@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
private static final String indexDumpFileName = "indexDump0.stack";
private static final String oldSingletonFileName = "indexSingletons0.db";
private static final String newSingletonFileName = "indexAssortment001.db";
private static final int assortmentLimit = 1;
private static final String indexAssortmentClusterPath = "ACLUSTER";
private static final int assortmentLimit = 3;
// class variables
@ -79,11 +80,19 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
public plasmaWordIndexCache(File databaseRoot, plasmaWordIndexInterface backend, int singletonbufferkb, serverLog log) {
// migrate
// migrate#1
File oldSingletonFile = new File(databaseRoot, oldSingletonFileName);
File newSingletonFile = new File(databaseRoot, newSingletonFileName);
if ((oldSingletonFile.exists()) && (!(newSingletonFile.exists()))) oldSingletonFile.renameTo(newSingletonFile);
// create new assortment cluster path
File assortmentClusterPath = new File(databaseRoot, indexAssortmentClusterPath);
if (!(assortmentClusterPath.exists())) assortmentClusterPath.mkdirs();
// migrate#2
File acSingletonFile = new File(assortmentClusterPath, newSingletonFileName);
if ((newSingletonFile.exists()) && (!(acSingletonFile.exists()))) newSingletonFile.renameTo(acSingletonFile);
// creates a new index cache
// the cache has a back-end where indexes that do not fit in the cache are flushed
this.databaseRoot = databaseRoot;
@ -94,7 +103,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
this.maxWords = 10000;
this.backend = backend;
this.log = log;
this.assortmentCluster = new plasmaWordIndexAssortmentCluster(databaseRoot, assortmentLimit, singletonBufferSize, log);
this.assortmentCluster = new plasmaWordIndexAssortmentCluster(assortmentClusterPath, assortmentLimit, singletonBufferSize, log);
// read in dump of last session
try {
@ -261,7 +270,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
// now decide where to flush that container
plasmaWordIndexEntryContainer flushedFromAssortment = assortmentCluster.removeFromAll(key);
if (flushedFromAssortment == null) {
if ((flushedFromAssortment == null) || (flushedFromAssortment.size() == 0)) {
// not found in assortments
if (container.size() <= assortmentLimit) {
// this fits into the assortments
@ -288,15 +297,15 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
hashScore.setScore(key, container.size());
hashDate.put(key, new Long(time));
return -1;
return -flushedFromAssortment.size();
} else {
// add this to the backend
return backend.addEntries(container, java.lang.Math.max(time, flushedFromAssortment.updated()));
return backend.addEntries(container, java.lang.Math.max(time, flushedFromAssortment.updated())) - flushedFromAssortment.size();
private boolean flushFromSingleton(String key) {
private boolean flushFromAssortmentCluster(String key) {
// this should only be called if the singleton shall be deleted or returned in an index entity
plasmaWordIndexEntryContainer container = assortmentCluster.removeFromAll(key);
if (container == null) {
@ -330,8 +339,8 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
// generate flush list
Iterator i = hashScore.scores(true);
TreeMap[] al = new TreeMap[hashScore.getMaxScore() + 1];
for (int k = 0; k < al.length; k++) al[k] = new TreeMap(); // by create time ordered hash-list
TreeMap[] clusterCandidate = new TreeMap[hashScore.getMaxScore()];
for (int k = 0; k < clusterCandidate.length; k++) clusterCandidate[k] = new TreeMap(); // by create time ordered hash-list
while (i.hasNext()) {
// get the entry properties
key = (String) i.next();
@ -339,36 +348,48 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
count = hashScore.getScore(key);
// put it into a specific ohl
al[count].put(createTime, key);
clusterCandidate[count - 1].put(createTime, key);
//System.out.println("COUNT FOR KEY " + key + ": " + count);
// print statistics
for (int k = 1; k < al.length; k++) log.logDebug("FLUSH-LIST " + k + ": " + al[k].size() + " entries");
for (int k = 0; k < clusterCandidate.length; k++)
log.logDebug("FLUSH-LIST " + (k + 1) + ": " + clusterCandidate[k].size() + " entries");
// flush singletons
i = al[1].entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
int candidateCounter;
// flush from assortment cluster
for (int cluster = 0; cluster < assortmentLimit; cluster++) {
candidateCounter = 0;
// select a specific cluster
i = clusterCandidate[cluster].entrySet().iterator();
// check each element in this flush-list: too old?
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
key = (String) entry.getValue();
createTime = (Long) entry.getKey();
if ((createTime != null) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime.longValue()) > 90000)) {
//log.logDebug("flushing singleton-key " + key + ", count=" + count + ", cachesize=" + cache.size() + ", singleton-size=" + singletons.size());
count += flushFromMem((String) key, true);
count += java.lang.Math.abs(flushFromMem(key, true));
candidateCounter += cluster + 1;
if (candidateCounter > 0) log.logDebug("flushed low-cluster #" + (cluster + 1) + ", count=" + count + ", candidateCounter=" + candidateCounter + ", cachesize=" + cache.size());
if (count > 2000) return count;
// flush high-scores
for (int k = al.length - 1; k >= 2; k--) {
i = al[k].entrySet().iterator();
for (int cluster = clusterCandidate.length; cluster > 0; cluster--) {
candidateCounter = 0;
i = clusterCandidate[cluster - 1].entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
key = (String) entry.getValue();
createTime = (Long) entry.getKey();
if ((createTime != null) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime.longValue()) > (600000/k))) {
//log.logDebug("flushing high-key " + key + ", count=" + count + ", cachesize=" + cache.size() + ", singleton-size=" + singletons.size());
count += flushFromMem(key, false);
if ((createTime != null) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime.longValue()) > (600000/cluster))) {
count += java.lang.Math.abs(flushFromMem(key, false));
candidateCounter += cluster + 1;
log.logDebug("flushed high-cluster #" + (cluster + 1) + ", key=" + key + ", count=" + count + ", cachesize=" + cache.size());
if (count > 2000) return count;
@ -380,7 +401,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
public plasmaWordIndexEntity getIndex(String wordHash, boolean deleteIfEmpty) {
flushFromMem(wordHash, false);
return backend.getIndex(wordHash, deleteIfEmpty);
@ -402,7 +423,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexCache implements plasmaWordIndexInterface {
public synchronized int removeEntries(String wordHash, String[] urlHashes, boolean deleteComplete) {
flushFromMem(wordHash, false);
return backend.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes, deleteComplete);