just testing my new svn-client with linux - daburna

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@1887 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
(no author) 19 years ago
parent 34c075c1c7
commit 5ddc32f49a

@ -1,167 +1,193 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Search Page</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Search for #[former]#" href="yacysearch.rss?search=#[former]#" />
<script src="/js/ajax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/xml.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/yacysearch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<h2 class="yacy">
<form class="search" action="index.html" method="get">
<fieldset class="maininput">
<input name="search" type="text" size="52" maxlength="80" value="#[former]#" />
<input type="submit" name="Enter" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="former" value="#[former]#" />
<td>Max. number of results:</td>
<td><select name="count">
<option #(count-10)#::selected="selected"#(/count-10)#>10</option>
<option #(count-50)#::selected="selected"#(/count-50)#>50</option>
<option #(count-100)#::selected="selected"#(/count-100)#>100</option>
<option #(count-1000)#::selected="selected"#(/count-1000)#>1000</option>
<td>order by:</td>
<td><select name="order">
<option value="YBR-Date-Quality" #(order-ybr-date-quality)#::selected="selected"#(/order-ybr-date-quality)#>YBR-Date-Quality</option>
<option value="YBR-Quality-Date" #(order-ybr-quality-date)#::selected="selected"#(/order-ybr-quality-date)#>YBR-Quality-Date</option>
<option value="Date-YBR-Quality" #(order-date-ybr-quality)#::selected="selected"#(/order-date-ybr-quality)#>Date-YBR-Quality</option>
<option value="Quality-YBR-Date" #(order-quality-ybr-date)#::selected="selected"#(/order-quality-ybr-date)#>Quality-YBR-Date</option>
<option value="Date-Quality-YBR" #(order-date-quality-ybr)#::selected="selected"#(/order-date-quality-ybr)#>Date-Quality-YBR</option>
<option value="Quality-Date-YBR" #(order-quality-date-ybr)#::selected="selected"#(/order-quality-date-ybr)#>Quality-Date-YBR</option>
<td><select name="resource">
<option value="global" #(resource-global)#::selected="selected"#(/resource-global)#>global</option>
<option value="local" #(resource-local)#::selected="selected"#(/resource-local)#>local</option>
<td>Max. search time (seconds):</td>
<td><select name="time">
<option #(time-1)#::selected="selected"#(/time-1)#>1</option>
<option #(time-3)#::selected="selected"#(/time-3)#>3</option>
<option #(time-6)#::selected="selected"#(/time-6)#>6</option>
<option #(time-10)#::selected="selected"#(/time-10)#>10</option>
<option #(time-30)#::selected="selected"#(/time-30)#>30</option>
<option #(time-60)#::selected="selected"#(/time-60)#>60</option>
<td>URL mask:</td>
<input name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="yes" checked /> restrict on <input name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="no" /> show all
<p><strong>The following words are stop-words and had been excluded from the search: #[stopwords]#.</strong></p>
<p>No Results.</p>
<p>No Results. (length of search words must be at least 3 characters)</p>
<p>No Results. If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer. If everybody contributes, the results will get better.</p>
<p>Other possible reasons for no result:</p>
<li>The search time was too short. Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'</li>
<li>There is currently no support for german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead</li>
<li>Words of length &lt; 3 are not indexed. Please omit such words</li>
<li>YaCy tries to index singular instead of plural words. Please use the singular form</li>
<li>Only complete words are indexed, not parts of words</li>
<li>Don't use stopwords as search words</li>
<li>During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is unknown. Please repeat your search to see if there are late-responses from remote peers</li>
<p>If you think the information you searched should exist in the global index, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your wanted information to make it available for everyone. Then stay online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!</p>
<p><strong>#[linkcount]#</strong> results from <strong>#[orderedcount]#</strong> ordered links of a total number of <strong>#[totalcount]#</strong> known.</p>
<p>&rarr; <a href="/index.html?search=#[former]#&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=#[count]#&amp;order=#[order]#&amp;resource=#[resource]#&amp;time=#[time]#&amp;urlmaskfilter=.*">Catch up more links</a>
from 'late' peers.</p>
<p><strong>Topwords</strong> (to refine search):
<a href="index.html?search=#[newsearch]#&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=#[count]#&amp;order=#[order]#&amp;resource=#[resource]#time=#[time]#">#[word]#</a>
