*) moving constants (see last commit) to proper httpHeader class

*) migrating fileHandler + proxyHandler to use constants instead of hardcoded values

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@114 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
theli 20 years ago
parent aea3479a9c
commit 4dd387aae9

@ -71,6 +71,45 @@ import de.anomic.server.serverLog;
public final class httpHeader extends TreeMap implements Map {
/* =============================================================
* Constants defining http header names
* ============================================================= */
public static final String ACCEPT = "Accept";
public static final String ACCEPT_CHARSET = "Accept-Charset";
public static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = "Accept-Language";
public static final String KEEP_ALIVE = "Keep-Alive";
public static final String USER_AGENT = "User-Agent";
public static final String HOST = "Host";
public static final String CONNECTION = "Connection";
public static final String REFERER = "Referer";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH = "CONTENT-LENGTH";
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "CONTENT-TYPE";
public static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization";
public static final String WWW_AUTHENTICATE = "WWW-Authenticate";
public static final String PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = "Proxy-Authorization";
public static final String PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = "Proxy-Authenticate";
public static final String DATE = "Date";
public static final String SERVER = "Server";
public static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-modified";
public static final String PRAGMA = "Pragma";
public static final String SET_COOKIE = "Set-Cookie";
public static final String IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "IF-MODIFIED-SINCE";
public static final String COOKIE = "Cookie";
public static final String EXPIRES = "Expires";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "CONTENT-ENCODING";
/* =============================================================
* Constants defining http methods
* ============================================================= */
public static final String METHOD_GET = "GET";
public static final String METHOD_HEAD = "HEAD";
public static final String METHOD_POST = "POST";
public static final String METHOD_CONNECT = "CONNECT";
private final HashMap reverseMappingCache;
private static Collator insensitiveCollator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
@ -201,6 +240,7 @@ public final class httpHeader extends TreeMap implements Map {
private static SimpleDateFormat HTTPGMTFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'");
private static SimpleDateFormat EMLFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
public static Date parseHTTPDate(String s) {
if ((s == null) || (s.length() < 9)) return new Date();
s = s.trim();
@ -239,23 +279,23 @@ public final class httpHeader extends TreeMap implements Map {
public String mime() {
return (String) get("CONTENT-TYPE", "application/octet-stream");
return (String) get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
public Date date() {
return headerDate("Date");
return headerDate(httpHeader.DATE);
public Date expires() {
return headerDate("Expires");
return headerDate(httpHeader.EXPIRES);
public Date lastModified() {
return headerDate("Last-modified");
return headerDate(httpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED);
public Date ifModifiedSince() {
return headerDate("IF-MODIFIED-SINCE");
return headerDate(httpHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
public long age() {
@ -264,9 +304,9 @@ public final class httpHeader extends TreeMap implements Map {
public long contentLength() {
if (containsKey("CONTENT-LENGTH")) {
if (containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
try {
return Long.parseLong((String) get("CONTENT-LENGTH"));
return Long.parseLong((String) get(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return -1;
@ -276,8 +316,8 @@ public final class httpHeader extends TreeMap implements Map {
public boolean gzip() {
return ((containsKey("CONTENT-ENCODING")) &&
(((String) get("CONTENT-ENCODING")).toUpperCase().startsWith("GZIP")));
return ((containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_ENCODING)) &&
(((String) get(httpHeader.CONTENT_ENCODING)).toUpperCase().startsWith("GZIP")));
public static void main(String[] args) {

@ -586,36 +586,36 @@ public final class httpc {
if (header == null) header = new httpHeader();
// set some standard values
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_ACCEPT)))
header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT, "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5");
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET)))
header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET, "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)))
header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "en-us,en;q=0.5");
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE)))
header.put(http.HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE, "300");
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.ACCEPT)))
header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT, "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5");
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.ACCEPT_CHARSET)))
header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_CHARSET, "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)))
header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "en-us,en;q=0.5");
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.KEEP_ALIVE)))
header.put(httpHeader.KEEP_ALIVE, "300");
// set user agent. The user agent is only set if the value does not yet exists.
