@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// yacy Tray.java
// Tray.java
// (C) 2008 by David Wieditz; d.wieditz@gmx.de
// (C) 2008 -2012 by David Wieditz; d.wieditz@gmx.de
// (C) 2008 by Florian Richter; Florian_Richter@gmx.de
// (C) 2008 by Florian Richter; Florian_Richter@gmx.de
// first published 13.07.2008 on http://yacy.net
// first published 13.07.2008 on http://yacy.net
@ -30,15 +30,14 @@ package net.yacy.gui;
import java.awt.Image ;
import java.awt.Image ;
import java.awt.MenuItem ;
import java.awt.MenuItem ;
import java.awt.PopupMenu ;
import java.awt.PopupMenu ;
import java.awt.SystemTray ;
import java.awt.Toolkit ;
import java.awt.Toolkit ;
import java.awt.TrayIcon ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method ;
import net.yacy.gui.framework.Browser ;
import net.yacy.gui.framework.Browser ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.OS ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.OS ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
@ -46,38 +45,42 @@ import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
public final class Tray {
public final class Tray {
protected static Switchboard sb ;
private Switchboard sb ;
private TrayIcon ti ;
private String trayLabel ;
private static nativeTrayIcon ti ;
private static boolean isIntegrated ; // browser integration
private static boolean isShown = false ;
final private static boolean deutsch = System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "" ) . equals ( "de" ) ;
final private static boolean deutsch = System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "" ) . equals ( "de" ) ;
final private static boolean french = System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "" ) . equals ( "fr" ) ;
final private static boolean french = System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "" ) . equals ( "fr" ) ;
public static String trayLabel ;
// states
private boolean isShown = false ;
p ublic static boolean lockBrowserPopup = tru e;
p rivate boolean appIsReady = fals e;
private boolean menuEnabled = true ;
public static void init ( final Switchboard par_sb ) {
public Tray ( final Switchboard sb_ par) {
sb = par_sb ;
sb = sb_ par;
isIntegrat ed = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . BROWSERINTEGRATION, fals e) ;
menuEnabl ed = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_MENU_ENABLED, tru e) ;
trayLabel = sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ LABEL, "YaCy" ) ;
trayLabel = sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ ICON_ LABEL, "YaCy" ) ;
try {
try {
final boolean trayIcon = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ICON_ENABLED , false ) ;
final boolean trayIconEnabled = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ICON_ENABLED , false ) ;
if ( trayIcon & & ( OS . isWindows | | sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ICON_FORCED , false ) ) ) {
final boolean trayIconForced = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . TRAY_ICON_FORCED , false ) ;
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "false" ) ;
if ( trayIconEnabled & & ( OS . isWindows | | trayIconForced ) ) {
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "false" ) ; // we have to switch off headless mode, else all will fail
if ( nativeTrayIcon . isSupported ( ) ) {
if ( SystemTray . isSupported ( ) ) {
final String icon p ath = sb . getAppPath ( ) . toString ( ) + "/addon/YaCy_TrayIcon.png" . replace ( "/" , File . separator ) ;
final String icon P ath = sb . getAppPath ( ) . toString ( ) + "/addon/YaCy_TrayIcon.png" . replace ( "/" , File . separator ) ;
ActionListener al = new ActionListener ( ) {
ActionListener al = new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
tray ClickAction( ) ;
double ClickAction( ) ;
} ;
} ;
ti = new nativeTrayIcon ( iconpath , al , setupPopupMenu ( ) ) ;
final Image i = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ( ) . getImage ( iconPath ) ;
