@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public plasmaCrawlProfile . entry defaultProxyProfile ;
public plasmaCrawlProfile . entry defaultRemoteProfile ;
public plasmaWordIndexDistribution indexDistribution ;
public boolean rankingOn ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOwnDistribution ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOtherDistribution ;
public HashMap outgoingCookies , incomingCookies ;
@ -454,6 +455,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
// init ranking transmission
/ *
CRDistOn = true / false
CRDist0Path = GLOBAL / 010_ owncr
CRDist0Method = 1
CRDist0Percent = 0
@ -463,6 +465,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
CRDist1Percent = 30
CRDist1Target = kaskelix . de : 8080 , yacy . dyndns . org : 8000 , suma - lab . de : 8080
* * /
rankingOn = getConfig ( "CRDistOn" , "true" ) . equals ( "true" ) ;
rankingOwnDistribution = new plasmaRankingDistribution ( log , new File ( rankingPath , getConfig ( "CRDist0Path" , plasmaRankingDistribution . CR_OWN ) ) , ( int ) getConfigLong ( "CRDist0Method" , plasmaRankingDistribution . METHOD_ANYSENIOR ) , ( int ) getConfigLong ( "CRDist0Percent" , 0 ) , getConfig ( "CRDist0Target" , "" ) ) ;
rankingOtherDistribution = new plasmaRankingDistribution ( log , new File ( rankingPath , getConfig ( "CRDist1Path" , plasmaRankingDistribution . CR_OTHER ) ) , ( int ) getConfigLong ( "CRDist1Method" , plasmaRankingDistribution . METHOD_MIXEDSENIOR ) , ( int ) getConfigLong ( "CRDist1Percent" , 30 ) , getConfig ( "CRDist1Target" , "kaskelix.de:8080,yacy.dyndns.org:8000,suma-lab.de:8080" ) ) ;
@ -522,6 +525,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
new serverInstantThread ( this , "cleanupJob" , "cleanupJobSize" ) , 10000 ) ; // all 5 Minutes
deployThread ( "82_crawlstack" , "Crawl URL Stacker" , "process that checks url for double-occurrences and for allowance/disallowance by robots.txt" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( sbStackCrawlThread , "job" , "size" ) , 8000 ) ;
deployThread ( "80_indexing" , "Parsing/Indexing" , "thread that performes document parsing and indexing" , "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html" ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "deQueue" , "queueSize" ) , 10000 ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < indexing_cluster ; i + + ) {
@ -533,6 +537,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_busysleep" , "0" ) ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_memprereq" , "1000000" ) ) ) ;
deployThread ( "70_cachemanager" , "Proxy Cache Enqueue" , "job takes new proxy files from RAM stack, stores them, and hands over to the Indexing Stack" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "htEntryStoreJob" , "htEntrySize" ) , 10000 ) ;
deployThread ( "62_remotetriggeredcrawl" , "Remote Crawl Job" , "thread that performes a single crawl/indexing step triggered by a remote peer" , null ,
@ -620,6 +625,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
( profiles . getEntry ( getConfig ( STR_REMOTEPROFILE , "" ) ) = = null ) ) {
// generate new default entry for remote crawling
defaultRemoteProfile = profiles . newEntry ( "remote" , "" , ".*" , ".*" , 0 , 0 , true , false , true , true , false , true , true , false ) ;
// defaultRemoteProfile = profiles.newEntry("remote", "", ".*", ".*", 0, 0, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false);
setConfig ( STR_REMOTEPROFILE , defaultRemoteProfile . handle ( ) ) ;
} else {
defaultRemoteProfile = profiles . getEntry ( getConfig ( STR_REMOTEPROFILE , "" ) ) ;