Added nice graphic for the 1-2-3-interface.
Used one graphic less (check.png-->ok.png). Saves disk/download-space.
Updated italian translation.
Deleted my old version of the changelog as we have a new one.
Many corrections to the spelling.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
<li>#(statusName)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/excl.png">Your peer name has not been customized; please set your own peer name::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/check.png">You have a nice peer name#(/statusName)#<br>
<li>#(statusName)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png">Your peer name has not been customized; please set your own peer name::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/ok.png" height="32px"width="32px">You have a nice peer name#(/statusName)#<br>
<li>#(statusPassword)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/excl.png">Please set a password for your peer to protect your settings::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/check.png">Password is set#(/statusPassword)#<br>
<li>#(statusPassword)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png">Please set a password for your peer to protect your settings::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/ok.png" height="32px"width="32px">Password is set#(/statusPassword)#<br>
<li>#(statusPort)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/excl.png">Your peer cannot be reached from outside; please open your firewall for this port and/or set a virtual server option in your router to allow connections on this port::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/check.png">Your peer can be reached by other peers#(/statusPort)#<br>
<li>#(statusPort)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png">Your peer cannot be reached from outside; please open your firewall for this port and/or set a virtual server option in your router to allow connections on this port::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/check.png">Your peer can be reached by other peers#(/statusPort)#<br>
@ -173,52 +173,51 @@ Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search
Result Order Options==Opzioni di ordinamento del risultato
Result Order Options==Opzioni di ordinamento del risultato
The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==Il motore di ricerca fornisce un sistema di 'ranking' della qualità sperimentale. In contrasto con gli altri motori conosciuti noi forniamo anche
The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==Il motore di ricerca fornisce un sistema di 'ranking' della qualità sperimentale. In contrasto con gli altri motori conosciuti noi forniamo anche
a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==l'ordine dei risultati per data. Se cambi l'ordine a 'Date-Quality' saranno mostrate per prime le pagine aggiornate più recentemente.
a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==l'ordine dei risultati per data. Se cambi l'ordine a 'Date-Quality' saranno mostrate per prime le pagine aggiornate più recentemente.
For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Le pagine che hanno la stessa data sono ordinate per 'Qualità'.
This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==Questo motore di ricerca è costruito per ricercare le pagine che passano attraverso il proxy. Ma l'indice di ricerca viene distribuito agli altri 'pari',
so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==in questo modo puoi comunque ricercare globalmente: questa funzione è ancora rudimentale, ma può essere scelta per i casi di test. I rilasci futuri distribuiranno
automatically distribute index information <i>before</i> a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==automaticamente le informazioni dell'indice <i>prima</i> che la ricerca avvenga per costituire una hash table distribuita e performante -- un ricerca globale veramente veloce.
Maximum Search Time==Massimo Tempo di Ricerca
Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Le ricerche sull'indice locale sono estremamente veloci, dell'ordine dei millisecondi, perfino per un grande numero di /(milioni/) di pagine. Ma la ricerca
global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==sull'indice globale richiede più tempo poichè deve trovare il 'pari' giusto che contenga i migliori risultati per la ricerca. Questo è vero specialmente nel caso
distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==che l'indice distribuito sia in test mode. I risultati delle ricerche saranno più stabili /(ripetute ricerche globali produrrano risultati più simili/) più lungo
the search time is.==sarà il tempo di ricerca.
You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Tu puoi voler usare le accesskeys per navigare attraverso l'interfaccia web di YaCy:
Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows e Internet Explorer: Alt + Accesskey + Enter
Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows e Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Accesskey
Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows e Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey
Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter=Macintosh e Internet Explorer: Str + Accesskey + Enter
Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Safari: Strg + Accesskey
Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg + Accesskey
Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey
Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake e Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Accesskey
All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Tutti gli OS e Amaya: Strg + Accesskey
Search Page==Pagina di ricerca
YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy in alcune funzioni usa le expressioni regolari, per esempio nelle blaklist.
There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Esistono diversi standard per le regexps, YaCy usa la sintassi del Perl 5.
Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Qui c'è una breve descrizione di queste funzioni, sufficiente per la maggior parte dei casi:<
arbitrary character==caratteri arbitrari
character x==carattere x
not x==non x
0 or more times x==0 o più volte x
0 or 1 time x==0 o 1 volta x
1 or more times x==1 o più volte x
concatenation of x and y==Concatenazione di x e y
x or y==x o y
String "foo" or string "bar"==Stringa "foo" o Stringa "bar"
a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a o b o c \(uguale ad a\|b\|c\)
a or b or c \(same as above\)==a o b o c \(come sopra\)
exactly n appearances of x==esattamente n ricorrenze di x
at least n appearances of x==almeno n ricorrenze di x
at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==almeno n, massimo m ricorrenze di x
Modify priority of instructions==Modifica la priorità delle istruzioni
For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Für Seiten die das gleiche Datum haben, wird dann nach der 'Qualität' geordnet.
