@ -198,6 +198,24 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
Seed seed ;
long lastseen ;
// start processes that actually draw the peers
//final BlockingQueue<drawNetworkPicturePeerJob> drawQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<drawNetworkPicturePeerJob>();
//final drawNetworkPicturePeerJob poison = new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob();
/ *
final Thread [ ] drawThreads = new Thread [ Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . availableProcessors ( ) ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < drawThreads . length ; i + + ) {
drawThreads [ i ] = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
try {
drawNetworkPicturePeerJob job ;
while ( ( job = drawQueue . take ( ) ) ! = poison ) job . draw ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
} ;
drawThreads [ i ] . start ( ) ;
* /
// draw connected senior and principals
int count = 0 ;
@ -213,7 +231,7 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
continue ;
//Log.logInfo("NetworkGraph", "drawing peer " + seed.getName());
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_ACTIVE_DOT , COL_ACTIVE_LINE , COL_ACTIVE_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) ;
new drawNetworkPicturePeer Job ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_ACTIVE_DOT , COL_ACTIVE_LINE , COL_ACTIVE_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) . draw ( ) ;
count + + ;
totalCount + = count ;
@ -231,7 +249,7 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if ( lastseen > passiveLimit ) {
break ; // we have enough, this list is sorted so we don't miss anything
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_PASSIVE_DOT , COL_PASSIVE_LINE , COL_PASSIVE_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) ;
new drawNetworkPicturePeer Job ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_PASSIVE_DOT , COL_PASSIVE_LINE , COL_PASSIVE_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) . draw ( ) ;
count + + ;
totalCount + = count ;
@ -249,13 +267,16 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if ( lastseen > potentialLimit ) {
break ; // we have enough, this list is sorted so we don't miss anything
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_POTENTIAL_DOT , COL_POTENTIAL_LINE , COL_POTENTIAL_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) ;
new drawNetworkPicturePeer Job ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seed , COL_POTENTIAL_DOT , COL_POTENTIAL_LINE , COL_POTENTIAL_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) . draw ( ) ;
count + + ;
totalCount + = count ;
// draw my own peer
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , COL_MYPEER_DOT , COL_MYPEER_LINE , COL_MYPEER_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) ;
new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 , innerradius , outerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , COL_MYPEER_DOT , COL_MYPEER_LINE , COL_MYPEER_TEXT , coronaangle , cyc ) . draw ( ) ;
// signal termination
//for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Thread t: drawThreads) try { drawQueue.put(poison); } catch (final InterruptedException ee) {}
// draw DHT activity
if ( communicationTimeout > = 0 ) {
@ -283,6 +304,9 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
PrintTool . print ( networkPicture , width - 2 , 6 , 0 , "SNAPSHOT FROM " + new Date ( ) . toString ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 1 ) ;
PrintTool . print ( networkPicture , width - 2 , 14 , 0 , "DRAWING OF " + totalCount + " SELECTED PEERS" , 1 ) ;
// wait for draw termination
//for (final Thread t: drawThreads) try { t.join(); } catch (final InterruptedException ee) {}
return networkPicture ;
@ -298,42 +322,64 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
colorLine , 100 , null , 100 , 12 , ( coronaangle < 0 ) ? - 1 : coronaangle / 30 , 2 , true ) ;
private static void drawNetworkPicturePeer (
private static class drawNetworkPicturePeerJob {
private RasterPlotter img ;
private int centerX , centerY , innerradius , outerradius , coronaangle ;
private Seed seed ;
private String colorDot , colorLine , colorText ;
private double cyc ;
public drawNetworkPicturePeerJob ( ) { } // used to produce a poison pill
public drawNetworkPicturePeerJob (
final RasterPlotter img , final int centerX , final int centerY ,
final int innerradius , final int outerradius ,
final Seed seed ,
final String colorDot , final String colorLine , final String colorText ,
