This defines how often the Crawler will follow links embedded in websites.<br/>
This defines how often the Crawler will follow links embedded in websites.<br/>
A minimum of 1 is recommended and means that the page you enter under "Starting Point" will be added to the index, but no linked content is indexed. 2-4 is good for normal indexing.
A minimum of 0 is recommended and means that the page you enter under "Starting Point" will be added
to the index, but no linked content is indexed. 2-4 is good for normal indexing.
Be careful with the depth. Consider a branching factor of average 20;
Be careful with the depth. Consider a branching factor of average 20;
A prefetch-depth of 8 would index 25.600.000.000 pages, maybe this is the whole WWW.
A prefetch-depth of 8 would index 25.600.000.000 pages, maybe this is the whole WWW.