@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.util.LimitedInputStream ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
@ -228,12 +230,12 @@ public final class TextParser {
assert ! idioms . isEmpty ( ) : "no parsers applied for url " + location . toNormalform ( true ) ;
Document [ ] docs = parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , depth , content );
Document [ ] docs = parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , depth , content , Integer . MAX_VALUE , Long . MAX_VALUE );
return docs ;
p ublic static Document [ ] parseSource (
p rivate static Document [ ] parseSource (
final DigestURL location ,
String mimeType ,
final String charset ,
@ -241,7 +243,9 @@ public final class TextParser {
final int timezoneOffset ,
final int depth ,
final long contentLength ,
final InputStream sourceStream
final InputStream sourceStream ,
final int maxLinks ,
final long maxBytes
) throws Parser . Failure {
if ( AbstractParser . log . isFine ( ) ) AbstractParser . log . fine ( "Parsing '" + location + "' from stream" ) ;
mimeType = normalizeMimeType ( mimeType ) ;
@ -283,22 +287,79 @@ public final class TextParser {
// then we use only one stream-oriented parser.
if ( canStream | | contentLength > Integer . MAX_VALUE | | contentLength > MemoryControl . available ( ) ) {
// use a specific stream-oriented parser
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , streamParser , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , sourceStream );
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , streamParser , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , sourceStream , maxLinks , maxBytes );
// in case that we know more parsers we first transform the content into a byte[] and use that as base
// for a number of different parse attempts.
/* Content length may be known from headers : check it now */
if ( contentLength > = 0 & & contentLength > maxBytes ) {
throw new Parser . Failure ( "Content size is over maximum size of " + maxBytes + "" , location ) ;
byte [ ] b = null ;
try {
b = FileUtils . read ( sourceStream , ( int ) contentLength ) ;
/* Check content size now if contentLength was unknown */
if ( contentLength < 0 ) {
if ( b . length > maxBytes ) {
throw new Parser . Failure ( "Content size is over maximum size of " + maxBytes + "" , location ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
throw new Parser . Failure ( e . getMessage ( ) , location ) ;
Document [ ] docs = parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , depth , b ) ;
Document [ ] docs = parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , depth , b , maxLinks , maxBytes );
return docs ;
public static Document [ ] parseSource ( final DigestURL location , String mimeType , final String charset ,
final VocabularyScraper scraper , final int timezoneOffset , final int depth , final long contentLength ,
final InputStream sourceStream ) throws Parser . Failure {
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , charset , scraper , timezoneOffset , depth , contentLength , sourceStream ,
Integer . MAX_VALUE , Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
/ * *
* Try to limit the parser processing with a maximum total number of links detection ( anchors , images links , media links . . . )
* or a maximum amount of content bytes to parse . Limits apply only when the available parsers for the resource media type support parsing within limits
* ( see { @link Parser # isParseWithLimitsSupported ( ) } . When available parsers do
* not support parsing within limits , an exception is thrown when
* content size is beyond maxBytes .
* @param location the URL of the source
* @param mimeType the mime type of the source , if known
* @param charset the charset name of the source , if known
* @param timezoneOffset the local time zone offset
* @param contentLength the length of the source , if known ( else - 1 should be used )
* @param source a input stream
* @param maxLinks the maximum total number of links to parse and add to the result documents
* @param maxBytes the maximum number of content bytes to process
* @return a list of documents that result from parsing the source , with empty or null text .
* @throws Parser . Failure when the parser processing failed
* /
public static Document [ ] parseWithLimits ( final DigestURL location , String mimeType , final String charset ,
final int timezoneOffset , final long contentLength , final InputStream sourceStream , int maxLinks ,
long maxBytes ) throws Parser . Failure {
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , charset , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , timezoneOffset , 0 , contentLength ,
sourceStream , maxLinks , maxBytes ) ;
/ * *
* @param location the URL of the source
* @param mimeType the mime type of the source , if known
* @param parser a parser supporting the resource at location
* @param charset the charset name of the source , if known
* @param scraper a vocabulary scraper
* @param timezoneOffset the local time zone offset
* @param sourceStream an open input stream on the source
* @param maxLinks the maximum total number of links to parse and add to the result documents
* @param maxBytes the maximum number of content bytes to process
* @return a list of documents that result from parsing the source
* @throws Parser . Failure when the source could not be parsed
* /
private static Document [ ] parseSource (
final DigestURL location ,
final String mimeType ,
@ -306,7 +367,9 @@ public final class TextParser {
final String charset ,
final VocabularyScraper scraper ,
final int timezoneOffset ,
final InputStream sourceStream
final InputStream sourceStream ,
final int maxLinks ,
final long maxBytes
) throws Parser . Failure {
if ( AbstractParser . log . isFine ( ) ) AbstractParser . log . fine ( "Parsing '" + location + "' from stream" ) ;
final String fileExt = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( location . getFileName ( ) ) ;
@ -315,13 +378,41 @@ public final class TextParser {
if ( AbstractParser . log . isFine ( ) ) AbstractParser . log . fine ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'." ) ;
try {
final Document [ ] docs = parser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper , timezoneOffset , sourceStream ) ;
final Document [ ] docs ;
if ( parser . isParseWithLimitsSupported ( ) ) {
docs = parser . parseWithLimits ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper , timezoneOffset , sourceStream , maxLinks , maxBytes ) ;
} else {
/* Parser do not support partial parsing within limits : let's control it here*/
InputStream limitedSource = new LimitedInputStream ( sourceStream , maxBytes ) {
protected void raiseError ( long pSizeMax , long pCount ) throws IOException {
throw new IOException ( "Reached maximum bytes to parse : " + maxBytes ) ;
} ;
docs = parser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper , timezoneOffset , limitedSource ) ;
return docs ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
throw new Parser . Failure ( "parser failed: " + parser . getName ( ) , location ) ;
/ * *
* @param location the URL of the source
* @param mimeType the mime type of the source , if known
* @param parsers a set of parsers supporting the resource at location
* @param charset the charset name of the source , if known
* @param scraper a vocabulary scraper
* @param timezoneOffset the local time zone offset
* @param depth the current crawling depth
* @param sourceArray the resource content bytes
* @param maxLinks the maximum total number of links to parse and add to the result documents
* @param maxBytes the maximum number of content bytes to process
* @return a list of documents that result from parsing the source
* @throws Parser . Failure when the source could not be parsed
* /
private static Document [ ] parseSource (
final DigestURL location ,
final String mimeType ,
@ -330,7 +421,9 @@ public final class TextParser {
final VocabularyScraper scraper ,
final int timezoneOffset ,
final int depth ,
final byte [ ] sourceArray
final byte [ ] sourceArray ,
final int maxLinks ,
final long maxBytes
) throws Parser . Failure {
final String fileExt = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( location . getFileName ( ) ) ;
if ( AbstractParser . log . isFine ( ) ) AbstractParser . log . fine ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "' from byte[]" ) ;
@ -351,7 +444,11 @@ public final class TextParser {
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream ( sourceArray ) ;
try {
if ( parser . isParseWithLimitsSupported ( ) ) {
docs = parser . parseWithLimits ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper , timezoneOffset , bis , maxLinks , maxBytes ) ;
} else {
docs = parser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper , timezoneOffset , bis ) ;
} catch ( final Parser . Failure e ) {
failedParser . put ( parser , e ) ;
//log.logWarning("tried parser '" + parser.getName() + "' to parse " + location.toNormalform(true, false) + " but failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);