- added concurrency for robots.txt loading

- changed data model for domain counter
Michael Peter Christen 13 years ago
parent a94c537afc
commit c25d7bcb80

@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ public class CrawlProfileEditor_p {
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.INDEX_MEDIA, "Index Media", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.STORE_HTCACHE, "Store in HTCache", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.REMOTE_INDEXING, "Remote Indexing", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.XSSTOPW, "Static stop-words", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.XDSTOPW, "Dynamic stop-words", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
labels.add(new eentry(CrawlProfile.XPSTOPW, "Parent stop-words", false, eentry.BOOLEAN));
public static serverObjects respond(

@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class Balancer {
* @throws IOException
* @throws SpaceExceededException
public String push(final Request entry) throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
public String push(final Request entry, final RobotsTxt robots) throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
assert entry != null;
final byte[] hash = entry.url().hash();
synchronized (this) {
@ -275,8 +275,9 @@ public class Balancer {
// add the hash to a queue
pushHashToDomainStacks(entry.url().getHost(), entry.url().hash());
return null;
robots.ensureExist(entry.url(), Balancer.this.myAgentIDs, true); // concurrently load all robots.txt
return null;
@ -319,8 +320,7 @@ public class Balancer {
* @param crawlURL
* @return
private long getRobotsTime(final RobotsTxt robots, final CrawlProfile profileEntry, final DigestURI crawlURL) {
if (profileEntry == null) return 0;
private long getRobotsTime(final RobotsTxt robots, final DigestURI crawlURL) {
long sleeptime = Latency.waitingRobots(crawlURL, robots, this.myAgentIDs); // this uses the robots.txt database and may cause a loading of robots.txt from the server
return sleeptime < 0 ? 0 : sleeptime;
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ public class Balancer {
if (crawlEntry == null) return null;
long robotsTime = getRobotsTime(robots, profileEntry, crawlEntry.url());
long robotsTime = getRobotsTime(robots, crawlEntry.url());
Latency.updateAfterSelection(crawlEntry.url(), profileEntry == null ? 0 : robotsTime);
if (delay && sleeptime > 0) {
// force a busy waiting here