final int coronaangle ,
final double cyc ) {
final String name = seed . getName ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) /*+ ":" + seed.hash + ":" + (((double) ((int) (100 * (((double) yacySeed.dhtPosition(seed.hash)) / ((double) yacySeed.maxDHTDistance))))) / 100.0)*/ ;
this . img = img ;
this . centerX = centerX ;
this . centerY = centerY ;
this . innerradius = innerradius ;
this . outerradius = outerradius ;
this . coronaangle = coronaangle ;
this . seed = seed ;
this . colorDot = colorDot ;
this . colorLine = colorLine ;
this . colorText = colorText ;
this . cyc = cyc ;
public void draw ( ) {
final String name = this . seed . getName ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) /*+ ":" + seed.hash + ":" + (((double) ((int) (100 * (((double) yacySeed.dhtPosition(seed.hash)) / ((double) yacySeed.maxDHTDistance))))) / 100.0)*/ ;
if ( name . length ( ) < shortestName ) shortestName = name . length ( ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) > longestName ) longestName = name . length ( ) ;
final double angle = cyc + ( 360.0d * FlatWordPartitionScheme . std . dhtPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( seed . hash ) , null ) / DOUBLE_LONG_MAX_VALUE ) ;
final double angle = this . cyc + ( 360.0d * FlatWordPartitionScheme . std . dhtPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( this . seed. hash ) , null ) / DOUBLE_LONG_MAX_VALUE ) ;
//System.out.println("Seed " + seed.hash + " has distance " + seed.dhtDistance() + ", angle = " + angle);
int linelength = 20 + outerradius * ( 20 * ( name . length ( ) - shortestName ) / ( longestName - shortestName ) + Math . abs ( seed . hash . hashCode ( ) % 20 ) ) / 80 ;
if ( linelength > outerradius ) linelength = outerradius ;
int dotsize = 2 + ( int ) ( seed . getLinkCount ( ) / 2000000L ) ;
if ( colorDot . equals ( COL_MYPEER_DOT ) ) dotsize = dotsize + 4 ;
int linelength = 20 + this . outerradius * ( 20 * ( name . length ( ) - shortestName ) / ( longestName - shortestName ) + Math . abs ( this . seed. hash . hashCode ( ) % 20 ) ) / 80 ;
if ( linelength > this . outerradius ) linelength = this . outerradius;
int dotsize = 2 + ( int ) ( this . seed. getLinkCount ( ) / 2000000L ) ;
if ( this . colorDot. equals ( COL_MYPEER_DOT ) ) dotsize = dotsize + 4 ;
if ( dotsize > 18 ) dotsize = 18 ;
// draw dot
img . setColor ( colorDot ) ;
img . arcDot ( centerX , centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize ) ;
this . img . setColor ( this . colorDot) ;
this . img . arcDot ( this . centerX , this . centerY , this . innerradius, angle , dotsize ) ;
// draw line to text
img . arcLine ( centerX , centerY , innerradius + 18 , innerradius + linelength , angle , true , colorLine , "444444" , 12 , coronaangle / 30 , 0 , true ) ;
this . img . arcLine ( this . centerX , this . centerY , this . innerradius + 18 , this . innerradius + linelength , angle , true , this . colorLine , "444444" , 12 , this . coronaangle / 30 , 0 , true ) ;
// draw text
img . setColor ( colorText) ;
PrintTool . arcPrint ( img , centerX , centerY , innerradius + linelength , angle , name ) ;
this . img . setColor ( this . colorText) ;
PrintTool . arcPrint ( this . img , this . centerX , this . centerY , this . innerradius + linelength , angle , name ) ;
// draw corona around dot for crawling activity
final int ppmx = seed. getPPM ( ) / 40 ;
if ( coronaangle > = 0 & & ppmx > 0 ) {
drawCorona ( img , centerX , centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize , ppmx , coronaangle, true , false , 2 , 2 , 2 ) ; // color = 0..63
final int ppmx = this . seed. getPPM ( ) / 40 ;
if ( this . coronaangle > = 0 & & ppmx > 0 ) {
drawCorona ( this . img , this . centerX , this . centerY , this . innerradius , angle , dotsize , ppmx , this . coronaangle, true , false , 2 , 2 , 2 ) ; // color = 0..63
// draw corona around dot for query activity
final int qphx = ( ( int ) ( seed . getQPM ( ) * 4.0 ) ) ;
if ( coronaangle > = 0 & & qphx > 0 ) {
drawCorona ( img , centerX , centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize , qphx , coronaangle , false , true , 10 , 40 , 10 ) ; // color = 0..63
final int qphx = ( ( int ) ( this . seed . getQPM ( ) * 4.0 ) ) ;
if ( this . coronaangle > = 0 & & qphx > 0 ) {
drawCorona ( this . img , this . centerX , this . centerY , this . innerradius , angle , dotsize , qphx , this . coronaangle , false , true , 10 , 40 , 10 ) ; // color = 0..63