<!-- defaultSearchField element is deprecated in Solr versions 3.6 and higher. Instead, df request parameter should be used-->
<!-- default operator parameter has been deprecated in Solr versions 3.6 and higher. Instead, the query parser q.op parameter should be used in request handler. -->
<!-- if you are using a search client using the default search field "text", then use this line to get to all indexed documents -->
<!-- if you are using a search client using the default search field "text", then use this line to get to all indexed documents -->
<!-- default operator parameter has been deprecated in Solr versions 3.6 and higher. Instead, the query parser q.op parameter should be used in request handler. -->
<!-- if you are using a search client using the default search field "text", then use this line to get to all indexed documents -->
<!-- if you are using a search client using the default search field "text", then use this line to get to all indexed documents -->