new fully redesigned balancer and bugfixes regarding lost profile handles and killed crawls

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 16 years ago
parent c062385552
commit 95e8cbd1c3

@ -29,71 +29,46 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.Row;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.ObjectIndex;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.EcoTable;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.Stack;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.Log;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
public class Balancer {
private static final String stackSuffix = "9.stack";
private static final String indexSuffix = "9.db";
private static final int EcoFSBufferSize = 200;
// definition of payload for fileStack
private static final Row stackrow = new Row("byte[] urlhash-" + yacySeedDB.commonHashLength, Base64Order.enhancedCoder);
// class variables
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>
domainStacks; // a map from domain name part to Lists with url hashs
private final ArrayList<String> urlRAMStack; // a list that is flushed first
private Stack urlFileStack; // a file with url hashes
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>
private ObjectIndex urlFileIndex;
private final File cacheStacksPath;
private final String stackname;
private boolean top; // to alternate between top and bottom of the file stack
private long minimumLocalDelta;
private long minimumGlobalDelta;
private long lastPrepare;
private int profileErrors;
public Balancer(final File cachePath, final String stackname, final boolean fullram,
final long minimumLocalDelta, final long minimumGlobalDelta) {
this.cacheStacksPath = cachePath;
this.stackname = stackname;
final File stackFile = new File(cachePath, stackname + stackSuffix);
this.urlFileStack =, stackrow);
this.domainStacks = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>();
this.urlRAMStack = new ArrayList<String>(); = true; = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
this.minimumLocalDelta = minimumLocalDelta;
this.minimumGlobalDelta = minimumGlobalDelta;
this.lastPrepare = System.currentTimeMillis();
// create a stack for newly entered entries
if (!(cachePath.exists())) cachePath.mkdir(); // make the path
urlFileIndex = new EcoTable(new File(cacheStacksPath, stackname + indexSuffix), CrawlEntry.rowdef, (fullram) ? EcoTable.tailCacheUsageAuto : EcoTable.tailCacheDenyUsage, EcoFSBufferSize, 0);
if (urlFileStack.size() != urlFileIndex.size() || (urlFileIndex.size() < 10000 && urlFileIndex.size() > 0)) {
// fix the file stack
Log.logInfo("Balancer", "re-creating the " + stackname + " balancer stack, size = " + urlFileIndex.size() + ((urlFileStack.size() == urlFileIndex.size()) ? "" : " (the old stack size was wrong)" ));
try {
final Iterator<byte[]> i = urlFileIndex.keys(true, null);
byte[] hash;
while (i != null && i.hasNext()) {
hash =;
pushHashToDomainStacks(new String(hash), true);
} catch (final IOException e) {
File f = new File(cacheStacksPath, stackname + indexSuffix);
urlFileIndex = new EcoTable(f, CrawlEntry.rowdef, (fullram) ? EcoTable.tailCacheUsageAuto : EcoTable.tailCacheDenyUsage, EcoFSBufferSize, 0);
profileErrors = 0;
Log.logInfo("Balancer", "opened balancer file with " + urlFileIndex.size() + " entries from " + f.toString());
public long getMinimumLocalDelta() {
@ -110,35 +85,21 @@ public class Balancer {
public synchronized void close() {
while (domainStacksNotEmpty()) flushOnceDomStacks(true, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // flush to ram, because the ram flush is optimized
try { flushAllRamStack(); } catch (final IOException e) {}
if (urlFileIndex != null) {
urlFileIndex = null;
if (urlFileStack != null) {
urlFileStack = null;
protected void finalize() {
if (urlFileStack != null) {
Log.logWarning("Balancer", "crawl stack " + stackname + " closed by finalizer");
public synchronized void clear() {
Log.logInfo("Balancer", "cleaing balancer with " + urlFileIndex.size() + " entries from " + urlFileIndex.filename());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public synchronized CrawlEntry get(final String urlhash) throws IOException {
@ -190,22 +151,12 @@ public class Balancer {
if (removedCounter == 0) return 0;
assert urlFileIndex.size() + removedCounter == s : "urlFileIndex.size() = " + urlFileIndex.size() + ", s = " + s;
// now delete these hashes also from the queues
// iterate through the RAM stack
Iterator<String> i = urlRAMStack.iterator();
String h;
while (i.hasNext()) {
h =;
