@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ public class UPNPService {
public UPNPService ( JXPathContext serviceCtx , URL baseDeviceURL , UPNPDevice serviceOwnerDevice ) throws MalformedURLException {
this . serviceOwnerDevice = serviceOwnerDevice ;
serviceType = ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " serviceType" ) ;
serviceId = ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " serviceId" ) ;
SCPDURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " SCPDURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
controlURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " controlURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
eventSubURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " eventSubURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
serviceType = ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " upnp: serviceType" ) ;
serviceId = ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " upnp: serviceId" ) ;
SCPDURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " upnp: SCPDURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
controlURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " upnp: controlURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
eventSubURL = UPNPRootDevice . getURL ( ( String ) serviceCtx . getValue ( " upnp: eventSubURL" ) , baseDeviceURL ) ;
USN = serviceOwnerDevice . getUDN ( ) . concat ( "::" ) . concat ( serviceType ) ;
@ -174,39 +174,43 @@ public class UPNPService {
DocumentContainer . registerXMLParser ( DocumentContainer . MODEL_DOM , new JXPathParser ( ) ) ;
UPNPService = new DocumentContainer ( SCPDURL , DocumentContainer . MODEL_DOM ) ;
JXPathContext context = JXPathContext . newContext ( this ) ;
Pointer rootPtr = context . getPointer ( "UPNPService/scpd" ) ;
context . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
Pointer rootPtr = context . getPointer ( "UPNPService/scpdns:scpd" ) ;
JXPathContext rootCtx = context . getRelativeContext ( rootPtr ) ;
rootCtx . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
specVersionMajor = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) rootCtx . getValue ( "s pecVersion/major" ) ) ;
specVersionMinor = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) rootCtx . getValue ( "s pecVersion/minor" ) ) ;
specVersionMajor = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) rootCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s pecVersion/scpdns: major" ) ) ;
specVersionMinor = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) rootCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s pecVersion/scpdns: minor" ) ) ;
parseServiceStateVariables ( rootCtx ) ;
Pointer actionsListPtr = rootCtx . getPointer ( " actionList" ) ;
Pointer actionsListPtr = rootCtx . getPointer ( " scpdns: actionList" ) ;
JXPathContext actionsListCtx = context . getRelativeContext ( actionsListPtr ) ;
Double arraySize = ( Double ) actionsListCtx . getValue ( "count( action )" ) ;
actionsListCtx . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
Double arraySize = ( Double ) actionsListCtx . getValue ( "count( scpdns:action )" ) ;
UPNPServiceActions = new HashMap ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = arraySize . intValue ( ) ; i + + ) {
ServiceAction action = new ServiceAction ( ) ;
action . name = ( String ) actionsListCtx . getValue ( " action["+ i + "]/ name" ) ;
action . name = ( String ) actionsListCtx . getValue ( " scpdns: action["+ i + "]/ scpdns: name" ) ;
action . parent = this ;
Pointer argumentListPtr = null ;
try {
argumentListPtr = actionsListCtx . getPointer ( " action["+ i + "]/ argumentList" ) ;
argumentListPtr = actionsListCtx . getPointer ( " scpdns: action["+ i + "]/ scpdns: argumentList" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException ex ) {
// there is no arguments list.