// this gives callers the opportunity, to change the user agent themselves, and
// it will not be changed.
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_USER_AGENT))) header.put(http.HEADER_USER_AGENT, userAgent);
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.USER_AGENT))) header.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
// set the host attribute. This is in particular necessary, if we contact another proxy
// the host is mandatory, if we use HTTP/1.1
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_HOST))) {
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.HOST))) {
if (this.remoteProxyUse)
header.put(http.HEADER_HOST, savedRemoteHost);
header.put(httpHeader.HOST, savedRemoteHost);
header.put(http.HEADER_HOST, this.host);
header.put(httpHeader.HOST, this.host);
if (!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_CONNECTION))) {
header.put(http.HEADER_CONNECTION, "close");
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.CONNECTION))) {
header.put(httpHeader.CONNECTION, "close");
// advertise a little bit...
if ((!(header.containsKey(http.HEADER_REFERER))) || (((String) header.get(http.HEADER_REFERER)).trim().length() == 0)) {
if ((!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.REFERER))) || (((String) header.get(httpHeader.REFERER)).trim().length() == 0)) {
(((System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) & 1) == 0) ?
"http://www.anomic.de" :
@ -623,30 +623,30 @@ public final class httpc {
// stimulate zipping or not
// we can unzip, and we will return it always as unzipped, unless not wanted
if (header.containsKey(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
String encoding = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING);
if (header.containsKey(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
String encoding = (String) header.get(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING);
if (zipped) {
if (encoding.indexOf("gzip") < 0) {
// add the gzip encoding
//System.out.println("!!! adding gzip encoding");
header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip,deflate" + ((encoding.length() == 0) ? "" : (";" + encoding)));
header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip,deflate" + ((encoding.length() == 0) ? "" : (";" + encoding)));
} else {
int pos = encoding.indexOf("gzip");
if (pos >= 0) {
// remove the gzip encoding
//System.out.println("!!! removing gzip encoding");
header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, encoding.substring(0, pos) + encoding.substring(pos + 4));
header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING, encoding.substring(0, pos) + encoding.substring(pos + 4));
} else {
if (zipped) header.put(http.HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip,deflate");
if (zipped) header.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip,deflate");
//header = new httpHeader(); header.put("Host", this.host); // debug
// send request
if ((this.remoteProxyUse) && (!(method.equals(http.METHOD_CONNECT))))
if ((this.remoteProxyUse) && (!(method.equals(httpHeader.METHOD_CONNECT))))
path = "http://" + this.savedRemoteHost + path;
serverCore.send(clientOutput, method + " " + path + " HTTP/1.0"); // if set to HTTP/1.1, servers give time-outs?
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ public final class httpc {
//serverLog.logDebug("HTTPC", handle + " requested GET '" + path + "', time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - handle));
try {
boolean zipped = shallTransportZipped(path);
send(http.METHOD_GET, path, requestHeader, zipped);
send(httpHeader.METHOD_GET, path, requestHeader, zipped);
response r = new response(zipped);
//serverLog.logDebug("HTTPC", handle + " returned GET '" + path + "', time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - handle));
return r;
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ public final class httpc {
public response HEAD(String path, httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
try {
send(http.METHOD_HEAD, path, requestHeader, false);
send(httpHeader.METHOD_HEAD, path, requestHeader, false);
return new response(false);
// in this case the caller should not read the response body,
// since there is none...