if (urlHashes.contains(h)) i.remove();
// iterate through the file stack
// in general this is a bad idea. But this can only be avoided by avoidance of this method
final Iterator<Row.Entry> j = urlFileStack.stackIterator(true);
// iterate through the top list
Iterator<String> j = top.iterator();
String urlhash;
while (j.hasNext()) {
h = new String(;
if (urlHashes.contains(h)) j.remove();
urlhash =;
if (urlHashes.contains(urlhash)) j.remove();
// iterate through the domain stacks
@ -215,7 +166,7 @@ public class Balancer {
while (k.hasNext()) {
se =;
stack = se.getValue();
i = stack.iterator();
Iterator<String> i = stack.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (urlHashes.contains( i.remove();
@ -232,21 +183,11 @@ public class Balancer {
public synchronized boolean notEmpty() {
// alternative method to the property size() > 0
// this is better because it may avoid synchronized access to domain stack summarization
return urlRAMStack.size() > 0 || urlFileStack.size() > 0 || domainStacksNotEmpty();
return domainStacksNotEmpty();
public synchronized int size() {
final int componentsize = urlFileIndex.size();
assert componentsize == urlFileStack.size() + urlRAMStack.size() + sizeDomainStacks() :
"size wrong in " + stackname +
" - urlFileIndex = " + urlFileIndex.size() +
", componentsize = " + urlFileStack.size() + urlRAMStack.size() + sizeDomainStacks() +
" = (urlFileStack = " + urlFileStack.size() +
", urlRAMStack = " + urlRAMStack.size() +
", sizeDomainStacks = " + sizeDomainStacks() + ")";
return componentsize;
return urlFileIndex.size();
private boolean domainStacksNotEmpty() {
@ -260,102 +201,10 @@ public class Balancer {
return false;
private int sizeDomainStacks() {
if (domainStacks == null) return 0;
int sum = 0;
//synchronized (domainStacks) {
final Iterator<LinkedList<String>> i = domainStacks.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) sum +=;
return sum;
* removes the head element of all domain stacks and moves the element in either the ram stack or the file stack
* @param minimumleft
* @param ram
* @param onlyReadyForAccess
private void flushOnceDomStacks(final boolean ram, final boolean onlyReadyForAccess, int max) {
// takes one entry from every domain stack and puts it on the ram or file stack
// the minimumleft value is a limit for the number of entries that should be left
if (domainStacks.size() == 0) return;
synchronized (domainStacks) {
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>> entry;
LinkedList<String> list;
int c = 0;
while (i.hasNext() && c < max) {
entry =;
list = entry.getValue();
if (onlyReadyForAccess && Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(list.getFirst(), minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta) > 0) continue;
if (ram) {
} else try {
urlFileStack.push(urlFileStack.row().newEntry(new byte[][] { (list.removeFirst()).getBytes() }));
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (list.size() == 0) i.remove();
private void flushAllRamStack() throws IOException {
// this flushes only the ramStack to the fileStack, but does not flush the domainStacks
for (int i = 0; i < urlRAMStack.size() / 2; i++) {
urlFileStack.push(urlFileStack.row().newEntry(new byte[][]{(urlRAMStack.get(i)).getBytes()}));
urlFileStack.push(urlFileStack.row().newEntry(new byte[][]{(urlRAMStack.get(urlRAMStack.size() - i - 1)).getBytes()}));
if (urlRAMStack.size() % 2 != 0)
urlFileStack.push(urlFileStack.row().newEntry(new byte[][]{(urlRAMStack.get(urlRAMStack.size() / 2)).getBytes()}));
private void shiftFileToDomStacks(final int wantedsize) {
int count = sizeDomainStacks() - wantedsize;
while ((urlFileStack != null) && (count > 0) && (urlFileStack.size() > 0)) {
// flush some entries from disc to ram stack
try {
// one from the top:
Row.Entry t = urlFileStack.pop();
if (t == null) break;
pushHashToDomainStacks(new String(t.getColBytes(0)), false);
if (urlFileStack.size() == 0) break;
// one from the bottom:
t = urlFileStack.pot();
if (t == null) break;
pushHashToDomainStacks(new String(t.getColBytes(0)), false);
} catch (final IOException e) {
private void shiftFileToRAM(final int wantedsize) {
while ((urlFileStack != null) && (urlRAMStack.size() <= wantedsize) && (urlFileStack.size() > 0)) {
// flush some entries from disc to ram stack
try {
// one from the top:
Row.Entry t = urlFileStack.pop();
if (t == null) break;
urlRAMStack.add(new String(t.getColBytes(0)));
if (urlFileStack.size() == 0) break;
// one from the bottom:
t = urlFileStack.pot();
if (t == null) break;
urlRAMStack.add(new String(t.getColBytes(0)));
