@ -73,12 +73,14 @@ import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterInputStream;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterWriter ;
import de.anomic.http.httpHeader ;
import de.anomic.http.httpc ;
import de.anomic.index.indexURL ;
import de.anomic.net.URL ;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser ;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.ParserException ;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.ParserInfo ;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
import de.anomic.tools.bitfield ;
public final class plasmaParser {
public static final String PARSER_MODE_PROXY = "PROXY" ;
@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ public final class plasmaParser {
if ( neededLibx ! = null ) {
for ( int libxId = 0 ; libxId < neededLibx . length ; libxId + + ) {
if ( javaClassPath . indexOf ( neededLibx [ libxId ] ) = = - 1 ) {
throw new Parser Exception( "Missing dependency detected: '" + neededLibx [ libxId ] + "'." ) ;
throw new Exception( "Missing dependency detected: '" + neededLibx [ libxId ] + "'." ) ;
neededLibxBuf . append ( neededLibx [ libxId ] )
. append ( "," ) ;
@ -464,42 +466,67 @@ public final class plasmaParser {
// closing the parser object pool
try {
theParserPool . close ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
} catch ( Exception e ) { /* ignore this */ }
public plasmaParserDocument parseSource ( URL location , String mimeType , String charset , byte [ ] source ) throws InterruptedException {
public plasmaParserDocument parseSource ( URL location , String mimeType , String charset , byte [ ] source )
throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
File tempFile = null ;
try {
// creating a temp file to store the byte array
tempFile = File . createTempFile ( "parseSource" , ".tmp" ) ;
serverFileUtils . write ( source , tempFile ) ;
// parsing the temp file
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , charset , tempFile ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// Interrupted- and Parser-Exceptions should pass through
if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) throw ( InterruptedException ) e ;
serverLog . logSevere ( "PARSER" , "parseSource1: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
return null ;
if ( e instanceof ParserException ) throw ( ParserException ) e ;
// log unexpected error
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected exception in parseSource1: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
throw new ParserException ( "Unexpected exception while parsing " + location , location , e ) ;
} finally {
if ( tempFile ! = null ) try { tempFile . delete ( ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { }
if ( tempFile ! = null ) try { tempFile . delete ( ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { /* ignore this */ }
public plasmaParserDocument parseSource ( URL location , String mimeType , String documentCharset , File sourceFile ) throws InterruptedException {
public plasmaParserDocument parseSource ( URL location , String theMimeType , String theDocumentCharset , File sourceFile )
throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
Parser theParser = null ;
String mimeType = null ;
try {
// getting the mimetype of the document
mimeType = getRealMimeType ( m imeType) ;
mimeType = getRealMimeType ( theM imeType) ;
// getting the file extension of the document
String fileExt = getFileExt ( location ) ;
// getting the charset of the document
if ( documentCharset = = null )
// TODO: do a charset detection here ....
documentCharset = "ISO-8859-1" ;
String documentCharset = ( theDocumentCharset = = null ) ? "ISO-8859-1" : theDocumentCharset ;
// testing if parsing is supported for this resource
if ( ! plasmaParser . supportedContent ( location , mimeType ) ) {
String errorMsg = "No parser available to parse mimetype" ;
this . theLogger . logInfo ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location , plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_WRONG_MIMETYPE_OR_EXT ) ;
// testing if the resource is not empty
if ( ! ( sourceFile . exists ( ) & & sourceFile . canRead ( ) & & sourceFile . length ( ) > 0 ) ) {
String errorMsg = "No resource content available." ;
this . theLogger . logInfo ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location , plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_NOT_PARSEABLE_NO_CONTENT ) ;
if ( this . theLogger . isFine ( ) )
this . theLogger . logFine ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType +
this . theLogger . log Info ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType +
"' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'." ) ;
/ *
@ -555,26 +582,43 @@ public final class plasmaParser {
theParser = this . getParser ( mimeType ) ;
// if a parser was found we use it ...
plasmaParserDocument doc = null ;
if ( theParser ! = null ) {
return theParser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceFile ) ;
doc = theParser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceFile ) ;
} else if ( realtimeParsableMimeTypesContains ( mimeType ) ) {
return parseHtml ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceFile ) ;
doc = parseHtml ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceFile ) ;
} else {
serverLog . logWarning ( "PARSER" , "parseSource2: wrong mime type" ) ;
return null ;
String errorMsg = "No parser available to parse mimetype" ;
this . theLogger . logInfo ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location , plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_WRONG_MIMETYPE_OR_EXT ) ;
// check result
if ( doc = = null ) {
String errorMsg = "Unexpected error. Parser returned null." ;
this . theLogger . logInfo ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location ) ;
return doc ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// Interrupted- and Parser-Exceptions should pass through
if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) throw ( InterruptedException ) e ;
serverLog . logSevere ( "PARSER" , "parseSource2: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
return null ;
if ( e instanceof ParserException ) throw ( ParserException ) e ;
// log unexpected error
String errorMsg = "Unexpected exception. " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg , e ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location , e ) ;
} finally {
if ( theParser ! = null ) {
try { plasmaParser . theParserPool . returnObject ( mimeType , theParser ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { }
try { plasmaParser . theParserPool . returnObject ( mimeType , theParser ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { /* ignore this */ }
private plasmaParserDocument parseHtml ( URL location , String mimeType , String documentCharset , File sourceFile ) throws IOException {
private plasmaParserDocument parseHtml ( URL location , String mimeType , String documentCharset , File sourceFile ) throws IOException , ParserException {
// ...otherwise we make a scraper and transformer
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream ( sourceFile ) ;
@ -596,8 +640,9 @@ public final class plasmaParser {
//serverFileUtils.copy(sourceFile, hfos);
if ( writer . binarySuspect ( ) ) {
this . theLogger . logInfo ( "Binary data found in URL " + location ) ;
return null ;
String errorMsg = "Binary data found in resource" ;
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location ) ;
return transformScraper ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , scraper ) ;