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Classification.ContentDomain;
@ -50,13 +51,13 @@ import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlQueues;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.NoticedURL;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ResultURLs;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ZURL;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlProfile.DomProfile;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ResultURLs.EventOrigin;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ZURL.FailCategory;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.FTPLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.HTTPLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.SMBLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.robots.RobotsTxt;
import net.yacy.interaction.contentcontrol.ContentControlFilterUpdateThread;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode;
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ public final class CrawlStacker {
private final Log log = new Log("STACKCRAWL");
private final RobotsTxt robots;
private final WorkflowProcessor<Request> fastQueue, slowQueue;
private final CrawlQueues nextQueue;
private final CrawlSwitchboard crawler;
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ public final class CrawlStacker {
// this is the process that checks url for double-occurrences and for allowance/disallowance by robots.txt
public CrawlStacker(
final RobotsTxt robots,
final CrawlQueues cq,
final CrawlSwitchboard cs,
final Segment indexSegment,
@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ public final class CrawlStacker {
final boolean acceptLocalURLs,
final boolean acceptGlobalURLs,
final FilterEngine domainList) {
this.robots = robots;
this.nextQueue = cq;
this.crawler = cs;
this.indexSegment = indexSegment;
@ -366,32 +369,30 @@ public final class CrawlStacker {
entry.url().getContentDomain() == ContentDomain.AUDIO ||
entry.url().getContentDomain() == ContentDomain.VIDEO ||
entry.url().getContentDomain() == ContentDomain.CTRL) {
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.NOLOAD, entry);
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.NOLOAD, entry, this.robots);
//if (warning != null) this.log.logWarning("CrawlStacker.stackCrawl of URL " + entry.url().toNormalform(true, false) + " - not pushed: " + warning);
return null;
final DigestURI referrerURL = (entry.referrerhash() == null || entry.referrerhash().length == 0) ? null : this.nextQueue.getURL(entry.referrerhash());
// add domain to profile domain list
if (profile.domMaxPages() != Integer.MAX_VALUE && profile.domMaxPages() > 0) {
profile.domInc(entry.url().getHost(), (referrerURL == null) ? null : referrerURL.getHost().toLowerCase(), entry.depth());
if (global) {
// it may be possible that global == true and local == true, so do not check an error case against it
if (proxy) this.log.logWarning("URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' has conflicting initiator properties: global = true, proxy = true, initiator = proxy" + ", profile.handle = " + profile.handle());
if (remote) this.log.logWarning("URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' has conflicting initiator properties: global = true, remote = true, initiator = " + ASCII.String(entry.initiator()) + ", profile.handle = " + profile.handle());
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.GLOBAL, entry);
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.GLOBAL, entry, this.robots);
} else if (local) {
if (proxy) this.log.logWarning("URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' has conflicting initiator properties: local = true, proxy = true, initiator = proxy" + ", profile.handle = " + profile.handle());
if (remote) this.log.logWarning("URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' has conflicting initiator properties: local = true, remote = true, initiator = " + ASCII.String(entry.initiator()) + ", profile.handle = " + profile.handle());
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.LOCAL, entry);
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.LOCAL, entry, this.robots);
} else if (proxy) {
if (remote) this.log.logWarning("URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' has conflicting initiator properties: proxy = true, remote = true, initiator = " + ASCII.String(entry.initiator()) + ", profile.handle = " + profile.handle());
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.LOCAL, entry);
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.LOCAL, entry, this.robots);
} else if (remote) {
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.REMOTE, entry);
warning = this.nextQueue.noticeURL.push(NoticedURL.StackType.REMOTE, entry, this.robots);
if (warning != null) this.log.logWarning("CrawlStacker.stackCrawl of URL " + entry.url().toNormalform(true) + " - not pushed: " + warning);
@ -479,13 +480,13 @@ public final class CrawlStacker {
// deny urls that exceed allowed number of occurrences
final int maxAllowedPagesPerDomain = profile.domMaxPages();
if (maxAllowedPagesPerDomain < Integer.MAX_VALUE && maxAllowedPagesPerDomain > 0) {
final DomProfile dp = profile.getDom(url.getHost());
if (dp != null && dp.count >= maxAllowedPagesPerDomain) {
final AtomicInteger dp = profile.getCount(url.getHost());
if (dp != null && dp.get() >= maxAllowedPagesPerDomain) {
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("URL '" + urlstring + "' appeared too often in crawl stack, a maximum of " + profile.domMaxPages() + " is allowed.");
return "crawl stack domain counter exceeded";
if (ResultURLs.domainCount(EventOrigin.LOCAL_CRAWLING, url.getHost()) >= profile.domMaxPages()) {
if (ResultURLs.domainCount(EventOrigin.LOCAL_CRAWLING, url.getHost()) >= maxAllowedPagesPerDomain) {
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("URL '" + urlstring + "' appeared too often in result stack, a maximum of " + profile.domMaxPages() + " is allowed.");
return "result stack domain counter exceeded";

