@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public class ResultFetcher {
// check if we already retrieved this item
// (happens if a search pages is accessed a second time)
EventTracker . update ( "SEARCH" , new ProfilingGraph . searchEvent ( query . id ( true ) , "obtain one result entry - start" , 0 , 0 ) , false , 30000 , ProfilingGraph . maxTime ) ;
if ( this . result . size Store ( ) > item ) {
if ( this . result . size ( ) > item ) {
// we have the wanted result already in the result array .. return that
return this . result . element ( item ) . element ;
@ -319,32 +319,38 @@ public class ResultFetcher {
public MediaSnippet oneImage ( final int item ) {
// check if we already retrieved this item (happens if a search pages is accessed a second time)
if ( this . images . sizeStore ( ) > item ) {
// we have the wanted result already in the result array .. return that
return this . images . element ( item ) . element ;
// always look for a next object if there are way too less
if ( this . images . size ( ) < = item + 10 ) fillImagesCache ( ) ;
// generate result object
final ResultEntry result = nextResult ( ) ;
MediaSnippet ms ;
if ( result ! = null ) {
// iterate over all images in the result
final ArrayList < MediaSnippet > imagemedia = result . mediaSnippets ( ) ;
if ( imagemedia ! = null ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < imagemedia . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
ms = imagemedia . get ( j ) ;
images . push ( ms , Long . valueOf ( ms . ranking ) ) ;
//System.out.println("*** image " + ms.href.hash() + " images.size = " + images.size() + "/" + images.size());
// check if we already retrieved the item
if ( this . images . size ( ) > item ) return this . images . element ( item ) . element ;
// look again if there are not enough for presentation
while ( this . images . size ( ) < = item ) {
if ( fillImagesCache ( ) = = 0 ) break ;
if ( this . images . size ( ) < = item ) return null ;
// now take the specific item from the image stack
if ( this . images . size ( ) < = item ) return null ;
return this . images . element ( item ) . element ;
private int fillImagesCache ( ) {
ResultEntry result = nextResult ( ) ;
int c = 0 ;
if ( result = = null ) return c ;
// iterate over all images in the result
final ArrayList < MediaSnippet > imagemedia = result . mediaSnippets ( ) ;
if ( imagemedia ! = null ) {
for ( MediaSnippet ms : imagemedia ) {
images . push ( ms , Long . valueOf ( ms . ranking ) ) ;
c + + ;
System . out . println ( "*** image " + new String ( ms . href . hash ( ) ) + " images.size = " + images . size ( ) + "/" + images . size ( ) ) ;
return c ;
public ArrayList < SortStack < ResultEntry > . stackElement > completeResults ( final long waitingtime ) {
final long timeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + waitingtime ;
while ( ( result . size ( ) < query . neededResults ( ) ) & & ( anyWorkerAlive ( ) ) & & ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) < timeout ) ) {