<!-- linklist begin -->
<!-- link begin -->
<div class="searchresults">
<div class="urlactions">
<a href="/Bookmarks_p.html?edit=#[urlhash]#" class="bookmarklink" title="bookmark"><img src="/env/grafics/empty.gif" title="bookmark" alt="bookmark" class="bookmarkIcon" /></a>
<a href="#[delete]#" title="delete" class="deletelink" ><img src="/env/grafics/empty.gif" title="delete" alt="delete" class="deleteIcon" /></a>
<h4 class="linktitle"><a href="#[url]#">#[description]#</a></h4>
<p class="snippet"><span class="#(snippet)#snippetLoading::snippetLoaded#(/snippet)#" id="#[urlhash]#">#(snippet)#loading snippet ...::#[text]##(/snippet)#</span></p>
<p class="url"><a href="#[url]#" id="url#[urlhash]#">#[urlname]#</a></p>
<p class="urlinfo">#[date]# | YBR-#[ybr]# | <a href="ViewFile.html?urlHash=#[urlhash]#&amp;words=#[words]#">Info</a></p>
<!-- link end -->
<!-- linklist end -->
The global search resulted in #[globalresults]# link contributions from other YaCy peers.
You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option: This will search also other YaCy peers
You cannot get global search results because you are not connected to another YaCy peer.
To connect you must first use the proxy.
See here for an <a href="http://www.anomic.de/AnomicHTTPProxy/Installation.html#wininst">installation guide</a>.
Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online mode, which also grants global search.
To do this, press this button:
<form action="SettingsAck_p.html" method="get">
<input type="submit" name="pmode" value="go online">
You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option; you must also switch to online mode
(by using the proxy) to contribute to the global index.
<p class="info">YaCy is a GPL'ed project
with the target of implementing a P2P-based global search engine.<br />
Architecture (C) by Michael Peter Christen,
<img src="/env/grafics/mcemailh.gif" title="Mail-Adresse von Michael Peter Christen" alt="Mail-Adresse von Michael Peter Christen" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<TITLE>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Search Page</TITLE>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="OpenOffice.org 2.0 (Linux)">
<META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="20060314;23554900">
<META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="20060314;23560900">
<SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/ajax.js">
<SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/xml.js">
</SCRIPT><SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/yacysearch.js">
<FORM ACTION="index.html">
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="search" VALUE="#[former]#" SIZE=52 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 11.78cm; height: 0.61cm">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="Enter" VALUE="Search" STYLE="width: 1.71cm; height: 0.7cm"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="former" VALUE="#[former]#">
<P>Max. number of results:</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="count" STYLE="width: 1.89cm; height: 0.67cm">
<P>order by:</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="order" STYLE="width: 4.29cm; height: 0.67cm">
<OPTION VALUE="YBR-Date-Quality" SELECTED>YBR-Date-Quality
<OPTION VALUE="YBR-Quality-Date">YBR-Quality-Date
<OPTION VALUE="Date-YBR-Quality">Date-YBR-Quality
<OPTION VALUE="Quality-YBR-Date">Quality-YBR-Date
<OPTION VALUE="Date-Quality-YBR">Date-Quality-YBR
<OPTION VALUE="Quality-Date-YBR">Quality-Date-YBR</OPTION>
<P><SELECT NAME="resource" STYLE="width: 2.07cm; height: 0.67cm">
<OPTION VALUE="global" SELECTED>global
<OPTION VALUE="local">local</OPTION>
<P>Max. search time (seconds):</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="time" STYLE="width: 1.39cm; height: 0.67cm">
<P>URL mask:</P>
<P>#(urlmaskoptions)# <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="urlmaskfilter" VALUE="#[urlmaskfilter]#" SIZE=12 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 2.79cm; height: 0.61cm">
:: <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="urlmask" VALUE="yes" CHECKED STYLE="width: 0.29cm; height: 0.29cm">
restrict on <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="urlmaskfilter" VALUE="#[urlmaskfilter]#" SIZE=12 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 2.79cm; height: 0.61cm">
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="urlmask" VALUE="no" STYLE="width: 0.29cm; height: 0.29cm">
show all #(/urlmaskoptions)#</P>
<P>#(excluded)# ::
<P><STRONG>The following words are stop-words and had been excluded
from the search: #[stopwords]#.</STRONG></P>
<P>#(/excluded)# #(num-results)# ::
<P>No Results.</P>
<P>No Results. (length of search words must be at least 3 characters)</P>
<P>No Results. If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may
consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer.
