@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public class Bookmarks {
if ( tagsString . equals ( "" ) ) {
tagsString = "unsorted" ; //default tag
Set tags = listManager . string2set ( tagsString );
Set tags = listManager . string2set ( tagsString .replaceAll ( ",\\s+" , "," ) ); // space characters following a comma are removed
bookmarksDB . Bookmark bookmark = switchboard . bookmarksDB . createBookmark ( url , username ) ;
if ( bookmark ! = null ) {
@ -240,7 +240,15 @@ public class Bookmarks {
max_count = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) post . get ( "num" ) ) ;
Iterator it = switchboard . bookmarksDB . getTagIterator ( isAdmin ) ;
// only list tags according to current tag-selection
Iterator it = null ;
if ( tagName . equals ( "" ) ) {
it = switchboard . bookmarksDB . getTagIterator ( isAdmin ) ;
} else {
it = switchboard . bookmarksDB . getTagIterator ( tagName , isAdmin ) ;
// Iterator it=switchboard.bookmarksDB.getTagIterator(isAdmin);
int count = 0 ;
bookmarksDB . Tag tag ;
prop . put ( "num-bookmarks" , switchboard . bookmarksDB . bookmarksSize ( ) ) ;
@ -249,14 +257,22 @@ public class Bookmarks {
prop . putHTML ( "taglist_" + count + "_name" , tag . getFriendlyName ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "taglist_" + count + "_tag" , tag . getTagName ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "taglist_" + count + "_num" , tag . size ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "taglist_" + count + "_size" , 1.1 + ( Math . log ( tag . size ( ) ) / 4 ) ) ;
prop . put ( "taglist_" + count + "_size" , Math . round ( ( 1.1 + Math . log ( tag . size ( ) ) / 4 ) * 100 ) / 100. ) ; // font-size is pseudo-rounded to 2 decimals
if ( tagName . equals ( tag . getFriendlyName ( ) ) ) {
prop . put ( "taglist_" + count + "_selected" , " selected=\"selected\"" ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "taglist_" + count + "_selected" , "" ) ;
} ;
count + + ;
prop . put ( "taglist" , count ) ;
count = 0 ;
if ( ! tagName . equals ( "" ) ) {
prop . put ( "selected" , "" ) ;
it = switchboard . bookmarksDB . getBookmarksIterator ( tagName , isAdmin ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "selected" , " selected=\"selected\"" ) ;
it = switchboard . bookmarksDB . getBookmarksIterator ( isAdmin ) ;
bookmarksDB . Bookmark bookmark ;