@ -58,19 +58,30 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexAssortmentCluster {
private int clusterCapacity;
private serverLog log;
private plasmaWordIndexAssortment[] assortments;
private long completeBufferSize;
private long completeBufferKB;
public plasmaWordIndexAssortmentCluster(File assortmentsPath, int clusterCapacity, int bufferkb, serverLog log) {
// set class variables
if (!(assortmentsPath.exists())) assortmentsPath.mkdirs();
this.clusterCapacity = clusterCapacity;
this.completeBufferSize = bufferkb * 1024;
this.completeBufferKB = bufferkb;
this.log = log;
this.assortments = new plasmaWordIndexAssortment[clusterCapacity];
// initialize cluster
// open cluster and close it directly again to detect the element sizes
int[] sizes = new int[clusterCapacity];
int sumSizes = 1;
plasmaWordIndexAssortment testAssortment;
for (int i = 0; i < clusterCapacity; i++) {
testAssortment = new plasmaWordIndexAssortment(assortmentsPath, i + 1, 0, null);
sizes[i] = testAssortment.size() + clusterCapacity - i;
sumSizes += sizes[i];
// initialize cluster using the cluster elements size for optimal buffer size
for (int i = 0; i < clusterCapacity; i++) {
assortments[i] = new plasmaWordIndexAssortment(assortmentsPath, i + 1, (int) completeBufferSize / clusterCapacity, log);
assortments[i] = new plasmaWordIndexAssortment(assortmentsPath, i + 1, (int) completeBufferKB * sizes[i] / sumSizes, log);