@ -936,12 +936,15 @@ public final class yacy {
final long startupMemFree = MemoryControl . free ( ) ;
final long startupMemTotal = MemoryControl . total ( ) ;
// go into headless awt mode
if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) {
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "false" ) ;
} else {
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "true" ) ;
// maybe go into headless awt mode: we have three cases depending on OS and one exception:
// windows : better do not go into headless mode
// mac : go into headless mode because an application is shown in gui which may not be wanted
// linux : go into headless mode because this does not need any head operation
// exception : if the -gui option is used then do not go into headless mode since that uses a gui
boolean headless = true ;
if ( OS . isWindows ) headless = false ;
if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) headless = false ;
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , headless ? "true" : "false" ) ;
String s = "" ; for ( String a : args ) s + = a + " " ;
yacyRelease . startParameter = s . trim ( ) ;