@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public final class InstantBusyThread extends AbstractBusyThread implements BusyT
thread.setLoadPreReqisite(99);// this is called during initialization phase and some code parts depend on it; therefore we cannot set a prerequisite that prevents the start of that thread
thread.setLoadPreReqisite(Double.MAX_VALUE);// this is called during initialization phase and some code parts depend on it; therefore we cannot set a prerequisite that prevents the start of that thread
// the key shall match with configuration property search.navigation
defaultfacetfields.put("location",CollectionSchema.coordinate_p_0_coordinate);// coordinate_p can't be used for facet (subfields), as value isn't used subfield can be used
// defaultfacetfields.put("location", CollectionSchema.coordinate_p_0_coordinate); // coordinate_p can't be used for facet (subfields), as value isn't used subfield can be used