<p>These pages had been indexed by your peer, but the crawl was initiated by a remote peer.
<p>These pages had been indexed by your peer, but the crawl was initiated by a remote peer.
This is the 'mirror'-case of process (1).</p>
This is the 'mirror'-case of process (1).</p>
<p><em>Use Case:</em> This list may fill if you check the 'Accept remote crawling requests'-flag on the 'Index Crate' page</p>
<p><em>Use Case:</em> This list may fill if you check the 'Accept remote crawling requests'-flag on the '<ahref="RemoteCrawl_p.html">Index Create</a>' page</p>
<h2>(7) Results from surrogates import</h2>
<h2>(7) Results from surrogates import</h2>
<p>These records had been imported from surrogate files in DATA/SURROGATES/in</p>
<p>These records had been imported from surrogate files in DATA/SURROGATES/in</p>