@ -51,6 +51,124 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
/** the version of the LogParser */
public static final String PARSER_VERSION = "version";
/** the amount of URLs received during DHT */
public static final String URLS_RECEIVED = "urlSum";
/** the amount of URLs requested during DHT */
public static final String URLS_REQUESTED = "urlReqSum";
/** the amount of URLs blocked during DHT because they match the peer's blacklist */
public static final String URLS_BLOCKED = "blockedURLSum";
/** the amount of words received during DHT */
public static final String WORDS_RECEIVED = "wordsSum";
/** the amount of RWIs received during DHT */
public static final String RWIS_RECEIVED = "rwiSum";
/** the amount of RWIs blocked during DHT because their entries match the peer's blacklist */
public static final String RWIS_BLOCKED = "blockedRWISum";
/** total time receiving RWIs during DHT in milli seconds */
public static final String RWIS_RECEIVED_TIME = "rwiTimeSum";
/** total time receiving URLs during DHT in milli seconds */
public static final String URLS_RECEIVED_TIME = "urlTimeSum";
/** the traffic sent during DHT in bytes */
public static final String DHT_TRAFFIC_SENT = "DHTSendTraffic";
/** the amount of URLs requested by other peers and sent by this one */
public static final String DHT_URLS_SENT = "DHTSendURLs";
/** the amount of rejected DHT transfers from other peers (i.e. because this peer was busy) */
public static final String DHT_REJECTED = "RWIRejectCount";
/** the amount of different peer-names from whose DHT transfers were rejected */
public static final String DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_NAME = "DHTRejectPeerNames";
/** the amount of different peer-hashes from whose DHT transfers were rejected */
public static final String DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_HASH = "DHTRejectPeerHashs";
/** the amount of different peer-names this peer sent DHT chunks to */
public static final String DHT_SENT_PEERS_NAME = "DHTPeerNames";
/** the amount of different peer-hashes this peer sent DHT chunks to */
public static final String DHT_SENT_PEERS_HASH = "DHTPeerHashs";
/** total amount of selected peers for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_SELECTED = "DHTSelectionTargetCount";
/** total amount of words selected for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_WORDS_SELECTED = "DHTSelectionWordsCount";
/** total time selecting words for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_WORDS_SELECTED_TIME = "DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount";
/** the minimal DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_DISTANCE_MIN = "minDHTDist";
/** the maximal DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_DISTANCE_MAX = "maxDHTDist";
/** the average DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution */
public static final String DHT_DISTANCE_AVERAGE = "avgDHTDist";
/** how many times remote peers were too busy to accept the index transfer */
public static final String PEERS_BUSY = "busyPeerCount";
/** how many times not enough peers for index distribution were found */
public static final String PEERS_TOO_LESS = "notEnoughDHTPeers";
/** how many times the index distribution failed (i.e. due to time-out or other reasons) */
public static final String DHT_SENT_FAILED = "failedIndexDistributionCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>tried to create left child-node twice</code>" occured */
public static final String ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_LEFT = "leftChildTwiceCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>tried to create right child-node twice</code>" occured */
public static final String ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_RIGHT = "rightChildTwiceCount";
/** how many ranking distributions were executed successfully */
public static final String RANKING_DIST = "rankingDistributionCount";
/** total time the ranking distributions took */
public static final String RANKING_DIST_TIME = "rankingDistributionTime";
/** how many ranking distributions failed */
public static final String RANKING_DIST_FAILED = "rankingDistributionFailCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>Malformed URL</code>" occured */
public static final String ERROR_MALFORMED_URL = "malformedURLCount";
/** the amount of indexed sites */
public static final String INDEXED_SITES = "indexedSites";
/** total amount of indexed words */
public static final String INDEXED_WORDS = "indexedWords";
/** total size of all indexed sites */
public static final String INDEXED_SITES_SIZE = "indexedSiteSizeSum";
/** total amount of indexed anchors */
public static final String INDEXED_ANCHORS = "indexedAnchors";
/** total time needed for stacking the site of an indexing */
public static final String INDEXED_STACK_TIME = "indexedStackingTime";
/** total time needed for parsing during indexing */
public static final String INDEXED_PARSE_TIME = "indexedParsingTime";
/** total time needed for the actual indexing during indexing */
public static final String INDEXED_INDEX_TIME = "indexedIndexingTime";
/** total time needed for storing the results of an indexing */
public static final String INDEXED_STORE_TIME = "indexedStorageTime";
private final double parserVersion = 0.1;
private final double parserVersion = 0.1;
private final String parserType = "PLASMA";