} catch (final IOException e) {
public synchronized void push(final CrawlEntry entry) throws IOException {
assert entry != null;
if (urlFileIndex.has(entry.url().hash().getBytes())) {
String hash = entry.url().hash();
if (urlFileIndex.has(hash.getBytes())) {
//Log.logWarning("BALANCER", "double-check has failed for urlhash " + entry.url().hash() + " in " + stackname + " - fixed");
@ -363,13 +212,14 @@ public class Balancer {
// add to index
int s = urlFileIndex.size();
assert s < urlFileIndex.size();
assert s < urlFileIndex.size() : "hash = " + hash;
assert urlFileIndex.has(hash.getBytes()) : "hash = " + hash;
// add the hash to a queue
pushHashToDomainStacks(entry.url().hash(), true);
pushHashToDomainStacks(entry.url().hash(), 10);
private void pushHashToDomainStacks(final String hash, boolean flush) {
private void pushHashToDomainStacks(final String hash, int maxstacksize) {
// extend domain stack
final String dom = hash.substring(6);
LinkedList<String> domainList = domainStacks.get(dom);
@ -382,12 +232,21 @@ public class Balancer {
} else {
// extend existent domain list
if (domainList.size() < maxstacksize) domainList.addLast(hash);
// check size of domainStacks and flush
if (flush && (domainStacks.size() > 100) || (sizeDomainStacks() > 1000)) {
flushOnceDomStacks(urlRAMStack.size() < 100, true, 100); // when the ram stack is small, flush it there
private void removeHashFromDomainStacks(final String hash) {
// extend domain stack
final String dom = hash.substring(6);
LinkedList<String> domainList = domainStacks.get(dom);
if (domainList == null) return;
Iterator<String> i = domainList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
if ( {
@ -404,178 +263,42 @@ public class Balancer {
public synchronized CrawlEntry pop(boolean delay, CrawlProfile profile) throws IOException {
// returns a crawl entry from the stack and ensures minimum delta times
// we have 3 sources to choose from: the ramStack, the domainStacks and the fileStack
String result = null; // the result
// 1st: check ramStack
if (urlRAMStack.size() > 0) {
//result = urlRAMStack.remove(0);
Iterator<String> i = urlRAMStack.iterator();
String urlhash;
long waitingtime, min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
String besthash = null;
while (i.hasNext()) {
urlhash =;
waitingtime = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(urlhash, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (waitingtime == 0) {
// zero waiting is a good one
result = urlhash;
min = Long.MAX_VALUE; // that causes that the if at the end of this loop is not used
besthash = null;
if (waitingtime < min) {
min = waitingtime;
besthash = urlhash;
if (min <= 500 && besthash != null) {
// find that entry that was best end remove it
i = urlRAMStack.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
urlhash =;
if (urlhash.equals(besthash)) {
// zero waiting is a good one
result = urlhash;
// the next options use the domain stack. If this is not filled enough, they dont work at all
// so just fill them up with some stuff
if (result == null) shiftFileToDomStacks(1000);
// 2nd-b: check domainStacks for best match between stack size and retrieval time
String maxhash = null;
if ((result == null) && (domainStacks.size() > 0)) synchronized (domainStacks) {
// we order all domains by the number of entries per domain
// then we iterate through these domains in descending entry order
// and take that one, that has a zero waiting time
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>> entry;
String domhash;
LinkedList<String> domlist;
final TreeMap<Integer, String> hitlist = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
int count = 0;
// first collect information about sizes of the domain lists
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
domhash = entry.getKey();
domlist = entry.getValue();
hitlist.put(Integer.valueOf(domlist.size() * 100 + count++), domhash);
// now iterate in descending order and fetch that one,
// that is acceptable by the minimumDelta constraint
long waitingtime;
while (hitlist.size() > 0) {
domhash = hitlist.remove(hitlist.lastKey());
if (maxhash == null) maxhash = domhash; // remember first entry
waitingtime = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(domhash, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (waitingtime < 100) {
domlist = domainStacks.get(domhash);
result = domlist.removeFirst();
if (domlist.size() == 0) domainStacks.remove(domhash);
filltop(delay, 600000, false);
filltop(delay, 60000, false);
filltop(delay, 10000, false);
filltop(delay, 6000, false);
