@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ package net.yacy.document.importer;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.Map.Entry ;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser ;
@ -49,62 +53,49 @@ public class OAIListFriendsLoader {
private static final long serialVersionUID = - 8705115274655024604L ;
//private static String url10 = "http://roar.eprints.org/cgi/roar_search/advanced/export_roar_ROAR::ListFriends.xml?screen=ROAR%3A%3AFacetSearch&_action_export=1&output=ROAR%3A%3AListFriends&exp=1|1|-recordcount%2F-date|archive|-|-|eprint_status%3Aeprint_status%3AALL%3AEQ%3Aarchive|metadata_visibility%3Ametadata_visibility%3AALL%3AEX%3Ashow";
private static String url10 = "http://roar.eprints.org/cgi/roar_search/advanced/export_roar_ROAR::ListFriends.xml?_action_export=1&output=ROAR%3A%3AListFriends" ;
private static File cache10 = new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/export_roar_ROAR_ListFriends.xml" ) ;
private static String url20 = "http://www.openarchives.org/Register/ListFriends" ;
private static File cache20 = new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/ListFriends.xml" ) ;
private static final HashMap < String , File > listFriends = new HashMap < String , File > ( ) ;
public static void init ( LoaderDispatcher loader ) {
loader . loadIfNotExistBackground ( url10 , cache10 ) ;
loader . loadIfNotExistBackground ( url20 , cache20 ) ;
public static void init ( LoaderDispatcher loader , Map < String , File > moreFriends ) {
listFriends . putAll ( moreFriends ) ;
if ( loader ! = null ) for ( Map . Entry < String , File > oaiFriend : listFriends . entrySet ( ) ) {
loader . loadIfNotExistBackground ( oaiFriend . getKey ( ) , oaiFriend . getValue ( ) ) ;
public static Map < String , String > load ( LoaderDispatcher loader ) {
Map < String , String > map10 ;
try {
map10 = load ( null , null , new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/export_roar_ROAR_ListFriends.xml" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
map10 = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
Map < String , String > map20 ;
public static Map < String , File > loadListFriendsSources ( File initFile ) {
Properties p = new Properties ( ) ;
Map < String , File > m = new HashMap < String , File > ( ) ;
try {
map20 = load ( null , null , new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/ListFriends.xml" ) ) ;
p . loadFromXML ( new FileInputStream ( initFile ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
map20 = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return m ;
map10 . putAll ( map20 ) ;
return map10 ;
for ( Entry < Object , Object > e : p . entrySet ( ) ) m . put ( ( String ) e . getKey ( ) , new File ( ( String ) e . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
return m ;
/ * *
* load a OAI ListFriends file from the net or from a cache location
* If the given file does exist , the OAI ListFriends File is loaded and parsed .
* The resulting map is a mapping from OAI - PMH start url to a loaction description
* @param loader a LoaderDispatcher that loads the file if targetFile does not exist
* @param source the source URL for the OAI ListFriends file
* @param targetFile the file where the loaded content is stored if it does not exist , the source othervise
* @return a Map from OAI - PMH source to source description ( which is usually also a URL )
* @throws IOException
* /
private static Map < String , String > load ( LoaderDispatcher loader , DigestURI source , File targetFile ) throws IOException {
byte [ ] b ;
if ( targetFile . exists ( ) ) {
// load file
b = FileUtils . read ( targetFile ) ;
} else {
// load from the net
Response response = loader . load ( source , false , true , CrawlProfile . CACHE_STRATEGY_NOCACHE ) ;
b = response . getContent ( ) ;
FileUtils . copy ( b , targetFile ) ;
public static Map < String , String > getListFriends ( LoaderDispatcher loader ) {
Map < String , String > map = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
Map < String , String > m ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , File > oaiFriend : listFriends . entrySet ( ) ) try {
if ( ! oaiFriend . getValue ( ) . exists ( ) ) {
Response response = loader = = null ? null : loader . load ( new DigestURI ( oaiFriend . getKey ( ) , null ) , false , true , CrawlProfile . CACHE_STRATEGY_NOCACHE ) ;
if ( response ! = null ) FileUtils . copy ( response . getContent ( ) , oaiFriend . getValue ( ) ) ;
return new Parser ( b ) . map ;
if ( oaiFriend . getValue ( ) . exists ( ) ) {
byte [ ] b = FileUtils . read ( oaiFriend . getValue ( ) ) ;
if ( b ! = null ) {
m = new Parser ( b ) . map ;
if ( m ! = null ) map . putAll ( m ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) { }
return map ;
// get a resumption token using a SAX xml parser from am input stream
private static class Parser extends DefaultHandler {
@ -182,22 +173,4 @@ public class OAIListFriendsLoader {
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
try {
Map < String , String > map1 = load ( null , null , new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/export_roar_ROAR_ListFriends.xml" ) ) ;
int count1 = map1 . size ( ) ;
Map < String , String > map2 = load ( null , null , new File ( "DATA/DICTIONARIES/harvesting/ListFriends.xml" ) ) ;
int count2 = map2 . size ( ) ;
map1 . putAll ( map2 ) ;
System . out . println ( "count1 = " + count1 + ", count2 = " + count2 + ", all = " + map1 . size ( ) ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > entry : map1 . entrySet ( ) ) System . out . println ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;