bugfix for assertion bugs documented in


git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@3030 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 19 years ago
parent ef999f5f31
commit 7cc4cec9c9

@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ public class indexContainerOrder implements kelondroOrder {
this.embeddedOrder = embedOrder;
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a) {
return embeddedOrder.wellformed(a);
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
return embeddedOrder.wellformed(a, astart, alength);
public void direction(boolean ascending) {

@ -90,6 +90,20 @@ public class kelondroBase64Order extends kelondroAbstractOrder implements kelond
return o;
public final boolean wellformed(byte[] a) {
return wellformed(a, 0, a.length);
public final boolean wellformed(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
assert (astart + alength <= a.length) : "astart = " + astart + ", alength = " + alength + ", a.length = " + a.length;
int b;
for (int i = astart + alength - 1; i >= astart; i--) {
b = a[i];
if ((b < 0) || (b >= 128) || (ahpla[b] == -1)) return false;
return true;
public final static kelondroOrder bySignature(String signature) {
if (signature.equals("Bd")) return new kelondroBase64Order(false, false);
if (signature.equals("bd")) return new kelondroBase64Order(false, true);

@ -442,11 +442,19 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
if (arrayrow == null) throw new kelondroException(arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, clusteridx, serialnumber).toString(), "array does not contain expected row");
// read the row and define a collection
byte[] indexkey = indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key);
byte[] arraykey = arrayrow.getColBytes(0);
if (!(index.order().wellformed(arraykey))) {
// cleanup for a bad bug that corrupted the database
index.remove(indexkey); // the RowCollection must be considered lost
array.remove(rownumber); // loose the RowCollection (we don't know how much is lost)
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "lost a RowCollection because of a bad arraykey");
return new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, 0);
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, arrayrow.getColBytes(1)); // FIXME: this does not yet work with different rowdef in case of several rowdef.objectsize()
byte[] key = indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key);
if (index.order().compare(arrayrow.getColBytes(0), key) != 0) {
if ((!(index.order().wellformed(indexkey))) || (index.order().compare(arraykey, indexkey) != 0)) {
// check if we got the right row; this row is wrong. Fix it:
index.remove(key); // the wrong row cannot be fixed
index.remove(indexkey); // the wrong row cannot be fixed
// store the row number in the index; this may be a double-entry, but better than nothing
kelondroRow.Entry indexEntry = index.row().newEntry();
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_key, arrayrow.getColBytes(0));
@ -458,7 +466,7 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastread, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
throw new kelondroException(array.filename, "array contains wrong row '" + new String(arrayrow.getColBytes(0)) + "', expected is '" + new String(indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key)) + "', the row has been fixed");
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "array contains wrong row '" + new String(arrayrow.getColBytes(0)) + "', expected is '" + new String(indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key)) + "', the row has been fixed");
int chunkcountInArray = collection.size();
if (chunkcountInArray != chunkcount) {

@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ public class kelondroNaturalOrder extends kelondroAbstractOrder implements kelon
this.asc = ascending;
this.zero = null;
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a) {
return true;
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
return true;
public final Object clone() {
kelondroNaturalOrder o = new kelondroNaturalOrder(this.asc);

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ import java.util.Comparator;
public interface kelondroOrder extends Comparator {
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a); // returns true if and only if a has only characters that belong to the implemented order
public boolean wellformed(byte[] a, int astart, int alength);
public Object clone();
public void direction(boolean ascending); // the ordering direction can be changed at any time

@ -496,6 +496,8 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
assert (this.sortColumn == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.sortColumn;
int keylength = this.rowdef.width(this.sortColumn);
int colstart = this.rowdef.colstart[this.sortColumn];
if (bugappearance(chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength)) throw new kelondroException("bugappearance i");
if (bugappearance(chunkcache, j * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength)) throw new kelondroException("bugappearance j");
int c = this.sortOrder.compare(
i * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart,

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
public class kelondroRowSet extends kelondroRowCollection implements kelondroIndex {
private static final int collectionReSortLimit = 90;
@ -171,8 +173,14 @@ public class kelondroRowSet extends kelondroRowCollection implements kelondroInd
public void shape() {
assert (this.sortOrder != null); // we cannot shape without an object order
synchronized (chunkcache) {
try {
} catch (kelondroException e) {
// bad bug, cannot be fixed. We abandon all data
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroRowSet", "abandoned row");
//if (super.rowdef.column(0).cellwidth() == 4) System.out.println("TABLE OF " + super.rowdef.toString() + "\n" + serverLog.table(super.chunkcache, super.rowdef.objectsize, 0)); // DEBUG

@ -2389,8 +2389,9 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
if (wordIndex.size() < 100) {
return "no DHT distribution: not enough words - wordIndex.size() = " + wordIndex.size();
if ((getConfig("allowDistributeIndexWhileCrawling","false").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) && (urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize() > 0)) {
return "no DHT distribution: crawl in progress - noticeURL.stackSize() = " + urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize();
if ((getConfig("allowDistributeIndexWhileCrawling","false").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) &&
((urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize() > 0) || (sbQueue.size() > 0))) {
return "no DHT distribution: crawl in progress: noticeURL.stackSize() = " + urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize() + ", sbQueue.size() = " + sbQueue.size();
return null;
