- compressed (minify) yacy-portalsearch.js for better performance - removed language selector, as it doesn't work really well (at least for me) git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@8026 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542pull/1/head
@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
* YaCy Portalsearch
* @author Stefan Förster (apfelmaennchen)
* @version 1.1
* @requires jquery-1.6.1
* @requires jquery-ui-1.8.13
* @requires jquery-query-2.1.7
* @requires jquery.form-2.73
* @requires jquery.field-0.9.2.min
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Date: 19-MAY-2011
function statuscheck() {
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$(document).ready(function() {
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timeout: 5000,
cache: true
// apply default properties
ycurr = '';
startRecord = 0;
maximumRecords = 10;
submit = false;
yconf = $.extend({
url : '',
'global' : false,
theme : 'start',
title : 'YaCy Search Widget',
logo : yconf.url + '/yacy/ui/img/yacy-logo.png',
link : 'http://yacy.net',
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height : 640,
position : [150,50],
modal : false,
resizable: true,
show : '',
hide : '',
load_js : true,
load_css : true
}, yconf);
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var script3 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery.field-0.9.2.min.js';
var script4 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js';
var script5 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery-ui-combobox.js';
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$.getScript(script3, function(){ load_status++; });
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function yrun() {
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clearStyle: true,
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minWidth: yconf.width,
position: yconf.position,
modal: yconf.modal,
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title: yconf.title,
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hide: yconf.hide,
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open: function(event, ui) {
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title: 'Navigation',
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$("#ypopup").bind("scroll", function(e){
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startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
yacysearch(submit, false);
$('#ysearch').keyup(function(e) {
if(e.which == 27) { // ESC
} else if(e.which == 39) { // Right
startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
yacysearch(submit, false);
if(ycurr == $("#yquery").getValue()) {
return false;
if ($("#yquery").getValue() == '') {
} else {
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
if(!submit) yacysearch(false, true);
else submit = false;
return false;
$('#ysearch').submit(function() {
submit = true;
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
if (!$("#ypopup").dialog('isOpen'))
if ($("#yside").dialog('isOpen'))
yacysearch(yconf.global, true);
return false;
function yacysearch(global, clear) {
var url = yconf.url + '/yacysearch.json?callback=?'
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var loading = "<div class='yloading'><h3 class='linktitle'><em>Loading: "+yconf.url+"</em><br/>";
var loadimg = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img/loading2.gif' align='absmiddle'/></h3></div>";
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var param = [];
$("#ysearch input").each(function(i){
var item = { name : $(this).attr('name'), value : $(this).attr('value') };
if(item.name == 'resource') {
if(item.value == 'global') global = true;
if(global) item.value = 'global';
if(item.name == 'query' || item.name == 'search') {
if(item.value != ycurr)
ycurr = item.value;
param[i] = item;
param[param.length] = { name : 'startRecord', value : startRecord };
timeout: 10000,
error: function() {
if (clear) $('#ypopup').empty();
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img-2/stop.png' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+"Ajax Error!</h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href=''>Current search terms: "+searchTerms+"</a></p>"
var desc = "<p class='desc'>Sorry, this should not have happened - please try again!</p>";
$.getJSON(url, param,
function(json, status) {
if (json[0]) data = json[0];
else data = json;
var searchTerms = data.channels[0].searchTerms;
if(ycurr.replace(/ /g,"+") != searchTerms) {
return false;
if(clear) {
var total = data.channels[0].totalResults;
if(global) var result = 'global';
else var result = 'local';
var count = 0;
$.each (
function(i,item) {
if (item) {
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/ViewImage.png?width=16&height=16&code="+item.faviconCode+"' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+"<a href='"+item.link+"' target='_blank'>"+item.title+"</a></h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href='"+item.link+"' target='_blank'>"+item.link+"</a></p>"