final PopupMenu menu = ( menuEnabled ) ? getPopupMenu ( ) : null ;
ti . addToSystemTray ( ) ;
ti = new TrayIcon ( i , trayLabel , menu ) ;
ti . setImageAutoSize ( true ) ;
ti . addActionListener ( al ) ;
SystemTray . getSystemTray ( ) . add ( ti ) ;
isShown = true ;
isShown = true ;
} else {
} else {
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "true" ) ;
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "true" ) ;
@ -88,14 +91,53 @@ public final class Tray {
public static PopupMenu setupPopupMenu ( ) {
/ * *
* set all functions available
* /
public void setReady ( ) {
appIsReady = true ;
public void remove ( ) {
if ( isShown ) {
SystemTray . getSystemTray ( ) . remove ( ti ) ;
ti = null ;
isShown = false ;
private void doubleClickAction ( ) {
if ( ! appIsReady ) {
String label ;
String label ;
// this is the popup menu
if ( deutsch )
label = "Bitte warten bis YaCy gestartet ist." ;
else if ( french )
label = "S'il vous plaît attendre jusqu'à YaCy est démarré." ;
label = "Please wait until YaCy is started." ;
ti . displayMessage ( "YaCy" , label , TrayIcon . MessageType . INFO ) ;
} else {
openBrowserPage ( "" ) ;
/ * *
* @param browserPopUpPage relative path to the webserver root
* /
private void openBrowserPage ( final String browserPopUpPage ) {
if ( ! menuEnabled ) return ;
// no need for https, because we are on localhost
Browser . openBrowser ( "http://localhost:" + sb . getConfig ( "port" , "8090" ) + "/" + browserPopUpPage ) ;
private PopupMenu getPopupMenu ( ) {
String label ;
PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu ( ) ;
PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem menuItem ;
MenuItem menuItem ;
if ( isIntegrated ) return menu ;
// YaCy Search
// YaCy Search
if ( deutsch )
if ( deutsch )
label = "YaCy Suche" ;
label = "YaCy Suche" ;
@ -106,13 +148,13 @@ public final class Tray {
menuItem = new MenuItem ( label ) ;
menuItem = new MenuItem ( label ) ;
menuItem . addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
menuItem . addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
openBrowser ( "" ) ;
openBrowser Page ( "" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
menu . add ( menuItem ) ;
menu . add ( menuItem ) ;
/ *
* no prominent compare since google can not be displayed in a frame anymore
/ * no prominent compare since google can not be displayed in a frame anymore
// Compare YaCy
// Compare YaCy
if ( deutsch )
if ( deutsch )
label = "Vergleichs-Suche" ;
label = "Vergleichs-Suche" ;
@ -139,7 +181,7 @@ public final class Tray {
menuItem = new MenuItem ( label ) ;
menuItem = new MenuItem ( label ) ;
menuItem . addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
menuItem . addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e ) {
openBrowser ( "Status.html" ) ;
openBrowser Page ( "Status.html" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
menu . add ( menuItem ) ;
menu . add ( menuItem ) ;
@ -164,153 +206,4 @@ public final class Tray {
return menu ;
return menu ;
protected static void trayClickAction ( ) { //doubleclick
if ( lockBrowserPopup ) {
String label ;
if ( deutsch )
label = "Bitte warten bis YaCy gestartet ist." ;
else if ( french )
label = "S'il vous plaît attendre jusqu'à YaCy est démarré." ;
label = "Please wait until YaCy is started." ;
ti . displayBalloonMessage ( "YaCy" , label ) ;
} else {
openBrowser ( "" ) ;
protected static void openBrowser ( final String browserPopUpPage ) {
if ( isIntegrated ) return ;
// no need for https, because we are on localhost
Browser . openBrowser ( "http://localhost:" + sb . getConfig ( "port" , "8090" ) + "/" + browserPopUpPage ) ;
public static void removeTray ( ) {
if ( isShown ) {
ti . removeFromSystemTray ( ) ;
isShown = false ;
class nativeTrayIcon {
private Object SystemTray ;
private Object TrayIcon ;
private Class < ? > SystemTrayClass ;
private Class < ? > TrayIconClass ;
public static boolean isSupported ( ) {