If everybody contributes, the results will get better.</P>
<P>Other possible reasons for no result:</P>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The search time was too short.
Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">There is currently no support for
german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Words of length &lt; 3 are not
indexed. Please omit such words
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">YaCy tries to index singular
instead of plural words. Please use the singular form
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Only complete words are indexed,
not parts of words
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Don't use stopwords as search
<LI><P>During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is
unknown. Please repeat your search to see if there are
late-responses from remote peers
<P>If you think the information you searched should exist in the
global index, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your
wanted information to make it available for everyone. Then stay
online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!</P>
<P><STRONG>#[linkcount]#</STRONG> results from <STRONG>#[orderedcount]#</STRONG>
ordered links of a total number of <STRONG>#[totalcount]#</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="/index.html%3Fsearch=#[former]%23&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=%23[count]%23&amp;order=%23[order]%23&amp;resource=%23[resource]%23&amp;time=%23[time]%23&amp;urlmaskfilter=.*">Catch
up more links</A> from 'late' peers.</P>
<P>#(/num-results)# #(combine)# ::
<P><STRONG>Topwords</STRONG> (to refine search): #{words}# <A HREF="index.html%3Fsearch=#[newsearch]%23&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=%23[count]%23&amp;order=%23[order]%23&amp;resource=%23[resource]%23time=%23[time]%23">#[word]#</A>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">#(/combine)#<!-- linklist begin -->
#{results}#<!-- link begin -->
<P><A HREF="/Bookmarks_p.html%3Fedit=#[urlhash]%23"><FONT COLOR="#000080"><IMG SRC="/env/grafics/empty.gif" NAME="Grafik1" ALT="bookmark" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=2></FONT></A>
<A HREF="#[delete]#"><FONT COLOR="#000080"><IMG SRC="/env/grafics/empty.gif" NAME="Grafik2" ALT="delete" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=2></FONT></A>
<H4><A HREF="#[url]#">#[description]#</A></H4>
<P><A NAME="#[urlhash]#"></A>#(snippet)#loading snippet
<P><A NAME="url#[urlhash]#"></A><A HREF="#[url]#">#[urlname]#</A></P>
<P>#[date]# | YBR-#[ybr]# | <A HREF="ViewFile.html%3FurlHash=#[urlhash]%23&amp;words=%23[words]%23">Info</A></P>
<P><!-- link end -->#{/results}#<!-- linklist end -->
<P>#(resultbottomline)# :: The global search resulted in
#[globalresults]# link contributions from other YaCy peers. :: You
can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option: This will
search also other YaCy peers :: You cannot get global search results
because you are not connected to another YaCy peer. To connect you
must first use the proxy. See here for an <A HREF="http://www.anomic.de/AnomicHTTPProxy/Installation.html#wininst">installation
guide</A>. Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online
mode, which also grants global search. To do this, press this button:
<FORM ACTION="SettingsAck_p.html">
<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="pmode" VALUE="go online" STYLE="width: 2.16cm; height: 0.7cm">
<P>:: You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option;
you must also switch to online mode (by using the proxy) to
contribute to the global index. #(/resultbottomline)#
<P>YaCy is a GPL'ed project with the target of implementing a
P2P-based global search engine.<BR>Architecture (C) by Michael Peter
<IMG SRC="/env/grafics/mcemailh.gif" NAME="Grafik3" ALT="Mail-Adresse von Michael Peter Christen" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=0></P>