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
@ -53,55 +54,34 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public static final Pattern MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(MATCH_NEVER_STRING);
// this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start
public static final String HANDLE = "handle";
public static final String NAME = "name";
public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth";
public static final String DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL= "directDocByURL";
public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder";
public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages";
public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ";
public static final String PUSH_SOLR = "pushSolr";
public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText";
public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia";
public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache";
public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing";
public static final String XSSTOPW = "xsstopw";
public static final String XDSTOPW = "xdstopw";
public static final String XPSTOPW = "xpstopw";
public static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy";
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustNotMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustNotMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerCountryMustMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH = "crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch";
public static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH = "indexURLMustMatch";
public static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "indexURLMustNotMatch";
public static final String COLLECTIONS = "collections";
private static final String HANDLE = "handle";
public static final String NAME = "name";
public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth";
private static final String DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL= "directDocByURL";
public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder";
public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages";
public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ";
public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText";
public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia";
public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache";
public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing";
private static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy";
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustMatch";
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustNotMatch";
private static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustMatch";
private static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustNotMatch";
private static final String CRAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerCountryMustMatch";
private static final String CRAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH = "crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch";
private static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH = "indexURLMustMatch";
private static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "indexURLMustNotMatch";
private static final String COLLECTIONS = "collections";
private Pattern crawlerurlmustmatch = null, crawlerurlmustnotmatch = null;
private Pattern crawleripmustmatch = null, crawleripmustnotmatch = null;
private Pattern crawlernodepthlimitmatch = null;
private Pattern indexurlmustmatch = null, indexurlmustnotmatch = null;
public final static class DomProfile {
public String referrer;
public int depth, count;
public DomProfile(final String ref, final int d) {
this.referrer = ref;
this.depth = d;
this.count = 1;
public void inc() {
private final Map<String, DomProfile> doms;
private final Map<String, AtomicInteger> doms;
* Constructor which creates CrawlPofile from parameters.
@ -156,7 +136,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
throw new NullPointerException("name must not be null or empty");
if (name.length() > 256) name = name.substring(256);
this.doms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DomProfile>();
this.doms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
final String handle = Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encode(Digest.encodeMD5Raw(name)).substring(0, Word.commonHashLength);
put(HANDLE, handle);
put(NAME, name);
@ -177,9 +157,6 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
put(INDEX_MEDIA, indexMedia);
put(STORE_HTCACHE, storeHTCache);
put(REMOTE_INDEXING, remoteIndexing);
put(XSSTOPW, xsstopw); // exclude static stop-words
put(XDSTOPW, xdstopw); // exclude dynamic stop-word
put(XPSTOPW, xpstopw); // exclude parent stop-words
put(CACHE_STRAGEGY, cacheStrategy.toString());
put(COLLECTIONS, collections.trim().replaceAll(" ", ""));
@ -191,25 +168,25 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public CrawlProfile(final Map<String, String> ext) {
super(ext == null ? 1 : ext.size());
if (ext != null) putAll(ext);
this.doms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DomProfile>();
this.doms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
public void domInc(final String domain, final String referrer, final int depth) {
final DomProfile dp = this.doms.get(domain);
public void domInc(final String domain) {
final AtomicInteger dp = this.doms.get(domain);
if (dp == null) {
// new domain
this.doms.put(domain, new DomProfile(referrer, depth));
this.doms.put(domain, new AtomicInteger(1));
} else {
// increase counter
public String domName(final boolean attr, final int index){
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, DomProfile>> domnamesi = this.doms.entrySet().iterator();
private String domName(final boolean attr, final int index){
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, AtomicInteger>> domnamesi = this.doms.entrySet().iterator();
String domname="";
Map.Entry<String, DomProfile> ey;
DomProfile dp;
Map.Entry<String, AtomicInteger> ey;
AtomicInteger dp;
int i = 0;
while ((domnamesi.hasNext()) && (i < index)) {
ey = domnamesi.next();
@ -218,16 +195,12 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
if (domnamesi.hasNext()) {
ey = domnamesi.next();
dp = ey.getValue();
domname = ey.getKey() + ((attr) ? ("/r=" + dp.referrer + ", d=" + dp.depth + ", c=" + dp.count) : " ");
domname = ey.getKey() + ((attr) ? ("/c=" + dp.get()) : " ");
return domname;
public void clearDoms() {
public DomProfile getDom(final String domain) {
public AtomicInteger getCount(final String domain) {
return this.doms.get(domain);
@ -245,7 +218,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @param key name of the parameter
* @param value values if the parameter
public final void put(final String key, final int value) {
private final void put(final String key, final int value) {
super.put(key, Integer.toString(value));
@ -254,7 +227,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @param key name of the parameter
* @param value values if the parameter
public final void put(final String key, final long value) {
private final void put(final String key, final long value) {
super.put(key, Long.toString(value));
@ -476,12 +449,6 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public boolean pushSolr() {
final String r = get(PUSH_SOLR);
if (r == null) return true;
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public boolean indexText() {
final String r = get(INDEX_TEXT);
if (r == null) return true;
@ -505,24 +472,6 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public boolean excludeStaticStopwords() {
final String r = get(XSSTOPW);
if (r == null) return false;
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public boolean excludeDynamicStopwords() {
final String r = get(XDSTOPW);
if (r == null) return false;
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public boolean excludeParentStopwords() {
final String r = get(XPSTOPW);
if (r == null) return false;
return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
public static long getRecrawlDate(final long oldTimeMinutes) {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - (60000L * oldTimeMinutes);
@ -535,7 +484,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
return new StringBuilder(host.length() + 20).append(protocol).append("://(www.)?").append(Pattern.quote(host)).append(".*").toString();
public static String mustMatchSubpath(final MultiProtocolURI uri) {
private static String mustMatchSubpath(final MultiProtocolURI uri) {
String u = uri.toNormalform(true);
if (!u.endsWith("/")) {int p = u.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p > 0) u = u.substring(0, p + 1);}
return new StringBuilder(u.length() + 5).append(Pattern.quote(u)).append(".*").toString();

