@ -164,35 +164,32 @@ public class ysearchitem {
return prop ;
// generate result object
plasmaSearchEvent . ResultEntry result = theSearch . oneResult ( item ) ;
if ( result = = null ) {
// no content
return prop ;
if ( rss ) {
// text search for rss output
prop . put ( "rss" , "1" ) ; // switch on specific content
prop . putHTML ( "rss_title" , result . title ( ) , true ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "rss_description" , result . textSnippet ( ) . getLineRaw ( ) , true ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "rss_link" , result . urlstring ( ) , true ) ;
prop . put ( "rss_urlhash" , result . hash ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "rss_date" , plasmaSwitchboard . dateString822 ( result . modified ( ) ) ) ;
return prop ;
prop . put ( "rss" , "0" ) ;
if ( theQuery . contentdom = = plasmaSearchQuery . CONTENTDOM_TEXT ) {
// text search
// generate result object
plasmaSearchEvent . ResultEntry result = theSearch . oneResult ( item ) ;
if ( result = = null ) return prop ; // no content
if ( rss ) {
// text search for rss output
prop . put ( "rss" , "1" ) ; // switch on specific content
prop . putHTML ( "rss_title" , result . title ( ) , true ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "rss_description" , result . textSnippet ( ) . getLineRaw ( ) , true ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "rss_link" , result . urlstring ( ) , true ) ;
prop . put ( "rss_urlhash" , result . hash ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "rss_date" , plasmaSwitchboard . dateString822 ( result . modified ( ) ) ) ;
return prop ;
prop . put ( "content" , theQuery . contentdom + 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
prop . put ( "content_authorized" , authenticated ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend" , ( yacyCore . newsPool . getSpecific ( yacyNewsPool . OUTGOING_DB , yacyNewsPool . CATEGORY_SURFTIPP_ADD , "url" , result . urlstring ( ) ) = = null ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_deletelink" , "/ysearch.html?search=" + theQuery . queryString + "&Enter=Search&count=" + theQuery . displayResults ( ) + "&offset=" + ( theQuery . neededResults ( ) - theQuery . displayResults ( ) ) + "&order=" + crypt . simpleEncode ( theQuery . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) + "&resource=local&time=3&deleteref=" + result . hash ( ) + "&urlmaskfilter=.*" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_recommendlink" , "/ysearch.html?search=" + theQuery . queryString + "&Enter=Search&count=" + theQuery . displayResults ( ) + "&offset=" + ( theQuery . neededResults ( ) - theQuery . displayResults ( ) ) + "&order=" + crypt . simpleEncode ( theQuery . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) + "&resource=local&time=3&recommendref=" + result . hash ( ) + "&urlmaskfilter=.*" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_deletelink" , "/y acy search.html?search=" + theQuery . queryString + "&Enter=Search&count=" + theQuery . displayResults ( ) + "&offset=" + ( theQuery . neededResults ( ) - theQuery . displayResults ( ) ) + "&order=" + crypt . simpleEncode ( theQuery . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) + "&resource=local&time=3&deleteref=" + result . hash ( ) + "&urlmaskfilter=.*" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_recommendlink" , "/y acy search.html?search=" + theQuery . queryString + "&Enter=Search&count=" + theQuery . displayResults ( ) + "&offset=" + ( theQuery . neededResults ( ) - theQuery . displayResults ( ) ) + "&order=" + crypt . simpleEncode ( theQuery . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) + "&resource=local&time=3&recommendref=" + result . hash ( ) + "&urlmaskfilter=.*" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_urlhash" , result . hash ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_description" , result . title ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_url" , result . urlstring ( ) ) ;
@ -229,23 +226,17 @@ public class ysearchitem {
if ( theQuery . contentdom = = plasmaSearchQuery . CONTENTDOM_IMAGE ) {
// image search; shows thumbnails
// iterate over all images in the result
prop . put ( "content" , theQuery . contentdom + 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
ArrayList < plasmaSnippetCache . MediaSnippet > images = result . mediaSnippets ( ) ;
if ( images ! = null ) {
plasmaSnippetCache . MediaSnippet ms ;
int c = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < images . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
ms = ( plasmaSnippetCache . MediaSnippet ) images . get ( i ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_items_" + i + "_href" , ms . href . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_items_" + i + "_code" , sb . licensedURLs . aquireLicense ( ms . href ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_items_" + i + "_name" , shorten ( ms . name , namelength ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_items_" + i + "_attr" , ms . attr ) ; // attributes, here: original size of image
c + + ;
prop . put ( "content_items" , c ) ;
} else {
plasmaSnippetCache . MediaSnippet ms = theSearch . oneImage ( item ) ;
if ( ms = = null ) {
prop . put ( "content_items" , "0" ) ;
} else {
prop . putHTML ( "content_items_0_href" , ms . href . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_items_0_code" , sb . licensedURLs . aquireLicense ( ms . href ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_items_0_name" , shorten ( ms . name , namelength ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_items_0_attr" , ( ms . attr . equals ( "-1 x -1" ) ) ? "" : " (" + ms . attr + ")" ) ; // attributes, here: original size of image
prop . put ( "content_items" , 1 ) ;
return prop ;
@ -254,6 +245,11 @@ public class ysearchitem {
( theQuery . contentdom = = plasmaSearchQuery . CONTENTDOM_VIDEO ) | |
( theQuery . contentdom = = plasmaSearchQuery . CONTENTDOM_APP ) ) {
// any other media content
// generate result object
plasmaSearchEvent . ResultEntry result = theSearch . oneResult ( item ) ;
if ( result = = null ) return prop ; // no content
prop . put ( "content" , theQuery . contentdom + 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
ArrayList < plasmaSnippetCache . MediaSnippet > media = result . mediaSnippets ( ) ;
if ( item = = 0 ) col = true ;