurationsmen&uuml;
Basic Configuraton==Grundeinstellungen
@ -1952,8 +1861,6 @@ Interface Skins==Skin Auswahl
#File: env/templates/submenuCookie.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Cookie Menu==Cookie Men&uuml;
Incoming&nbsp;Cookies==Eingehende Cookies
Outgoing&nbsp;Cookies==Ausgehende Cookies
@ -1961,8 +1868,6 @@ Outgoing&nbsp;Cookies==Ausgehende Cookies
#File: env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Control Menu==Index Verwalten Men&uuml;
#Index Administration==Index Administration
#Index Import==Index Import
@ -1971,8 +1876,6 @@ Index Control Menu==Index Verwalten Men&uuml;
#File: env/templates/submenuIndexCreate.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Index Creation Menu==Index-erzeugen Men&uuml;
Control Queues==Kontrolle der Warteschlangen
WWW Crawl Queues==WWW Crawl Warteschlangen
@ -1990,8 +1893,6 @@ Media Crawl Queues==Medien Crawl Warteschlangen
#File: env/templates/submenuPerformance.template
#Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to <admin@yacy-forum.de>
Performance Menu==Performance Men&uuml;
Queues Performance Settings==Warteschlangen Performance Einstellungen
Memory Settings for Database Caches==Speicher Einstellungen des Datenbank Caches
@ -2000,7 +1901,6 @@ Timing Settings for Search Sequence==Zeit Einstellungen f&uuml;r die Such Sequen
#File: htdocsdefault/dir.html
YaCy: Public Files==YaCy: &Ouml;ffentliche Dateien
Public&nbsp;File&nbsp;Directory==&Ouml;ffentliches Datei Verzeichnis
value="\#\[peername\]\#'s Console"==value="#[peername]#s Konsole"
@ -2015,4 +1915,4 @@ Welcome to your own web page<br>in the <b>YaCy Network==Willkommen auf Ihrer eig
&lt;YaCy-application-home&gt;<b>\#\[wwwpath\]\#</b>==&lt;YaCy-Programmpfad&gt;<b>#[wwwpath]#</b> ABLEGEN.

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# it.lng
# English-->Italian
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
# first published on http://www.anomic.de
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is maintained by Roland Ramthun <admin@yacy-forum.de>
# This file is written by (chronological order) Riccardo Lemmi <riccardo@reflab.it>
# If you find any mistakes in this file please don't hesitate to email them to me.
# If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface do so, too.
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
#File: Language_p.html

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# sk.lng
# English-->Slovak
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
@ -6,13 +8,9 @@
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is maintained by Rostislav Svoboda <Rostislav.Svoboda@gmail.com>
# This file is written by (chronological order) Rostislav Svoboda <Rostislav.Svoboda@gmail.com>
# If you find any mistakes in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the author
# If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface do so, too.
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
#File: ConfigLanguage_p.html

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
### YACY Init File
### YaCy Init File
# These properties will be loaded upon installation.
# They are used only once for set-up.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# you must delete the httpProxy.conf file in DATA/SETTINGS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the http service configurations
# the HTTP service configurations
# port number where the server should bind to
# e.g. 8080
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ superseedLocation=http://www.yacy.net/superseed.txt
# bootstrapLoadTimeout
# this is the time-out for loading of the seedlist files during bootstraping
# the time may not too long, since loading of the seedlist is not parallelized
# the time should not be too long, since loading of the seedlist is not parallelized
# and a not successful loading of a seed file may prevent a peer from becoming
# a (at least) junior status. If the time-out is too short, there is the danger
# that the peer stays in virgin mode
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ bootstrapLoadTimeout = 6000
# since this applies only to the client-proxy connection,
# it can be rather short
# milliseconds
clientTimeout = 30000
clientTimeout = 10000
# maximal number of httpd sessions
# a client may open several connections at one, and the httpdMaxActiveSessions value sets