filltop(delay, 3000, false);
filltop(delay, 1000, false);
filltop(delay, 0, true);
// 2nd-a: check domainStacks for latest arrivals
if ((result == null) && (domainStacks.size() > 0)) synchronized (domainStacks) {
// we select specific domains that have not been used for a long time
// Latest arrivals that have not yet been crawled fit also in that scheme
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>> entry;
String domhash;
long waitingtime, min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
String besthash = null;
LinkedList<String> domlist;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
domhash = entry.getKey();
waitingtime = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(domhash, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (waitingtime == 0) {
// zero waiting is a good one
domlist = entry.getValue();
result = domlist.removeFirst();
if (domlist.size() == 0) i.remove();
min = Long.MAX_VALUE; // that causes that the if at the end of this loop is not used
besthash = null;
if (waitingtime < min) {
min = waitingtime;
besthash = domhash;
if (min <= 500 && besthash != null) {
domlist = domainStacks.get(besthash);
result = domlist.removeFirst();
if (domlist.size() == 0) domainStacks.remove(besthash);
// 2nd-c: if we did yet not choose any entry, we simply take that one with the most entries
if ((result == null) && (maxhash != null)) {
LinkedList<String> domlist = domainStacks.get(maxhash);
if (domlist != null) {
result = domlist.removeFirst();
if (domlist.size() == 0) domainStacks.remove(maxhash);
// 3rd: take entry from file
if ((result == null) && (urlFileStack.size() > 0)) {
Row.Entry nextentry = (top) ? :;
if (nextentry == null) nextentry = (top) ? :;
if (nextentry == null) {
// emergency case: this means that something with the stack organization is wrong
// the file appears to be broken. We kill the file.
Log.logSevere("BALANCER", "get() failed to fetch entry from file stack. reset stack file.");
} else {
final String nexthash = new String(nextentry.getColBytes(0));
// check if the time after retrieval of last hash from same
// domain is not shorter than the minimumDelta
long waitingtime = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(nexthash, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (waitingtime == 0) {
// the entry is fine
result = new String((top) ? urlFileStack.pop().getColBytes(0) : urlFileStack.pot().getColBytes(0));
} else {
// try other entry
result = new String((top) ? urlFileStack.pot().getColBytes(0) : urlFileStack.pop().getColBytes(0));
top = !top; // alternate top/bottom
String result = null; // the result
// check case where we did not found anything
if (result == null) {
Log.logSevere("BALANCER", "get() was not able to find a valid urlhash - total size = " + size() + ", fileStack.size() = " + urlFileStack.size() + ", ramStack.size() = " + urlRAMStack.size() + ", domainStacks.size() = " + domainStacks.size());
return null;
// first simply take one of the entries in the top list, that should be one without any delay
if ( > 0) {
result = top.remove();
// finally: check minimumDelta and if necessary force a sleep
final int s = urlFileIndex.size();
Row.Entry rowEntry = urlFileIndex.remove(result.getBytes());
Row.Entry rowEntry = (result == null) ? null : urlFileIndex.remove(result.getBytes());
if (rowEntry == null) rowEntry = urlFileIndex.removeOne();
if (rowEntry == null) {
String error = "get() found a valid urlhash, but failed to fetch the corresponding url entry - total size = " + size() + ", fileStack.size() = " + urlFileStack.size() + ", ramStack.size() = " + urlRAMStack.size() + ", domainStacks.size() = " + domainStacks.size();
throw new IOException(error + " - cleared the balancer");
Log.logWarning("Balancer", "removeOne() failed - size = " + this.size());
return null;
assert urlFileIndex.size() + 1 == s : "urlFileIndex.size() = " + urlFileIndex.size() + ", s = " + s + ", result = " + result;
final CrawlEntry crawlEntry = new CrawlEntry(rowEntry);
//Log.logInfo("Balancer", "fetched next url: " + crawlEntry.url().toNormalform(true, false));
// at this point we must check if the crawlEntry has relevancy because the crawl profile still exists
// if not: return null. A calling method must handle the null value and try again
if (profile != null && !profile.hasEntry(crawlEntry.profileHandle())) return null;
if (profile != null && !profile.hasEntry(crawlEntry.profileHandle())) {
if (profileErrors < 20) Log.logInfo("Balancer", "no profile entry for handle " + crawlEntry.profileHandle());