@ -709,9 +709,9 @@ public final class httpc {
public response POST(String path, httpHeader requestHeader, InputStream ins) throws IOException {
try {
send(http.METHOD_POST, path, requestHeader, false);
send(httpHeader.METHOD_POST, path, requestHeader, false);
// if there is a body to the call, we would have a CONTENT-LENGTH tag in the requestHeader
String cl = (String) requestHeader.get(http.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH);
String cl = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH);
int len, c;
byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
if (cl != null) {
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ public final class httpc {
clientOutput.write(buffer, 0, c);
len += c;
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + len);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + len);
return new response(false);
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ public final class httpc {
public response CONNECT(String host, int port, httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
try {
send(http.METHOD_CONNECT, host + ":" + port, requestHeader, false);
send(httpHeader.METHOD_CONNECT, host + ":" + port, requestHeader, false);
return new response(false);
} catch (SocketException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
@ -750,18 +750,18 @@ public final class httpc {
// make shure, the header has a boundary information like
// CONTENT-TYPE=multipart/form-data; boundary=----------0xKhTmLbOuNdArY
if (requestHeader == null) requestHeader = new httpHeader();
String boundary = (String) requestHeader.get(http.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
String boundary = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE);
if (boundary == null) {
// create a boundary
boundary = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------" + java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, boundary);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, boundary);
// extract the boundary string
int pos = boundary.toUpperCase().indexOf("BOUNDARY=");
if (pos < 0) {
// again, create a boundary
boundary = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------" + java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, boundary);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, boundary);
pos = boundary.indexOf("boundary=");
boundary = "--" + boundary.substring(pos + "boundary=".length());
@ -806,10 +806,10 @@ public final class httpc {
byte[] body = buf.toByteArray();
//System.out.println("DEBUG: PUT BODY=" + new String(body));
// size of that body
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + body.length);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + body.length);
// send the header
//System.out.println("header=" + requestHeader);
send(http.METHOD_POST, path, requestHeader, false);
send(httpHeader.METHOD_POST, path, requestHeader, false);
// send the body
//System.out.println("body=" + buf.toString());
serverCore.send(clientOutput, body);
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ do upload
httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
if (requestHeader == null) requestHeader = new httpHeader();
if ((user != null) && (password != null) && (user.length() != 0)) {
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
httpc con = null;
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ do upload
if (requestHeader == null) requestHeader = new httpHeader();
if ((user != null) && (password != null) && (user.length() != 0)) {
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
httpc con = null;
@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ do upload
// generate request header
httpHeader requestHeader = new httpHeader();
if ((user != null) && (password != null) && (user.length() != 0)) {
requestHeader.put(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION, serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeBase64String(user + ":" + password));
// parse query

@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
private void transparentProxyHandling(httpHeader header) {
if (!(httpdProxyHandler.isTransparentProxy && header.containsKey(http.HEADER_HOST))) return;
if (!(httpdProxyHandler.isTransparentProxy && header.containsKey(httpHeader.HOST))) return;
try {
String dstHost, dstHostSocket = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_HOST);
String dstHost, dstHostSocket = (String) header.get(httpHeader.HOST);
int idx = dstHostSocket.indexOf(":");
dstHost = (idx != -1) ? dstHostSocket.substring(0,idx).trim() : dstHostSocket.trim();
@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (dstPort.intValue() == 80) {
if (dstHost.endsWith(".yacy")) {
} else {
InetAddress dstHostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(dstHost);
if (!(dstHostAddress.isAnyLocalAddress() || dstHostAddress.isLoopbackAddress())) {
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
public Boolean GET(String arg) throws IOException {
parseQuery(prop, arg);
prop.setProperty("METHOD", http.METHOD_GET);
prop.setProperty("METHOD", httpHeader.METHOD_GET);
prop.setProperty("CLIENTIP", clientIP);
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// persistent by default, but closed with the "Connection: close"
// property.
