calculated from boostfields config, making sure title, description, keywords and content is always searched.
- apply change to solrServlet makes sure every remote query uses at least all locally defined boost fields for search
- apply to local solr search
- simplify select query by using QF defaults
// call i.e. with "sku^20.0,url_paths_sxt^20.0,title^15.0,h1_txt^11.0,h2_txt^10.0,author^8.0,description_txt^5.0,keywords^2.0,text_t^1.0,fuzzy_signature_unique_b^100000.0"
Rankingranking =indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration().getRanking(rankingProfile);// for a by-date ranking select different ranking profile
RankingactRanking =indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration().getRanking(rankingProfile);// for a by-date ranking select different ranking profile