return null;
long sleeptime = Latency.waitingRemaining(crawlEntry.url(), minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta); // this uses the robots.txt database and may cause a loading of robots.txt from the server
if (delay && sleeptime > 0) {
@ -584,59 +307,81 @@ public class Balancer {
// this is only to protection against the worst case, where the crawler could
// behave in a DoS-manner
Log.logInfo("BALANCER", "forcing crawl-delay of " + sleeptime + " milliseconds for " + crawlEntry.url().getHost() + ((sleeptime > Math.max(minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta)) ? " (forced latency)" : ""));
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastPrepare > 10000) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.lastPrepare = System.currentTimeMillis();
sleeptime -= this.lastPrepare - t;
if (sleeptime > 0) try {synchronized(this) { this.wait(sleeptime); }} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
return crawlEntry;
* return top-elements from the crawl stack
* we do not produce here more entries than exist on the stack
* because otherwise the balancing does not work properly
* @param count
* @return
* @throws IOException
public synchronized ArrayList<CrawlEntry> top(int count) throws IOException {
// construct a list using the urlRAMStack which was filled with this procedure
count = prepare(count);
final ArrayList<CrawlEntry> list = new ArrayList<CrawlEntry>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final String urlhash = urlRAMStack.get(i);
final Row.Entry entry = urlFileIndex.get(urlhash.getBytes());
if (entry == null) break;
list.add(new CrawlEntry(entry));
return list;
private void filltop(boolean delay, long maximumwaiting, boolean acceptonebest) {
if ( > 0) return;
// check if we need to get entries from the file index
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private int prepare(int count) throws IOException {
// if we need to flush anything, then flush the domain stack first,
// to avoid that new urls get hidden by old entries from the file stack
if (urlRAMStack == null) return 0;
// iterate over the domain stacks
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = this.domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>> entry;
long smallestWaiting = Long.MAX_VALUE;
String besthash = null;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
if (entry.getValue().size() == 0) {
// ensure that the domain stacks are filled enough
String n = entry.getValue().getFirst();
if (delay) {
long w = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(n, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (w > maximumwaiting) {
if (w < smallestWaiting) {
smallestWaiting = w;
besthash = n;
n = entry.getValue().removeFirst();;
if (entry.getValue().size() == 0) i.remove();
// flush from the domain stacks first until they are empty
if ((domainStacksNotEmpty()) && (urlRAMStack.size() <= count)) {
flushOnceDomStacks(true, true, 100);
// if we could not find any entry, then take the best we have seen so far
if (acceptonebest && > 0 && besthash != null) {
while ((domainStacksNotEmpty()) && (urlRAMStack.size() <= count)) {
// flush only that much as we need to display
flushOnceDomStacks(true, false, 100);
// if the ram is still not full enough, use the file stack
private void fillDomainStacks(int maxdomstacksize) throws IOException {
if (this.domainStacks.size() > 0) return;
CloneableIterator<byte[]> i = this.urlFileIndex.keys(true, null);
while (i.hasNext()) {
pushHashToDomainStacks(new String(, 10);
if (this.domainStacks.size() > maxdomstacksize) break;
return Math.min(count, urlRAMStack.size());
public ArrayList<CrawlEntry> top(int count) {
count = Math.min(count, top.size());
ArrayList<CrawlEntry> cel = new ArrayList<CrawlEntry>();
if (count == 0) return cel;
for (String n: top) {
try {
Row.Entry rowEntry = urlFileIndex.get(n.getBytes());
if (rowEntry == null) continue;
final CrawlEntry crawlEntry = new CrawlEntry(rowEntry);
if (count <= 0) break;
} catch (IOException e) {
return cel;
public synchronized Iterator<CrawlEntry> iterator() throws IOException {

@ -153,7 +153,13 @@ public class CrawlQueues {
for (final crawlWorker w: workers.values()) {
// TODO: wait some more time until all threads are finished
for (final crawlWorker w: workers.values()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import;
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile.entry;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.Log;
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ public final class CrawlSwitchboard {