boolean persistent = (!((httpVersion.equals("HTTP/0.9")) || (httpVersion.equals("HTTP/1.0"))));
String connection = prop.getProperty(http.HEADER_CONNECTION, "close").toLowerCase();
String connection = prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION, "close").toLowerCase();
if (connection.equals("close")) persistent = false;
if (connection.equals("keep-alive")) persistent = true;
//System.out.println("HEADER: " + header.toString());
// return multi-line message
if (prop.getProperty(http.HEADER_HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
if (prop.getProperty(httpHeader.HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
// pass to server
if (allowServer) {
if (serverAccountBase64MD5 == null) serverAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("serverAccountBase64MD5", "");
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (fileHandler == null) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler(this.switchboard);
fileHandler.doGet(prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
String auth = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);
String auth = (String) header.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
if (auth == null) {
// authorization requested, but no authorizeation given in header. Ask for authenticate:
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
} else if (serverAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(auth.trim().substring(6)))) {
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// wrong password given: ask for authenticate again
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPD", "Wrong log-in for account 'server' in HTTPD.GET " + prop.getProperty("PATH") + " from IP " + clientIP);
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (allowProxy) {
if (proxyAccountBase64MD5 == null) proxyAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("proxyAccountBase64MD5", "");
if ((proxyAccountBase64MD5.length() == 0) ||
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
// we are authorized or no authenticate requested
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler.doGet(prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
// ask for authenticate
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
public Boolean HEAD(String arg) throws IOException {
prop.setProperty("METHOD", http.METHOD_HEAD);
prop.setProperty("METHOD", httpHeader.METHOD_HEAD);
prop.setProperty("CLIENTIP", clientIP);
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// return multi-line message
if (prop.getProperty(http.HEADER_HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
if (prop.getProperty(httpHeader.HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
// pass to server
if (allowServer) {
if (serverAccountBase64MD5 == null) serverAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("serverAccountBase64MD5", "");
@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (fileHandler == null) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler(this.switchboard);
fileHandler.doHead(prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
String auth = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);
String auth = (String) header.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
if (auth == null) {
// authorization requested, but no authorizeation given in header. Ask for authenticate:
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
} else if (serverAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(auth.trim().substring(6)))) {
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// wrong password given: ask for authenticate again
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPD", "Wrong log-in for account 'server' in HTTPD.HEAD " + prop.getProperty("PATH") + " from IP " + clientIP);
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (allowProxy) {
if (proxyAccountBase64MD5 == null) proxyAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("proxyAccountBase64MD5", "");
if ((proxyAccountBase64MD5.length() == 0) ||
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
// we are authorized or no authenticate requested
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler.doHead(prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
// ask for authenticate
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
public Boolean POST(String arg) throws IOException {
parseQuery(prop, arg);
prop.setProperty("METHOD", http.METHOD_POST);
prop.setProperty("METHOD", httpHeader.METHOD_POST);
prop.setProperty("CLIENTIP", clientIP);
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (connection.equals("keep-alive")) persistent = true;
// return multi-line message
if (prop.getProperty(http.HEADER_HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
if (prop.getProperty(httpHeader.HOST).equals(virtualHost)) {
// pass to server
if (allowServer) {
if (serverAccountBase64MD5 == null) serverAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("serverAccountBase64MD5", "");
@ -415,11 +415,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (fileHandler == null) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler(this.switchboard);
fileHandler.doPost(prop, header, this.session.out, this.session.in);
} else {
String auth = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);
String auth = (String) header.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
if (auth == null) {
// ask for authenticate
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
} else if (serverAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(auth.trim().substring(6)))) {
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// wrong password given: ask for authenticate again
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPD", "Wrong log-in for account 'server' in HTTPD.POST " + prop.getProperty("PATH") + " from IP " + clientIP);
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -445,13 +445,13 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (allowProxy) {