var desc = "<p class='desc'>"+item.description+"</p>";
var date = "<p class='date'>"+item.pubDate.substring(0,16);
var size = " | "+item.sizename+"</p>";
if(count == 0) {
if (clear) $('#ypopup').empty();
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img-2/stop.png' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+"No search results!</h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href=''>Current search terms: "+searchTerms+"</a></p>"
var desc = "<p class='desc'>You could restate your search or release some navigators...</p>";
if(clear) {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue());
var yglobal = "local";
var sel_date = "";
var sel_relev = "";
var sel_local = "";
var sel_global = "";
if(query.indexOf("/date") != -1)
sel_date = 'checked="checked"';
sel_relev = 'checked="checked"';
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sel_global = 'checked="checked"';
yglobal = "global";
sel_local = 'checked="checked"';
var ylogo = "<a href='"+yconf.link+"' target='_blank'><img style='padding-left: 24px;' src='"+yconf.logo+"' alt='"+yconf.logo+"' title='"+yconf.logo+"' /></a>";
var ymsg= "Total "+yglobal+" results: "+total;
$("<div class='ymsg'><table><tr><td width='55px'>"+ylogo+"</td><td id='yresult'>"+ymsg+"</td></tr></div").appendTo('#yside');
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
$("<p class='ytxt'>You can narrow down your search by selecting one of the below navigators:</p>").appendTo('#yside');
var label = '<label for="ylang">Language:</label><br />';
var select = '<select class="selector" id="ylang"><option value="">Select one...</option><option value="en" >en-English</option><option value="fr" >fr-French</option><option value="es" >es-Spanish</option><option value="de" >de-German</option><option value="zh" >zh-Chinese</option></select>';
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav">'+label+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
selected: function(event, ui) {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue() + " /language/" +ui.item.value);
$.each (
function(i,facet) {
if (facet) {
var id = "#y"+facet.facetname;
var label = '<label for="y' +facet.facetname+ '">' +facet.displayname+ ': </label><br />';
var select = '<select id="y' +facet.facetname+ '"><option value="">Select one...</option></select>';
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav">'+label+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
$.each (
function(j,element) {
var mod = '<option value="'+element.modifier +'">'+element.name+ ' (' +element.count+ ')</option>';
selected: function(event, ui) {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue() + " " +ui.item.value);
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
var radio1 = '<table><tr><td><span class="ynav">Get results: </span><div class="yradio" id="yglobal"><input type="radio" id="local" name="yglobal"" '+sel_local+' /><label for="local">local</label><br><input type="radio" id="global" name="yglobal" '+sel_global+' /><label for="global">global</label></div></td>';
var radio2 = '<td><span class="ynav">Sort by: </span><div class="yradio" id="yrecent"><input type="radio" id="relevance" name="yrecent" '+sel_relev+' /><label for="relevance">relevance</label><br><input type="radio" id="date" name="yrecent" '+sel_date+' /><label for="date">date</label></div></td></tr></table>';
$(radio1 + radio2).appendTo('#yside');
$('#local, #global, #date, #relevance').change(function() {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue());
if (this.id == "date") {
$("#yquery").setValue(query + " /date");
} else if (this.id == "relevance") {
$("#yquery").setValue(query.replace(/ \/date/g,""));
} else if (this.id == "global") {
global = true;
} else if (this.id == "local") {
global = false;
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
cancelNavigators(ynavigators, "#yside");
if(true) {
if ($("#ypopup").dialog('isOpen')) {
if($("#ypopup h3 :last").position().top < $("#ypopup").dialog( "option", "height" ) && count == maximumRecords) {
startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
yacysearch(submit, false);
function autoOpenSidebar() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if( $("#yquery").getValue() == ycurr) {
} , 1000);
function cancelNavigators(ynavigators, appendTo) {
var arLen=ynavigators.length;
for ( var i=0, len=arLen; i<len; ++i ){
$('<p><img src="/yacy/ui/img-2/cancel_round.png" class="ynav-cancel" /><span class="ytxt"> '+ynavigators[i]+'</span></p>').appendTo(appendTo);
$(".ynav-cancel").bind("click", function(event) {
var query = $("#yquery").getValue();
var str = $(event.target).next().text().replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, "");
var idx = ynavigators.indexOf(str);
if(idx!=-1) ynavigators.splice(idx, 1);
var regexp = new RegExp(str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"));
$("#yquery").setValue(query.replace(regexp,"").replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, ""));
startRecord = 0;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in new issue