@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ This cache is very important for a fast search process.==Tato cache je velmi dol
Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Dosledok zvacsenie tejto cache je viac vysledkov vyhladavania a menej vstupno/vystupnej zataze pocas DHT prenosu.
Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Dosledok zvacsenie tejto cache je viac vysledkov vyhladavania a menej vstupno/vystupnej zataze pocas DHT prenosu.
'noticed' URLs=='zname' URL adresy
'noticed' URLs=='zname' URL adresy
A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Znama URL adresa je taka ktora bola objavena pocas crawlingu avsak nebola este nahrata.
A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Znama URL adresa je taka ktora bola objavena pocas crawlingu avsak nebola este nahrata.
Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erhöhen der Cachegröße resultiert in schnellerer Rücküberprüfung beim Durchführen von Crawls.
#Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erhöhen der Cachegröße resultiert in schnellerer Rücküberprüfung beim Durchführen von Crawls.
'error' URLs=='chybne' URL adresy
'error' URLs=='chybne' URL adresy
URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URL adresy ktore nemozu byt nahrante su ulozene v tejto databaze. Takisto sa pouziva pri dvojnasobnej kontrole pocas crawlingu.
URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URL adresy ktore nemozu byt nahrante su ulozene v tejto databaze. Takisto sa pouziva pri dvojnasobnej kontrole pocas crawlingu.
Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Zvacsenie tejto cache pravdepodobne jemne zvysi rychlost crawlingu, nie vsak o vela.
Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Zvacsenie tejto cache pravdepodobne jemne zvysi rychlost crawlingu, nie vsak o vela.
@ -1343,7 +1343,6 @@ Page.==stranke.
#File: QuickCrawlLink_p.html
#File: QuickCrawlLink_p.html
YaCy '#[clientname]#': Quick Crawl Link==YaCy '#[clientname]#''#[clientname]#': Rychly Crawl Link
Simply drag and drop the link shown below to your Browsers Toolbar/Link-Bar.==Kliknite na tahajte (drag and drop) odkaz nizsie do toolbar/linkbaru Vaseho browsera.
Simply drag and drop the link shown below to your Browsers Toolbar/Link-Bar.==Kliknite na tahajte (drag and drop) odkaz nizsie do toolbar/linkbaru Vaseho browsera.
@ -1418,7 +1417,7 @@ Server Access Restrictions==Obmedzenia pristupu k serveru
You can restrict the access to this proxy/server using a two-stage security barrier:==Pristup k tomuto proxy resp. HTTP serveru mozete obmedzit pouzitym 2-stupnovej bezpecnostnej bariery:
You can restrict the access to this proxy/server using a two-stage security barrier:==Pristup k tomuto proxy resp. HTTP serveru mozete obmedzit pouzitym 2-stupnovej bezpecnostnej bariery:
define an <i>access domain</i> with a list of granted client IP-numbers or with wildcards==zadajte <i>priestor sietovych domen</i> so zoznamom IP adries povolenych klientov alebo pomocou wildcard znakov
define an <i>access domain</i> with a list of granted client IP-numbers or with wildcards==zadajte <i>priestor sietovych domen</i> so zoznamom IP adries povolenych klientov alebo pomocou wildcard znakov
define an <i>user account</i> with an user:password - pair==vytvorte <i>uzivatelsky ucet</i> pomocou paru 'uzivatel:heslo'
define an <i>user account</i> with an user:password - pair==vytvorte <i>uzivatelsky ucet</i> pomocou paru 'uzivatel:heslo'
This is the account that restricts access to the proxy function.==Dies sind die Nutzer denen der Zugriff auf die Proxyfunktion gewährt wird.
#This is the account that restricts access to the proxy function.==Dies sind die Nutzer denen der Zugriff auf die Proxyfunktion gewährt wird.
You probably don't want to share the proxy to the internet, so you should set the IP-Number Access Domain to a pattern that corresponds to you local intranet.==Pravdepodobne nechcete na internete zielat Vase proxy, takze by ste mali zvolit IP adresovy priestor tak aby zodpovedal adresam Vaseho intranetu.
You probably don't want to share the proxy to the internet, so you should set the IP-Number Access Domain to a pattern that corresponds to you local intranet.==Pravdepodobne nechcete na internete zielat Vase proxy, takze by ste mali zvolit IP adresovy priestor tak aby zodpovedal adresam Vaseho intranetu.
The default setting should be right in most cases.==Predvolene nastavenia by mali byt vo vacsine pripadov spravne.
The default setting should be right in most cases.==Predvolene nastavenia by mali byt vo vacsine pripadov spravne.
If you want, you can also set a proxy account so that every proxy user must authenticate first, but this is rather unusual.==Ak chcete mozete tiez vytvorit proxy ucet, takze kazdy uzivatel proxy sa musi najprv prihlasit, co je vsak neobvykle riesenie.
If you want, you can also set a proxy account so that every proxy user must authenticate first, but this is rather unusual.==Ak chcete mozete tiez vytvorit proxy ucet, takze kazdy uzivatel proxy sa musi najprv prihlasit, co je vsak neobvykle riesenie.
@ -1697,6 +1696,7 @@ from 'late' peers to enrich this search result.==z pomalych peerov na zlepsenie
System-, Index- and Peer-Status==Stav systemu, indexu a peera
System-, Index- and Peer-Status==Stav systemu, indexu a peera
Welcome to YaCy!==Vitajte v YaCy!
Welcome to YaCy!==Vitajte v YaCy!
Your settings are _not_ protected!==Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom!
Public System Properties==Vseobecne systemove vlastnosti
Public System Properties==Vseobecne systemove vlastnosti
@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ Private System Properties==Sukromne systemove vlastnosti
System Resources==Systemove zdroje
System Resources==Systemove zdroje
<b>Your settings are _not_ protected!</b> Please go to the==<b>Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom</b> Chodte prosim na
#<b>Your settings are _not_ protected!</b> Please go to the==<b>Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom</b> Chodte prosim na
settings</a> page <b>immediately</b> and set an administration password.==stranku nastaveni</a> a <b>ihned</b> si zvolte heslo.
settings</a> page <b>immediately</b> and set an administration password.==stranku nastaveni</a> a <b>ihned</b> si zvolte heslo.
Your settings are protected by a password.==Vase nastavenia su chranene heslom.
Your settings are protected by a password.==Vase nastavenia su chranene heslom.