private final String parserType = "PLASMA";
@ -272,45 +390,45 @@ public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
public Hashtable getResults() {
public Hashtable getResults() {
Hashtable results = new Hashtable();
Hashtable results = new Hashtable();
results.put("version", new Double(parserVersion));
results.put(PARSER_VERSION , new Double(parserVersion));
results.put("urlSum", new Integer(urlSum));
results.put(URLS_RECEIVED , new Integer(urlSum));
results.put("urlReqSum", new Integer(urlReqSum));
results.put(URLS_REQUESTED , new Integer(urlReqSum));
results.put("blockedURLSum", new Integer(blockedURLSum));
results.put(URLS_BLOCKED , new Integer(blockedURLSum));
results.put("wordsSum", new Integer(wordsSum));
results.put(WORDS_RECEIVED , new Integer(wordsSum));
results.put("rwiSum", new Integer(rwiSum));
results.put(RWIS_RECEIVED , new Integer(rwiSum));
results.put("blockedRWISum", new Integer(blockedRWISum));
results.put(RWIS_BLOCKED , new Integer(blockedRWISum));
results.put("urlTimeSum", new Long(urlTimeSum));
results.put(URLS_RECEIVED_TIME , new Long(urlTimeSum));
results.put("rwiTimeSum", new Long(rwiTimeSum));
results.put(RWIS_RECEIVED_TIME , new Long(rwiTimeSum));
results.put("DHTSendTraffic", new Long(DHTSendTraffic));
results.put(DHT_TRAFFIC_SENT , new Long(DHTSendTraffic));
results.put("DHTSendURLs", new Integer(DHTSendURLs));
results.put(DHT_URLS_SENT , new Integer(DHTSendURLs));
results.put("RWIRejectCount", new Integer(RWIRejectCount));
results.put(DHT_REJECTED , new Integer(RWIRejectCount));
results.put("RWIRejectPeerNames", RWIRejectPeerNames);
results.put(DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_NAME , RWIRejectPeerNames);
results.put("RWIRejectPeerHashs", RWIRejectPeerHashs);
results.put(DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_HASH , RWIRejectPeerHashs);
results.put("DHTPeerNames", DHTPeerNames);
results.put(DHT_SENT_PEERS_NAME , DHTPeerNames);
results.put("DHTPeerHashs", DHTPeerHashs);
results.put(DHT_SENT_PEERS_HASH , DHTPeerHashs);
results.put("DHTSelectionTargetCount", new Integer(DHTSelectionTargetCount));
results.put(DHT_SELECTED , new Integer(DHTSelectionTargetCount));
results.put("DHTSelectionWordsCount", new Integer(DHTSelectionWordsCount));
results.put(DHT_WORDS_SELECTED , new Integer(DHTSelectionWordsCount));
results.put("DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount", new Integer(DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount));
results.put(DHT_WORDS_SELECTED_TIME , new Integer(DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount));
results.put("minDHTDist", new Double(minDHTDist));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_MIN , new Double(minDHTDist));
results.put("maxDHTDist", new Double(maxDHTDist));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_MAX , new Double(maxDHTDist));
results.put("avgDHTDist", new Double(avgDHTDist));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_AVERAGE , new Double(avgDHTDist));
results.put("busyPeerCount", new Integer(busyPeerCount));
results.put(PEERS_BUSY , new Integer(busyPeerCount));
results.put("notEnoughDHTPeers", new Integer(notEnoughDHTPeers));
results.put(PEERS_TOO_LESS , new Integer(notEnoughDHTPeers));
results.put("failedIndexDistributionCount", new Integer(failedIndexDistributionCount));
results.put(DHT_SENT_FAILED , new Integer(failedIndexDistributionCount));
results.put("leftChildTwiceCount", new Integer(leftChildTwiceCount));
results.put(ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_LEFT , new Integer(leftChildTwiceCount));
results.put("rightChildTwiceCount", new Integer(rightChildTwiceCount));
results.put(ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_RIGHT , new Integer(rightChildTwiceCount));
results.put("rankingDistributionCount", new Integer(rankingDistributionCount));
results.put(RANKING_DIST , new Integer(rankingDistributionCount));
results.put("rankingDistributionTime", new Integer(rankingDistributionTime));
results.put(RANKING_DIST_TIME , new Integer(rankingDistributionTime));
results.put("rankingDistributionFailCount", new Integer(rankingDistributionFailCount));
results.put(RANKING_DIST_FAILED , new Integer(rankingDistributionFailCount));
results.put("malformedURLCount", new Integer(malformedURLCount));
results.put(ERROR_MALFORMED_URL , new Integer(malformedURLCount));
results.put("indexedSites", new Integer(indexedSites));
results.put(INDEXED_SITES , new Integer(indexedSites));
results.put("indexedWordSum", new Integer(indexedWordSum));
results.put(INDEXED_WORDS , new Integer(indexedWordSum));
results.put("indexedSiteSizeSum", new Integer(indexedSiteSizeSum));
results.put(INDEXED_SITES_SIZE , new Integer(indexedSiteSizeSum));
results.put("indexedAnchorsCount", new Integer(indexedAnchorsCount));
results.put(INDEXED_ANCHORS , new Integer(indexedAnchorsCount));
results.put("indexedStackingTime", new Integer(indexedStackingTime));
results.put(INDEXED_STACK_TIME , new Integer(indexedStackingTime));
results.put("indexedParsingTime", new Integer(indexedParsingTime));
results.put(INDEXED_PARSE_TIME , new Integer(indexedParsingTime));
results.put("indexedIndexingTime", new Integer(indexedIndexingTime));
results.put(INDEXED_INDEX_TIME , new Integer(indexedIndexingTime));
results.put("indexedStorageTime", new Integer(indexedStorageTime));
results.put(INDEXED_STORE_TIME , new Integer(indexedStorageTime));
return results;
return results;