@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.ContentBody ;
@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) {
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
// send a search request to peer with remote Hash
@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final int maxDistance ,
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) {
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
final long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( count ) ;
@ -639,7 +640,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ,
final SearchResult result
) throws SpaceExceededException {
) throws SpaceExceededException , InterruptedException {
// create containers
final int words = wordhashes . length ( ) / Word . commonHashLength ;
@ -745,13 +746,23 @@ public final class Protocol {
// insert one container into the search result buffer
// one is enough, only the references are used, not the word
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
for ( URIMetadataNode entry : storeDocs ) {
try {
event . query . getSegment ( ) . setFirstSeenTime ( entry . hash ( ) , Math . min ( entry . moddate ( ) . getTime ( ) , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
event . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . putMetadata ( entry ) ; // it will be checked inside the putMetadata that poor metadata does not overwrite rich metadata
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
/ *
* Current thread might be interrupted by SearchEvent . cleanup ( )
* /
if ( Thread . interrupted ( ) ) {
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread writerToLocalIndex = new WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread ( event . query . getSegment ( ) , storeDocs ) ;
writerToLocalIndex . start ( ) ;
try {
writerToLocalIndex . join ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
/ *
* Current thread interruption might happen while waiting
* for writeToLocalIndexThread .
* /
writerToLocalIndex . stopWriting ( ) ;
throw new InterruptedException ( "remoteProcess stopped!" ) ;
event . addRWIs ( container . get ( 0 ) , false , target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . hash , result . totalCount , time ) ;
} else {
@ -784,6 +795,56 @@ public final class Protocol {
Network . log . info ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + container . get ( 0 ) . size ( ) + "/" + result . totalCount + " references" ) ;
/ * *
* This thread is used to write a collection of URIMetadataNode documents to a segment allowing to be safely stopped .
* Indeed , if one interrupt a thread while commiting to Solr index , the index is closed and will be no more writable
* ( later calls would throw a org . apache . lucene . store . AlreadyClosedException ) because Solr IndexWriter uses an InterruptibleChanel .
* This thread allow to safely stop writing operation using an AtomicBoolean .
* @author luc
* /
private static class WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread extends Thread {
private AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean ( false ) ;
private Segment segment ;
private Collection < URIMetadataNode > storeDocs ;
/ * *
* Parameters must be not null .
* @param segment solr segment to write
* @param storeDocs solr documents collection to put to segment
* /
public WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread ( Segment segment , Collection < URIMetadataNode > storeDocs ) {
this . segment = segment ;
this . storeDocs = storeDocs ;
/ * *
* Use this to stop writing operation . This thread will not stop immediately as Solr might be writing something .
* /
public void stopWriting ( ) {
this . stop . set ( true ) ;
public void run ( ) {
for ( URIMetadataNode entry : this . storeDocs ) {
if ( stop . get ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "Writing documents collection to Solr segment was stopped." ) ;
return ;
try {
segment . setFirstSeenTime ( entry . hash ( ) , Math . min ( entry . moddate ( ) . getTime ( ) , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
segment . fulltext ( ) . putMetadata ( entry ) ; // it will be checked inside the putMetadata that poor metadata does not overwrite rich metadata
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
private static class SearchResult {
public int availableCount ; // number of returned LURL's for this search
public int totalCount ; //
@ -948,7 +1009,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final int count ,
final Seed target ,
final int partitions ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) {
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
//try {System.out.println("*** debug-query *** " + URLDecoder.decode(solrQuery.toString(), "UTF-8"));} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {}
@ -1177,10 +1238,26 @@ public final class Protocol {
Network . log . info ( "local search (solr): localpeer sent " + container . size ( ) + "/" + numFound + " references" ) ;
} else {
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
for ( SolrInputDocument doc : docs ) {
event . query . getSegment ( ) . putDocument ( doc ) ;
/ *
* Current thread might be interrupted by SearchEvent . cleanup ( )
* /
if ( Thread . interrupted ( ) ) {
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
WriteToLocalIndexThread writeToLocalIndexThread = new WriteToLocalIndexThread ( event . query . getSegment ( ) ,
docs ) ;
writeToLocalIndexThread . start ( ) ;
try {
writeToLocalIndexThread . join ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
/ *
* Current thread interruption might happen while waiting
* for writeToLocalIndexThread .
* /
writeToLocalIndexThread . stopWriting ( ) ;
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
docs . clear ( ) ; docs = null ;
docs . clear ( ) ;
event . addNodes ( container , facets , snippets , false , target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . hash , numFound ) ;
event . addFinalize ( ) ;
@ -1190,6 +1267,51 @@ public final class Protocol {
return dls ;
/ * *
* This thread is used to write a collection of Solr documents to a segment allowing to be safely stopped .
* Indeed , if one interrupt a thread while commiting to Solr index , the index is closed and will be no more writable
* ( later calls would throw a org . apache . lucene . store . AlreadyClosedException ) because Solr IndexWriter uses an InterruptibleChanel .
* This thead allow to safely stop writing operation using an AtomicBoolean .
* @author luc
* /
private static class WriteToLocalIndexThread extends Thread {
private AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean ( false ) ;
private Segment segment ;
private Collection < SolrInputDocument > docs ;
/ * *
* Parameters must be not null .
* @param segment solr segment to write
* @param docs solr documents collection to put to segment
* /
public WriteToLocalIndexThread ( Segment segment , Collection < SolrInputDocument > docs ) {
this . segment = segment ;
this . docs = docs ;
/ * *
* Use this to stop writing operation . This thread will not stop immediately as Solr might be writing something .
* /
public void stopWriting ( ) {
this . stop . set ( true ) ;
public void run ( ) {
for ( SolrInputDocument doc : docs ) {
if ( stop . get ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "Writing documents collection to Solr segment was stopped." ) ;
return ;
segment . putDocument ( doc ) ;
/ * *
* Only when maxSize is greater than zero , check that doc size is lower . To
* process in a reasonable amount of time , document size is not evaluated