Resource Domain==Quelle der Suche
This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==Diese Suchmaschine ist so aufgebaut, dass sie die Seiten durchsucht, die mit dem Proxy besucht wurden. Aber der Suchindex ist auch auf andere Peers verteilt,
so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==so dass Sie auch global suchen können: diese Funktion ist veraltet, aber Sie können sie zum testen benutzen. Neue Versionen werden
automatically distribute index information <i>before</i> a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==automatisch einen verteilten Index erstellen <i>bevor</i> es geschieht, dass eine Suche, eine verteilte Hash-Tabelle erstellt -- eine sehr schnelle globale Suche.
Maximum Search Time==Maximale Zeit zum Suchen
Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Den lokalen Index zu durchsuchen, geht extrem schnell. Es geschieht innerhalb von Millisekunden auch bei einer großen Anzahl (ein paar Millionen) von Seiten.
global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==Im Gegensatz dazu braucht es mehr Zeit den globalen Index zu durchsuchen, da erst der richtige Peer, der die besten Ergbnisse liefern kann, gefunden werden muss. Dies ist vermutlich auch der Grund warum
distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==diese Art von Suchmaschine noch in der Testphase ist. Die Suchergebnisse werden immer besser (eine wiederholte globale Suche bringt mehr gleiche Ergebnisse), je länger
the search time is.==die Zeit zum Suchen ist.
You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Sie können durch das YaCy Web Interface auch mit Hilfe von Tastenkombinationen navigieren. Drücken Sie dazu eine der folgenden Kombinationen ('Taste' steht für einen der drei unten genannten Buchstaben):
Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows und Internet Explorer: Alt + Taste + Enter
Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows und Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Taste
Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows und Opera: Shift + Esc + Taste
Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter=Macintosh und Internet Explorer: Str + Taste + Enter
Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh und Safari: Strg + Taste
Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh und Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg + Taste
Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh und Opera: Shift + Esc + Taste
Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake und Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Taste
All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Alle OS Versionen und Amaya: Strg + Taste
Search Page==Suchseite
YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy benutzt reguläre Ausdrücke für einige Funktionen, z.B. die Blacklist.
There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Es gibt einige Standards für diese Ausdrücke, YaCy orientiert sich an der Syntax von Perl 5.
Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Hier finden Sie einen kurzen Überblick über die Funktionen, der die meisten Anwenungsfälle abdecken sollte:<
arbitrary character==beliebiges Zeichen
character x==Zeichen x
not x==nicht x
0 or more times x==0 oder mehr Vorkommen von x
0 or 1 time x==0 oder 1 Vorkommen von x
1 or more times x==1 oder mehr Vorkommen von x
concatenation of x and y==Verkettung von x und y
x or y==x oder y
String "foo" or string "bar"==String "foo" oder String "bar"
a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a oder b oder c (dasselbe wie a|b|c)
a or b or c \(same as above\)==a oder b oder c (dasselbe wie oben)
exactly n appearances of x==genau n Vorkommen von x
at least n appearances of x==mindestens n Vorkommen von x
at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==mindestens n, maximal m Vorkommen von m
Modify priority of instructions==Priorität der Befehle ändern
Escape-Character, used to escape special characters \(for example "\[" or "\*"\), so that they loose their special meaning==Escape-Zeichen, das benutzt wird, um Zeichen mit Sonderbedeutung (z.B. "[" oder "*"), zu "escapen", d.h. ihre Sonderbedeutung verlieren.
Escape-Character, used to escape special characters \(for example "\[" or "\*"\), so that they loose their special meaning==Escape-Zeichen, das benutzt wird, um Zeichen mit Sonderbedeutung (z.B. "[" oder "*"), zu "escapen", d.h. ihre Sonderbedeutung verlieren.
Regex follow a special priority \(descending\)\: concatenation, unary operators \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\), binary operators \(\|\). This can be overridden with brackets.==Regex folgen Prioritäten (absteigend): Verkettung, unäre Operatore (*,+,^,{}), binäre Operatoren (|). Die Reihenfolge kann durch setzen von Klammern geändert werden.
Regex follow a special priority \(descending\)\: concatenation, unary operators \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\), binary operators \(\|\). This can be overridden with brackets.==Regex folgen Prioritäten (absteigend): Verkettung, unäre Operatore (*,+,^,{}), binäre Operatoren (|). Die Reihenfolge kann durch setzen von Klammern geändert werden.