try {
this.profilesActiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesActiveFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
this.profilesActiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesActiveFile);
@ -103,8 +105,13 @@ public final class CrawlSwitchboard {
log.logInfo("Loaded active crawl profiles from file " + profilesActiveFile.getName() +
", " + this.profilesActiveCrawls.size() + " entries" +
", " + profilesActiveFile.length()/1024);
", " + this.profilesActiveCrawls.size() + " entries");
Iterator<entry> i = this.profilesActiveCrawls.profiles(true);
entry c;
while (i.hasNext()) {
c =;
log.logInfo("active crawl: " + c.handle() + " - " +;
final File profilesPassiveFile = new File(queuesRoot, DBFILE_PASSIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES);
if (!profilesPassiveFile.exists()) {
// migrate old file
@ -261,8 +268,9 @@ public final class CrawlSwitchboard {
public void close() {

@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ public class IndexingStack {
return (sbQueueStack == null) ? 0 : sbQueueStack.size();
public String file() {
return this.sbQueueStack.filename;
public synchronized void push(final QueueEntry entry) throws IOException {
if (entry == null) return;
if (sbQueueStack == null) return; // may occur during shutdown
@ -104,21 +108,21 @@ public class IndexingStack {
while ((sizeBefore = sbQueueStack.size()) > 0) {
Row.Entry b = sbQueueStack.pot();
if (b == null) {
Log.logInfo("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack.pot() == null");
Log.logInfo("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack.pot() == null, file = " + sbQueueStack.filename);
if (sbQueueStack.size() < sizeBefore) continue;
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack does not shrink after pot() == null; trying pop()");
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack " + sbQueueStack.filename + " does not shrink after pot() == null; trying pop()");
if (sbQueueStack.size() < sizeBefore) {
return new QueueEntry(b);
} else {
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack does not shrink after pot() != null; trying pop()");
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack " + sbQueueStack.filename + " does not shrink after pot() != null; trying pop()");
sizeBefore = sbQueueStack.size();
b = sbQueueStack.pop();
if (b == null) {
Log.logInfo("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack.pop() == null");
Log.logInfo("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack.pop() == null, file = " + sbQueueStack.filename);
if (sbQueueStack.size() < sizeBefore) continue;
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack does not shrink after pop() == null; failed");
Log.logSevere("IndexingStack", "sbQueueStack does not shrink after pop() == null; failed; file = " + sbQueueStack.filename);
return null;
return new QueueEntry(b);

@ -96,23 +96,33 @@ public class Latency {
* @param minimumGlobalDelta
* @return the remaining waiting time in milliseconds
public static long waitingRemainingGuessed(String urlhash, final long minimumLocalDelta, final long minimumGlobalDelta) {
assert urlhash.length() == 12 || urlhash.length() == 6;
Latency.Host latency = == 6) ? urlhash : urlhash.substring(6));
if (latency == null) return 0;
public static long waitingRemainingGuessed(String hosthash, final long minimumLocalDelta, final long minimumGlobalDelta) {
assert hosthash.length() == 12 || hosthash.length() == 6;
Host host = == 6) ? hosthash : hosthash.substring(6));
if (host == null) return 0;
final long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - latency.lastacc();
final boolean local = yacyURL.isLocal(urlhash);
long deltaBase = (local) ? minimumLocalDelta : minimumGlobalDelta;
final long genericDelta = Math.min(
deltaBase + ((latency == null || local) ? 0 : latency.flux(deltaBase)),
(local || latency == null) ? 0 : latency.robotsDelay())
); // prevent that that robots file can stop our indexer completely
return (delta < genericDelta) ? genericDelta - delta : 0;
// the time since last access to the domain is the basis of the remaining calculation
final long timeSinceLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis() - host.lastacc();
// find the minimum waiting time based on the network domain (local or global)
final boolean local = yacyURL.isLocal(hosthash);
long waiting = (local) ? minimumLocalDelta : minimumGlobalDelta;
// if we have accessed the domain many times, get slower (the flux factor)
if (!local) waiting += host.flux(waiting);