try {
Class < ? > l_SystemTrayClass = Class . forName ( "java.awt.SystemTray" ) ;
//Object SystemTray = SystemTrayClass.newInsta
Method isSupportedMethod = l_SystemTrayClass . getMethod ( "isSupported" , ( Class [ ] ) null ) ;
Boolean isSupported = ( Boolean ) isSupportedMethod . invoke ( null , ( Object [ ] ) null ) ;
return isSupported ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
return false ;
public nativeTrayIcon ( String IconPath , ActionListener al , PopupMenu menu ) {
if ( ! isSupported ( ) ) return ;
final Image i = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ( ) . getImage ( IconPath ) ;
try {
this . TrayIconClass = Class . forName ( "java.awt.TrayIcon" ) ;
this . SystemTrayClass = Class . forName ( "java.awt.SystemTray" ) ;
// with reflections: this.TrayIcon = new TrayIcon(i, "YaCy");
Class < ? > partypes1 [ ] = new Class [ 3 ] ;
partypes1 [ 0 ] = Image . class ;
partypes1 [ 1 ] = String . class ;
partypes1 [ 2 ] = PopupMenu . class ;
Constructor < ? > TrayIconConstructor = TrayIconClass . getConstructor ( partypes1 ) ;
Object arglist1 [ ] = new Object [ 3 ] ;
arglist1 [ 0 ] = i ;
arglist1 [ 1 ] = Tray . trayLabel ;
arglist1 [ 2 ] = menu ;
this . TrayIcon = TrayIconConstructor . newInstance ( arglist1 ) ;
// with reflections: this.TrayIcon.setImageAutoSize(true)
Class < ? > partypes2 [ ] = new Class [ 1 ] ;
partypes2 [ 0 ] = Boolean . TYPE ;
Method setImageAutoSizeMethod = TrayIconClass . getMethod ( "setImageAutoSize" , partypes2 ) ;
Object arglist2 [ ] = new Object [ 1 ] ;
arglist2 [ 0 ] = Boolean . TRUE ;
setImageAutoSizeMethod . invoke ( this . TrayIcon , arglist2 ) ;
// with reflections: this.TrayIcon.addActionListener(al)
Class < ? > partypes3 [ ] = new Class [ 1 ] ;
partypes3 [ 0 ] = ActionListener . class ;
Method addActionListenerMethod = TrayIconClass . getMethod ( "addActionListener" , partypes3 ) ;
Object arglist3 [ ] = new Object [ 1 ] ;
arglist3 [ 0 ] = al ;
addActionListenerMethod . invoke ( this . TrayIcon , arglist3 ) ;
// with reflections: nativSystemTray = SystemTray.getDefaultSystemTray()
Method getDefaultSystemTrayMethod = SystemTrayClass . getMethod ( "getSystemTray" , ( Class [ ] ) null ) ;
this . SystemTray = getDefaultSystemTrayMethod . invoke ( null , ( Object [ ] ) null ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
this . TrayIcon = null ;
public void addToSystemTray ( ) {
try {
// with reflections: this.SystemTray.add(this.TrayIcon)
Class < ? > partypes1 [ ] = new Class [ 1 ] ;
partypes1 [ 0 ] = TrayIconClass ;
Method addMethod = SystemTrayClass . getMethod ( "add" , partypes1 ) ;
Object arglist1 [ ] = new Object [ 1 ] ;
arglist1 [ 0 ] = this . TrayIcon ;
addMethod . invoke ( this . SystemTray , arglist1 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
public void removeFromSystemTray ( ) {
try {
// with reflections: this.SystemTray.remove(this.TrayIcon)
Class < ? > partypes1 [ ] = new Class [ 1 ] ;
partypes1 [ 0 ] = TrayIconClass ;
Method removeMethod = SystemTrayClass . getMethod ( "remove" , partypes1 ) ;
Object arglist1 [ ] = new Object [ 1 ] ;
arglist1 [ 0 ] = this . TrayIcon ;
removeMethod . invoke ( this . SystemTray , arglist1 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
public void displayBalloonMessage ( final String title , final String message ) {
try {
// with reflections: this.TrayIcon.displayBalloonMessage(title, message, TrayIcon.MessageType.NONE)
Class < ? > partypes1 [ ] = new Class [ 3 ] ;
partypes1 [ 0 ] = String . class ;
partypes1 [ 1 ] = String . class ;
partypes1 [ 2 ] = Class . forName ( "java.awt.TrayIcon.MessageType" ) ;
Method displayBalloonMessageMethod = TrayIconClass . getMethod ( "displayBalloonMessage" , partypes1 ) ;
Object arglist1 [ ] = new Object [ 1 ] ;
arglist1 [ 0 ] = title ;
arglist1 [ 1 ] = message ;
arglist1 [ 2 ] = null ;
displayBalloonMessageMethod . invoke ( this . TrayIcon , arglist1 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;