<tr><tdcolspan="2"><inputtype="radio"name="range"id="rangeDomain"value="domain"#(range_domain)#::checked="checked"#(/range_domain)#/><divid="rangeDomainDescription"style="display:inline">Restrict to start domain(s)</div></td></tr>
<tr><tdcolspan="2"><inputtype="radio"name="range"id="rangeDomain"value="domain"#(range_domain)#::checked="checked"#(/range_domain)#/><divid="rangeDomainDescription"style="display:inline">Restrict to start domain(s)</div></td></tr>
<tr><tdcolspan="2"><inputtype="radio"name="range"id="rangeSubpath"value="subpath"#(range_subpath)#::checked="checked"#(/range_subpath)#/><divid="rangeSubpathDescription"style="display:inline">Restrict to sub-path(s)</div></td></tr>
<tr><tdcolspan="2"><inputtype="radio"name="range"id="rangeSubpath"value="subpath"#(range_subpath)#::checked="checked"#(/range_subpath)#/><divid="rangeSubpathDescription"style="display:inline">Restrict to sub-path(s)</div></td></tr>
<tdvalign="bottom"><inputname="mustmatch"id="mustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[mustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tdstyle="vertical-align: bottom"><inputname="mustmatch"id="mustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[mustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><tdwidth="110"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><inputname="ipMustmatch"id="ipMustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[ipMustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><tdstyle="width:110px"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif" alt=""> must-match</td><td><inputname="ipMustmatch"id="ipMustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[ipMustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
The filter is a <b><ahref="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html"target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>
The filter is a <b><ahref="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html"target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>
that <b>must not match</b> with the URLs to allow that the content of the url is indexed.
that <b>must not match</b> with the URLs to allow that the content of the url is indexed.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <ahref="RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy</a>.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <ahref="RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy.
<tablestyle="border-width: 0px">
<tr><tdwidth="110"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><inputname="indexmustmatch"id="indexmustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[indexmustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><tdstyle="width:110px"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif" alt=""> must-match</td><td><inputname="indexmustmatch"id="indexmustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[indexmustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<dt>Filter on Content of Document<br/>(all visible text, including camel-case-tokenized url and title)</dt>
<dt>Filter on Content of Document<br/>(all visible text, including camel-case-tokenized url and title)</dt>
<tablestyle="border-width: 0px">
<tr><tdwidth="110"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><inputname="indexcontentmustmatch"id="indexcontentmustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[indexcontentmustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><tdstyle="width:110px"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif" alt=""> must-match</td><td><inputname="indexcontentmustmatch"id="indexcontentmustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[indexcontentmustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><tdwidth="110">set of CSS class names</td><td><inputname="ignoreclassname"id="ignoreclassname"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[ignoreclassname]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='';"/></td><td>comma-separated list of <div> element class names which should be filtered out</td></tr>
<tr><tdstyle="width:110px">set of CSS class names</td><td><inputname="ignoreclassname"id="ignoreclassname"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[ignoreclassname]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='';"/></td><td>comma-separated list of <div> element class names which should be filtered out</td></tr>
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
<legend>Snapshot Creation</legend>
<legend>Snapshot Creation</legend>
<dt><labelfor="snapshotMaxdepth">Max Depth for Snapshots</label></dt>
@ -1172,6 +1172,7 @@ Showing latest #[count]# lines from a stack of #[all]# entries.==Zeigt die letzt
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
<html lang="en">==<html lang="de">
Expert Crawl Start==Experten Crawl Start
Expert Crawl Start==Experten Crawl Start
Start Crawling Job:==Starte Crawling Job:
Start Crawling Job:==Starte Crawling Job:
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here.==Sie können hier URLs angeben, die gecrawlt werden sollen und dann das Crawling starten.
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here.==Sie können hier URLs angeben, die gecrawlt werden sollen und dann das Crawling starten.
Start Crawling Job:==Tâche de démarrage du crawl:
Start Crawling Job:==Tâche de démarrage du crawl:
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==Vous pouvez définir les URLs de départ et démarrer le crawl ici. Crawler signifie que YaCy téléchargera les sites de départ et extraira tous leurs liens ainsi que leur contenu. Cela sera répété jusqu'a ce que la "profondeur de crawl" soit atteinte.
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==Vous pouvez définir les URLs de départ et démarrer le crawl ici. Crawler signifie que YaCy téléchargera les sites de départ et extraira tous leurs liens ainsi que leur contenu. Cela sera répété jusqu'a ce que la "profondeur de crawl" soit atteinte.
@ -943,6 +943,7 @@ Showing latest #[count]# lines from a stack of #[all]# entries.==नवीनत
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
<html lang="en">==<html lang="hi">
Expert Crawl Start==विशेषज्ञ क्रॉल प्रारंभ
Expert Crawl Start==विशेषज्ञ क्रॉल प्रारंभ
Start Crawling Job:==नौकरी रेंगने प्रारंभ:
Start Crawling Job:==नौकरी रेंगने प्रारंभ:
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==आप वेब पेज रेंगने के लिए प्रारंभ बिंदु के रूप में यूआरएल को परिभाषित करने और यहां रेंगने शुरू कर सकते हैं. "क्रॉलिंग " YaCy, किसी वेबसाइट डाउनलोड कर इसमें सभी लिंक निकालें और फिर इन कड़ियों के पीछे सामग्री डाउनलोड जाएगा. लंबे समय के रूप में "क्रॉलिंग गहराई के तहत निर्दिष्ट के रूप में यह दोहराया है.
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==आप वेब पेज रेंगने के लिए प्रारंभ बिंदु के रूप में यूआरएल को परिभाषित करने और यहां रेंगने शुरू कर सकते हैं. "क्रॉलिंग " YaCy, किसी वेबसाइट डाउनलोड कर इसमें सभी लिंक निकालें और फिर इन कड़ियों के पीछे सामग्री डाउनलोड जाएगा. लंबे समय के रूप में "क्रॉलिंग गहराई के तहत निर्दिष्ट के रूप में यह दोहराया है.
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==Tu mozete zadat URL adresy web stranok ktore budu preliezane (crawled) a z ktorych sa preliezanie (crawling) odstartuje. "Crawling" znamena, ze YaCy siahne zvolenu web stranku, extrahuje vsetky odkazy a nasledne stiahne web stranky pod tymito odkazmi. Toto sa opakuje do hlbky zadanej v policku "Hlbka crawlingu".
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==Tu mozete zadat URL adresy web stranok ktore budu preliezane (crawled) a z ktorych sa preliezanie (crawling) odstartuje. "Crawling" znamena, ze YaCy siahne zvolenu web stranku, extrahuje vsetky odkazy a nasledne stiahne web stranky pod tymito odkazmi. Toto sa opakuje do hlbky zadanej v policku "Hlbka crawlingu".
@ -1384,6 +1384,7 @@ Showing latest #[count]# lines from a stack of #[all]# entries.==显示栈中 #[
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
#File: CrawlStartExpert.html
<html lang="en">==<html lang="zh">
Expert Crawl Start==Crawl高级设置
Expert Crawl Start==Crawl高级设置
Start Crawling Job:==开始Crawl任务:
Start Crawling Job:==开始Crawl任务:
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==您可以将指定URL作为网页crawling的起始点. "Crawling"意即YaCy会下载指定的网站, 并解析出网站中链接的所有内容, 其深度由"Crawling深度"指定.
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. "Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".==您可以将指定URL作为网页crawling的起始点. "Crawling"意即YaCy会下载指定的网站, 并解析出网站中链接的所有内容, 其深度由"Crawling深度"指定.