@ -173,19 +173,14 @@ public class NoticedURL {
* @param entry
* @return null if this was successful or a String explaining what went wrong in case of an error
public String push(final StackType stackType, final Request entry) {
public String push(final StackType stackType, final Request entry, final RobotsTxt robots) {
try {
switch (stackType) {
case LOCAL:
return this.coreStack.push(entry);
case GLOBAL:
return this.limitStack.push(entry);
case REMOTE:
return this.remoteStack.push(entry);
case NOLOAD:
return this.noloadStack.push(entry);
return "stack type unknown";
case LOCAL: return this.coreStack.push(entry, robots);
case GLOBAL: return this.limitStack.push(entry, robots);
case REMOTE: return this.remoteStack.push(entry, robots);
case NOLOAD: return this.noloadStack.push(entry, robots);
default: return "stack type unknown";
} catch (final Exception er) {
@ -277,7 +272,7 @@ public class NoticedURL {
try {
final Request entry = pop(fromStack, false, cs, robots);
if (entry != null) {
final String warning = push(toStack, entry);
final String warning = push(toStack, entry, robots);
if (warning != null) {
Log.logWarning("NoticedURL", "shift from " + fromStack + " to " + toStack + ": " + warning);

@ -234,6 +234,109 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
return robotsTxt4Host;
public void ensureExist(final MultiProtocolURI theURL, final Set<String> thisAgents, boolean concurrent) {
final String urlHostPort = getHostPort(theURL);
final BEncodedHeap robotsTable;
try {
robotsTable = this.tables.getHeap(WorkTables.TABLE_ROBOTS_NAME);
} catch (IOException e1) {
log.fatal("tables not available", e1);
if (robotsTable == null || robotsTable.containsKey(robotsTable.encodedKey(urlHostPort))) return;
if (concurrent)
new Thread() {public void run(){ensureExist(urlHostPort, robotsTable, thisAgents);}}.start();
ensureExist(urlHostPort, robotsTable, thisAgents);
private void ensureExist(final String urlHostPort, BEncodedHeap robotsTable, final Set<String> thisAgents) {
// make or get a synchronization object
DomSync syncObj = RobotsTxt.this.syncObjects.get(urlHostPort);
if (syncObj == null) {
syncObj = new DomSync();
RobotsTxt.this.syncObjects.put(urlHostPort, syncObj);
// we can now synchronize for each host separately
synchronized (syncObj) {
if (robotsTable.containsKey(robotsTable.encodedKey(urlHostPort))) return;
// generating the proper url to download the robots txt
DigestURI robotsURL = null;
try {
robotsURL = new DigestURI("http://" + urlHostPort + "/robots.txt");
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
log.fatal("Unable to generate robots.txt URL for host:port '" + urlHostPort + "'.", e);
robotsURL = null;
Response response = null;
if (robotsURL != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Trying to download the robots.txt file from URL '" + robotsURL + "'.");
Request request = new Request(robotsURL, null);
try {
response = RobotsTxt.this.loader.load(request, CacheStrategy.NOCACHE, null, 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
response = null;
RobotsTxtEntry robotsTxt4Host = null;
if (response == null) {
// no robots.txt available, make an entry to prevent that the robots loading is done twice
// generate artificial entry
robotsTxt4Host = new RobotsTxtEntry(
new ArrayList<String>(),
new ArrayList<String>(),
new Date(),
new Date(),
// store the data into the robots DB
final int sz = robotsTable.size();
if (robotsTable.size() <= sz) {
log.fatal("new entry in robots.txt table failed, resetting database");
try {clear();} catch (IOException e) {}
} else {
final byte[] robotsTxt = response.getContent();
//Log.logInfo("RobotsTxt", "robots of " + robotsURL.toNormalform(true, true) + ":\n" + ((robotsTxt == null) ? "null" : UTF8.String(robotsTxt))); // debug TODO remove
RobotsTxtParser parserResult;
ArrayList<String> denyPath;
if (response.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == 401 || response.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == 403) {
parserResult = new RobotsTxtParser(thisAgents);
// create virtual deny path
denyPath = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
parserResult = new RobotsTxtParser(thisAgents, robotsTxt);
denyPath = parserResult.denyList();
// store the data into the robots DB
String etag = response.getResponseHeader().containsKey(HeaderFramework.ETAG) ? (response.getResponseHeader().get(HeaderFramework.ETAG)).trim() : null;
robotsTxt4Host = addEntry(
new Date(),
private RobotsTxtEntry addEntry(
final MultiProtocolURI theURL,
final ArrayList<String> allowPathList,

@ -804,6 +804,7 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch
// initializing the stackCrawlThread
this.crawlStacker =
new CrawlStacker(
@ -1318,6 +1319,7 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch
this.crawlStacker =
new CrawlStacker(
@ -2802,9 +2804,9 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch
final String s;
if (asglobal) {
s = sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.push(StackType.GLOBAL, request);
s = sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.push(StackType.GLOBAL, request, this.robots);
} else {
s = sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.push(StackType.LOCAL, request);
s = sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.push(StackType.LOCAL, request, this.robots);
if (s != null) {