if (proxyAccountBase64MD5 == null) proxyAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("proxyAccountBase64MD5", "");
if ((proxyAccountBase64MD5.length() == 0) ||
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
// we are authorized or no authenticate requested
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler.doPost(prop, header, this.session.out, this.session.in);
} else {
// ask for authenticate
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
if (allowProxy) {
if (proxyAccountBase64MD5 == null) proxyAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("proxyAccountBase64MD5", "");
if ((proxyAccountBase64MD5.length() == 0) ||
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
(proxyAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.standardCoder.encodeMD5Hex(((String) header.get(httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6))))) {
// we are authorized or no authenticate requested
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler.doConnect(prop, header, (InputStream) this.session.in, this.session.out);
} else {
// ask for authenticate
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore.crlfString +
http.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
httpHeader.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore.crlfString +
} else {
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// we parse a multipart message and put results into the properties
// find/identify boundary marker
//System.out.println("DEBUG parseMultipart = <<" + new String(buffer) + ">>");
String s = (String) header.get(http.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
String s = (String) header.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE);
if (s == null) return null;
int q;
int p = s.toLowerCase().indexOf("boundary=");

@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
String cookie) throws IOException {
try {
out.write(("HTTP/1.1 " + retcode + " OK\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Server: AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Date: " + httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.SERVER + ": AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.DATE + ": " + httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()) + "\r\n").getBytes());
if (expires != null) out.write(("Expires: " + httpc.dateString(expires) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Content-type: " + conttype /* "image/gif", "text/html" */ + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Last-modified: " + httpc.dateString(moddate) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Content-length: " + contlength +"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Pragma: no-cache\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE + ": " + conttype /* "image/gif", "text/html" */ + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED + ": " + httpc.dateString(moddate) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH + ": " + contlength +"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.PRAGMA + ": no-cache\r\n").getBytes());
// out.write(("Accept-ranges: bytes\r\n").getBytes());
if (cookie != null) out.write(("Set-Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n").getBytes());
if (cookie != null) out.write((httpHeader.SET_COOKIE + ": " + cookie + "\r\n").getBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
public void doResponse(Properties conProp, httpHeader requestHeader, OutputStream out, PushbackInputStream body) throws IOException {
String userAgent = (String) requestHeader.get("USER-AGENT");
String userAgent = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.USER_AGENT);
if (userAgent == null) userAgent = "";
userAgent = userAgent.trim().toLowerCase();
//userAgent = "portalmmm n400i"; // debug
@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
if ((path.endsWith("_p.html")) &&
((adminAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("adminAccountBase64MD5", "")).length() != 0)) {
// authentication required
String auth = (String) requestHeader.get("Authorization");
String auth = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
if (auth == null) {
// no authorization given in response. Ask for that
out.write(("HTTP/1.1 401 log-in required\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"\r\n").getBytes());
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
//try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(3000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {} // add a delay to make brute-force harder
serverCore.bfHost.put(clientIP, "sleep");
out.write(("HTTP/1.1 401 log-in required\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"\r\n").getBytes());
//System.out.println("httpd bfHosts=" + serverCore.bfHost.toString());
@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
// no args here, maybe a POST with multipart extension
int length;
//System.out.println("HEADER: " + requestHeader.toString()); // DEBUG
if ((method.equals("POST")) &&
(requestHeader.containsKey("CONTENT-LENGTH"))) {
if ((method.equals(httpHeader.METHOD_POST)) &&
(requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH))) {
// if its a POST, it can be either multipart or as args in the body
length = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get("CONTENT-LENGTH"));
if ((requestHeader.containsKey("CONTENT-TYPE")) &&
(((String) requestHeader.get("CONTENT-TYPE")).toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) {
length = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH));
if ((requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)) &&
(((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)).toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) {
// parse multipart
HashMap files = httpd.parseMultipart(requestHeader, args, body, length);
// integrate these files into the args
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
if (tp.containsKey("AUTHENTICATE")) {
