@ -139,30 +139,23 @@ public final class robotsParser{
return deny ;
public static boolean containsRobotsData ( URL nexturl ) {
// generating the hostname:poart string needed to do a DB lookup
String urlHostPort = nexturl . getHost ( ) + ":" + ( ( nexturl . getPort ( ) = = - 1 ) ? 80 : nexturl . getPort ( ) ) ;
urlHostPort = urlHostPort . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// doing a DB lookup to determine if the robots data is already available
plasmaCrawlRobotsTxt . Entry robotsTxt4Host = plasmaSwitchboard . robots . getEntry ( urlHostPort ) ;
// if we have not found any data or the data is older than 7 days, we need to load it from the remote server
if ( ( robotsTxt4Host = = null ) | | ( robotsTxt4Host . getLoadedDate ( ) = = null ) | |
( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - robotsTxt4Host . getLoadedDate ( ) . getTime ( ) > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
public static boolean isDisallowed ( URL nexturl ) {
if ( nexturl = = null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
// generating the hostname:poart string needed to do a DB lookup
String urlHostPort = nexturl . getHost ( ) + ":" + ( ( nexturl . getPort ( ) = = - 1 ) ? 80 : nexturl . getPort ( ) ) ;
String urlHostPort = null ;
int port = nexturl . getPort ( ) ;
if ( port = = - 1 ) {
if ( nexturl . getProtocol ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "http" ) ) {
port = 80 ;
} else if ( nexturl . getProtocol ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "https" ) ) {
port = 443 ;
urlHostPort = nexturl . getHost ( ) + ":" + port ;
urlHostPort = urlHostPort . toLowerCase ( ) . intern ( ) ;
plasmaCrawlRobotsTxt . Entry robotsTxt4Host = null ;
@ -179,7 +172,7 @@ public final class robotsParser{
URL robotsURL = null ;
// generating the proper url to download the robots txt
try {
robotsURL = new URL ( nexturl . getProtocol ( ) , nexturl . getHost ( ) , ( nexturl . getPort ( ) = = - 1 ) ? 80 : nexturl . getPort ( ) , "/robots.txt" ) ;
robotsURL = new URL ( nexturl . getProtocol ( ) , nexturl . getHost ( ) , port , "/robots.txt" ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "ROBOTS" , "Unable to generate robots.txt URL for URL '" + nexturl . toString ( ) + "'." ) ;
return false ;
@ -249,9 +242,9 @@ public final class robotsParser{
plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) ;
//TODO: adding Traffic statistic for robots download?
if ( ( sb . remoteProxyConfig = = null ) | | ( ! sb . remoteProxyConfig . useProxy ( ) ) ) {
con = httpc . getInstance ( robotsURL . getHost ( ) , robotsURL . getPort ( ) , 10000 , false ) ;
con = httpc . getInstance ( robotsURL . getHost ( ) , robotsURL . getPort ( ) , 10000 , robotsURL . getProtocol ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "https" ) ) ;
} else {
con = httpc . getInstance ( robotsURL . getHost ( ) , robotsURL . getPort ( ) , 10000 , false , sb . remoteProxyConfig ) ;
con = httpc . getInstance ( robotsURL . getHost ( ) , robotsURL . getPort ( ) , 10000 , robotsURL . getProtocol ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "https" ) , sb . remoteProxyConfig ) ;
// if we previously have downloaded this robots.txt then we can set the if-modified-since header