if ( argumentListPtr ! = null ) {
JXPathContext argumentListCtx = actionsListCtx . getRelativeContext ( argumentListPtr ) ;
Double arraySizeArgs = ( Double ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( "count( argument )" ) ;
argumentListCtx . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
Double arraySizeArgs = ( Double ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( "count( scpdns:argument )" ) ;
List orderedActionArguments = new ArrayList ( ) ;
for ( int z = 1 ; z < = arraySizeArgs . intValue ( ) ; z + + ) {
ServiceActionArgument arg = new ServiceActionArgument ( ) ;
arg . name = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " argument["+ z + "]/ name" ) ;
String direction = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " argument["+ z + "]/ direction" ) ;
arg . name = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " scpdns: argument["+ z + "]/ scpdns: name" ) ;
String direction = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " scpdns: argument["+ z + "]/ scpdns: direction" ) ;
arg . direction = direction . equals ( ServiceActionArgument . DIRECTION_IN ) ? ServiceActionArgument . DIRECTION_IN : ServiceActionArgument . DIRECTION_OUT ;
String stateVarName = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " argument["+ z + "]/ relatedStateVariable" ) ;
String stateVarName = ( String ) argumentListCtx . getValue ( " scpdns: argument["+ z + "]/ scpdns: relatedStateVariable" ) ;
ServiceStateVariable stateVar = ( ServiceStateVariable ) UPNPServiceStateVariables . get ( stateVarName ) ;
if ( stateVar = = null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Unable to find any state variable named " + stateVarName + " for service " + getServiceId ( ) + " action " + action . name + " argument " + arg . name ) ;
@ -229,56 +233,58 @@ public class UPNPService {
private void parseServiceStateVariables ( JXPathContext rootContext ) {
Pointer serviceStateTablePtr = rootContext . getPointer ( "s erviceStateTable" ) ;
Pointer serviceStateTablePtr = rootContext . getPointer ( "s cpdns:s erviceStateTable" ) ;
JXPathContext serviceStateTableCtx = rootContext . getRelativeContext ( serviceStateTablePtr ) ;
Double arraySize = ( Double ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "count( stateVariable )" ) ;
serviceStateTableCtx . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
Double arraySize = ( Double ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "count( scpdns:stateVariable )" ) ;
UPNPServiceStateVariables = new HashMap ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = arraySize . intValue ( ) ; i + + ) {
ServiceStateVariable srvStateVar = new ServiceStateVariable ( ) ;
String sendEventsLcl = null ;
try {
sendEventsLcl = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ @sendEvents" ) ;
sendEventsLcl = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: @sendEvents" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException defEx ) {
// sendEvents not provided defaulting according to specs to "yes"
sendEventsLcl = "yes" ;
srvStateVar . parent = this ;
srvStateVar . sendEvents = sendEventsLcl . equalsIgnoreCase ( "no" ) ? false : true ;
srvStateVar . name = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ name" ) ;
srvStateVar . dataType = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ dataType" ) ;
srvStateVar . name = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: name" ) ;
srvStateVar . dataType = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: dataType" ) ;
try {
srvStateVar . defaultValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ defaultValue" ) ;
srvStateVar . defaultValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: defaultValue" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException defEx ) {
// can happend since default value is not
Pointer allowedValuesPtr = null ;
try {
allowedValuesPtr = serviceStateTableCtx . getPointer ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ allowedValueList" ) ;
allowedValuesPtr = serviceStateTableCtx . getPointer ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: allowedValueList" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException ex ) {
// there is no allowed values list.
if ( allowedValuesPtr ! = null ) {
JXPathContext allowedValuesCtx = serviceStateTableCtx . getRelativeContext ( allowedValuesPtr ) ;
Double arraySizeAllowed = ( Double ) allowedValuesCtx . getValue ( "count( allowedValue )" ) ;
allowedValuesCtx . registerNamespace ( "scpdns" , "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0" ) ;
Double arraySizeAllowed = ( Double ) allowedValuesCtx . getValue ( "count( scpdns:allowedValue )" ) ;
srvStateVar . allowedvalues = new HashSet ( ) ;
for ( int z = 1 ; z < = arraySizeAllowed . intValue ( ) ; z + + ) {
String allowedValue = ( String ) allowedValuesCtx . getValue ( " allowedValue["+ z + "]" ) ;
String allowedValue = ( String ) allowedValuesCtx . getValue ( " scpdns: allowedValue["+ z + "]" ) ;
srvStateVar . allowedvalues . add ( allowedValue ) ;
Pointer allowedValueRangePtr = null ;
try {
allowedValueRangePtr = serviceStateTableCtx . getPointer ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ allowedValueRange" ) ;
allowedValueRangePtr = serviceStateTableCtx . getPointer ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: allowedValueRange" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException ex ) {
// there is no allowed values list, can happen
if ( allowedValueRangePtr ! = null ) {
srvStateVar . minimumRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ allowedValueRange/minimum" ) ;
srvStateVar . maximumRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ allowedValueRange/maximum" ) ;
srvStateVar . minimumRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: allowedValueRange/scpdns: minimum" ) ;
srvStateVar . maximumRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: allowedValueRange/scpdns: maximum" ) ;
try {
srvStateVar . stepRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ allowedValueRange/step" ) ;
srvStateVar . stepRangeValue = ( String ) serviceStateTableCtx . getValue ( "s cpdns:s tateVariable["+ i + "]/ scpdns: allowedValueRange/scpdns: step" ) ;
} catch ( JXPathException stepEx ) {
// can happend since step is not mandatory