@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public final class yacyVersion implements Comparator, Comparable {
// check if update process allowes update retrieve
String process = sb . getConfig ( "update.process" , "manual" ) ;
if ( ( ! manual ) & & ( ! process . equals ( "auto" ) ) ) {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: not a automatic update selected") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: not a n automatic update selected") ;
return null ; // no, its a manual or guided process
@ -208,31 +208,31 @@ public final class yacyVersion implements Comparator, Comparable {
long cycle = Math . max ( 1 , sb . getConfigLong ( "update.cycle" , 168 ) ) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;
long timeLookup = sb . getConfigLong ( "update.time.lookup" , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
if ( ( ! manual ) & & ( timeLookup + cycle > System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: too early for a lookup for a new release ") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: too early for a lookup for a new release (timeLookup = " + timeLookup + ", cycle = " + cycle + ", now = " + System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + ") ") ;
return null ; // no we have recently made a lookup
// check if we know that there is a release that is more recent than that which we are using
TreeSet [ ] releasess = yacyVersion . allReleases ( true ) ; // {0=promain, 1=prodev, 2=stdmain, 3=stddev}
boolean pro = new File ( sb . getRootPath ( ) , "libx" ) . exists ( ) ;
yacyVersion latestmain = ( yacyVersion ) releasess [ ( pro ) ? 0 : 2 ] . fir st( ) ;
yacyVersion latestdev = ( yacyVersion ) releasess [ ( pro ) ? 1 : 3 ] . fir st( ) ;
yacyVersion latestmain = ( yacyVersion ) releasess [ ( pro ) ? 0 : 2 ] . la st( ) ;
yacyVersion latestdev = ( yacyVersion ) releasess [ ( pro ) ? 1 : 3 ] . la st( ) ;
String concept = sb . getConfig ( "update.concept" , "any" ) ;
String blacklist = sb . getConfig ( "update.blacklist" , ".\\...[123]" ) ;
if ( ( manual ) | | ( concept . equals ( "any" ) ) ) {
// return a dev-release or a main-release
if ( ( latestdev . compareTo ( latestmain ) > 0 ) & & ( ! ( Float . toString ( latestdev . releaseNr ) . matches ( blacklist ) ) ) ) {
if ( latestdev . compareTo ( thisVersion ( ) ) > 0 ) return latestdev ; else {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev is not more recent than installed release") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev " + latestdev . name + " is not more recent than installed release " + thisVersion ( ) . name ) ;
return null ;
} else {
if ( ( Float . toString ( latestmain . releaseNr ) . matches ( blacklist ) ) ) {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev matches with blacklist") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev " + latestdev . name + " matches with blacklist '" + blacklist + "' ") ;
return null ;
if ( latestmain . compareTo ( thisVersion ( ) ) > 0 ) return latestmain ; else {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main is not more recent than installed release (1)") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain . name + " is not more recent than installed release (1) " + thisVersion ( ) . name ) ;
return null ;
@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ public final class yacyVersion implements Comparator, Comparable {
if ( concept . equals ( "main" ) ) {
// return a main-release
if ( ( Float . toString ( latestmain . releaseNr ) . matches ( blacklist ) ) ) {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main matches with blacklist") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain . name + " matches with blacklist'" + blacklist + "' ") ;
return null ;
if ( latestmain . compareTo ( thisVersion ( ) ) > 0 ) return latestmain ; else {
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main is not more recent than installed release (2)") ;
yacyCore . log . logInfo ( "rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain . name + " is not more recent than installed release (2) " + thisVersion ( ) . name ) ;
return null ;