Crawls can be restricted to specific countries. This uses the country code that can be computed from
Crawls can be restricted to specific countries. This uses the country code that can be computed from
the IP of the server that hosts the page. The filter is not a regular expressions but a list of country codes, separated by comma.
the IP of the server that hosts the page. The filter is not a regular expressions but a list of country codes, separated by comma.
<inputtype="radio"name="countryMustMatchSwitch"id="noCountryMustMatchSwitch"value="0"#(countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#/>no country code restriction<br/>
<inputtype="radio"name="countryMustMatchSwitch"id="noCountryMustMatchSwitch"value="0"#(countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#checked="checked"::#(/countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#/>no country code restriction<br/>