String account = tp.get("AUTHENTICATE", "");
out.write(("HTTP/1.1 401 log-in required\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"" + account + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"" + account + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
System.out.println("ERROR: Exception with query: " + path + "; '" + e.toString() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "'\r\n");
if (!(requestHeader.get("Connection", "close").equals("keep-alive"))) {
if (!(requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONNECTION, "close").equals("keep-alive"))) {
// wait a little time until everything closes so that clients can read from the streams/sockets
try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}

@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
path = "$Path" "=" value
domain = "$Domain" "=" value
if (requestHeader.containsKey("Cookie")) {
Object[] entry = new Object[]{new Date(), clienthost, requestHeader.getMultiple("Cookie")};
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.COOKIE)) {
Object[] entry = new Object[]{new Date(), clienthost, requestHeader.getMultiple(httpHeader.COOKIE)};
switchboard.outgoingCookies.put(targethost, entry);
@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
| "Secure"
| "Version" "=" 1*DIGIT
if (respondHeader.containsKey("Set-Cookie")) {
Object[] entry = new Object[]{new Date(), targetclient, respondHeader.getMultiple("Set-Cookie")};
if (respondHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.SET_COOKIE)) {
Object[] entry = new Object[]{new Date(), targetclient, respondHeader.getMultiple(httpHeader.SET_COOKIE)};
switchboard.incomingCookies.put(serverhost, entry);
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// set another userAgent, if not yellowlisted
if ((yellowList != null) && (!(yellowList.contains(domain(hostlow))))) {
// change the User-Agent
requestHeader.put("User-Agent", userAgent);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
// set a scraper and a htmlFilter
@ -424,14 +424,14 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
try {
// replace date field in old header by actual date, this is according to RFC
cachedResponseHeader.put("Date", httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
cachedResponseHeader.put(httpHeader.DATE, httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
// maybe the content length is missing
if (!(cachedResponseHeader.containsKey("CONTENT-LENGTH")))
cachedResponseHeader.put("CONTENT-LENGTH", Long.toString(cacheFile.length()));
if (!(cachedResponseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH)))
cachedResponseHeader.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(cacheFile.length()));
// check if we can send a 304 instead the complete content
if (requestHeader.containsKey("IF-MODIFIED-SINCE")) {
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) {
// conditional request: freshness of cache for that condition was already
// checked within shallUseCache(). Now send only a 304 response
log.logInfo("CACHE HIT/304 " + cacheFile.toString());
@ -666,10 +666,10 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// return header
httpHeader header = new httpHeader();
header.put("Date", httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
header.put("Content-type", "text/html");
header.put("Content-length", "" + o.size());
header.put("Pragma", "no-cache");
header.put(httpHeader.DATE, httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
header.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html");
header.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + o.size());
header.put(httpHeader.PRAGMA, "no-cache");
// write the array to the client
respondHeader(respond, origerror, header);
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// set another userAgent, if not yellowlisted
if (!(yellowList.contains(domain(hostlow)))) {
// change the User-Agent
requestHeader.put("User-Agent", userAgent);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
// resolve yacy and yacyh domains
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// set another userAgent, if not yellowlisted
if (!(yellowList.contains(domain(host).toLowerCase()))) {
// change the User-Agent
requestHeader.put("User-Agent", userAgent);
requestHeader.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
// resolve yacy and yacyh domains
@ -967,8 +967,8 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// prepare header
//header.put("Server", "AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)");
if (!(header.containsKey("date"))) header.put("Date", httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
if (!(header.containsKey("content-type"))) header.put("Content-type", "text/html"); // fix this
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.DATE))) header.put(httpHeader.DATE, httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()));
if (!(header.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE))) header.put(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); // fix this
StringBuffer headerStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(200);
@ -1005,10 +1005,10 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
private void textMessage(OutputStream out, String body) throws IOException {
out.write(("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Server: AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Date: " + httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Content-type: text/plain\r\n").getBytes());
out.write(("Content-length: " + body.length() +"\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.SERVER + ": AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.DATE + ": " + httpc.dateString(httpc.nowDate()) + "\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE + ": text/plain\r\n").getBytes());
out.write((httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH + ": " + body.length() +"\r\n").getBytes());