// use the access latency as rule how fast we can access the server
// this applies also to localhost, but differently, because it is not necessary to
// consider so many external accesses
waiting = Math.max(waiting, (local) ? host.average() / 2 : host.average() * 2);
// prevent that that a robots file can stop our indexer completely
waiting = Math.min(60000, waiting);
// return time that is remaining
//System.out.println("Latency: " + (waiting - timeSinceLastAccess));
return Math.max(0, waiting - timeSinceLastAccess);
* calculates how long should be waited until the domain can be accessed again

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class NoticedURL {
public void clear() {
Log.logInfo("NoticedURL", "clearing all stacks");
Log.logInfo("NoticedURL", "CLEARING ALL STACKS!");
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class NoticedURL {
public void clear(final int stackType) {
Log.logInfo("NoticedURL", "clearing stack " + stackType);
Log.logInfo("NoticedURL", "CLEARING STACK " + stackType);
switch (stackType) {
case STACK_TYPE_CORE: coreStack.clear(); break;
case STACK_TYPE_LIMIT: limitStack.clear(); break;
@ -221,11 +221,14 @@ public class NoticedURL {
// this is a filo - pop
int s;
CrawlEntry entry;
int errors = 0;
synchronized (balancer) {
while ((s = balancer.size()) > 0) {
entry = balancer.pop(delay, profile);
if (entry == null) {
if (s > balancer.size()) continue;
if (errors < 100) continue;
final int aftersize = balancer.size();
balancer.clear(); // the balancer is broken and cannot shrink
Log.logWarning("BALANCER", "entry is null, balancer cannot shrink (bevore pop = " + s + ", after pop = " + aftersize + "); reset of balancer");
@ -240,11 +243,7 @@ public class NoticedURL {
// this is a filo - top
if (count > balancer.size()) count = balancer.size();
ArrayList<CrawlEntry> list;
try {
list =;
} catch (final IOException e) {
list = new ArrayList<CrawlEntry>(0);
return list;

@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ public class EcoTable implements ObjectIndex {
final Row.Entry lr = rowdef.newEntry(le);
final int i = index.remove(lr.getPrimaryKeyBytes());
assert i >= 0;
if (table != null) table.removeOne();
if (table != null) table.remove(lr.getPrimaryKeyBytes());
assert file.size() == index.size() + fail : "file.size() = " + file.size() + ", index.size() = " + index.size();
return lr;

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public final class Stack extends FullRecords {
// return row on the bottom of the stack and remove record
final Node n = botNode();
if (n == null) {
Log.logInfo("Stack", "botNode() == null");
Log.logInfo("Stack", "botNode() == null in " + this.filename);
return null;
final Row.Entry ret = row().newEntry(n.getValueRow());
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public final class Stack extends FullRecords {
final RecordHandle h = getHandle(root);
if (h == null) {
Log.logInfo("Stack", "getHandle(root) == null");
Log.logInfo("Stack", "getHandle(root) == null in " + this.filename);
return null;
return new EcoNode(h);

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class ftpc {
private Socket ControlSocket = null;
// socket timeout
private static final int ControlSocketTimeout = 300000;
private static final int ControlSocketTimeout = 10000;
// data socket timeout
private int DataSocketTimeout = 0; // in seconds (default infinite)
@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ public class ftpc {
} else {
if (DataSocketActive != null) {
DataSocketActive.setSoTimeout(DataSocketTimeout * 1000);
@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ public class ftpc {
* @return timeout in seconds
public void setDataTimeoutByMaxFilesize(final int maxFilesize) {
int timeout = 0;
int timeout = 1;
if (DataSocketRate > 0) {
// calculate by minDataRate and MaxFTPFileSize
timeout = maxFilesize / DataSocketRate;

@ -1193,6 +1193,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
log.logConfig("SWITCHBOARD SHUTDOWN STEP 3: sending termination signal to database manager (stand by...)");
@ -1240,7 +1241,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
if (crawler.queuePreStack.size() == sizeBefore) {
// this is a severe problem: because this time a null is returned, it means that this status will last forever
// to re-enable use of the sbQueue, it must be emptied completely
log.logSevere("deQueue: does not shrink after pop() == null. Emergency reset.");
log.logSevere("deQueue: does not shrink after pop() == null. Emergency reset of " + crawler.queuePreStack.file());
return null;
