@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedList ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.Vector ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import java.util.Map ;
public class kelondroTree extends kelondroRecords implements kelondroIndex {
@ -807,26 +809,6 @@ public class kelondroTree extends kelondroRecords implements kelondroIndex {
return node ;
/ *
private synchronized Iterator nodeIterator ( boolean up , boolean rotating ) {
// iterates the elements in a sorted way. returns Node - type Objects
try {
return new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "error creating an iteration: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
private synchronized Iterator nodeIterator ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey ) {
// iterates the elements in a sorted way. returns Node - type Objects
try {
return new nodeIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , true ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "error creating an iteration: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
* /
private class nodeIterator implements Iterator {
// we implement an iteration! (not a recursive function as the structure would suggest...)
// the iterator iterates Node objects
@ -1009,78 +991,165 @@ public class kelondroTree extends kelondroRecords implements kelondroIndex {
public synchronized Iterator rows ( boolean up , boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
// iterates the rows of the Nodes
// enumerated objects are of type byte[][]
public TreeMap rows ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey , boolean including , int count ) throws IOException {
// returns an ordered map of keys/row relations; key objects are of type String, value objects are of type byte[][]
kelondroOrder setOrder = ( kelondroOrder ) objectOrder . clone ( ) ;
setOrder . direction ( up ) ;
setOrder . rotate ( firstKey ) ;
TreeMap rows = new TreeMap ( setOrder ) ;
Node n ;
synchronized ( this ) {
Iterator i = ( firstKey = = null ) ? new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) : new nodeIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , including ) ;
while ( ( rows . size ( ) < count ) & & ( i . hasNext ( ) ) ) {
n = ( Node ) i . next ( ) ;
if ( n ! = null ) rows . put ( new String ( n . getKey ( ) ) , n . getValues ( ) ) ;
return rows ;
public TreeSet keys ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey , boolean including , int count ) throws IOException {
// returns an ordered set of keys; objects are of type String
kelondroOrder setOrder = ( kelondroOrder ) objectOrder . clone ( ) ;
setOrder . direction ( up ) ;
setOrder . rotate ( firstKey ) ;
TreeSet set = new TreeSet ( setOrder ) ;
Node n ;
synchronized ( this ) {
Iterator i = ( firstKey = = null ) ? new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) : new nodeIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , including ) ;
while ( ( set . size ( ) < count ) & & ( i . hasNext ( ) ) ) {
n = ( Node ) i . next ( ) ;
if ( n ! = null ) set . add ( new String ( n . getKey ( ) ) ) ;
return set ;
public Iterator rows ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
// iterates the rows of the Nodes
// enumerated objects are of type byte[][]
// iterates the elements in a sorted way.
return new rowIterator ( new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) ) ;
// if iteration should start at smallest element, set firstKey to null
return new rowIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , this . size ( ) ) ;
public synchronized Iterator rows ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return new rowIterator ( ( firstKey = = null ) ? new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) : new nodeIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , true ) ) ;
public Iterator keys ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
// iterates only the keys of the Nodes
// enumerated objects are of type String
// iterates the elements in a sorted way.
// if iteration should start at smallest element, set firstKey to null
return new keyIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , this . size ( ) ) ;
public class rowIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator nodeIterator ;
int chunkSize ;
byte [ ] start ;
boolean inc , rot ;
long count ;
byte [ ] lastKey ;
TreeMap rowBuffer ;
Iterator bufferIterator ;
public rowIterator ( Iterator nodeIterator ) {
this . nodeIterator = nodeIterator ;
public rowIterator ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey , long guessedCountLimit ) throws IOException {
start = firstKey ;
inc = up ;
rot = rotating ;
count = 0 ;
lastKey = null ;
chunkSize = ( int ) Math . min ( 100 , guessedCountLimit ) ;
rowBuffer = rows ( inc , rot , start , true , chunkSize ) ;
bufferIterator = rowBuffer . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return ( nodeIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ;
return ( ( bufferIterator ! = null ) & & ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) & & ( ( rot ) | | ( count < size ( ) ) ) ) ;
public Object next ( ) {
try {
Node nextNode = ( Node ) nodeIterator . next ( ) ;
if ( nextNode = = null ) throw new kelondroException ( filename , "no more elements available" ) ;
return nextNode . getValues ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new kelondroException ( filename , "io-error: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ) return null ;
Map . Entry entry = ( Map . Entry ) bufferIterator . next ( ) ;
lastKey = ( ( String ) entry . getKey ( ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
// check if this was the last entry in the rowBuffer
if ( ! ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ) {
// assign next buffer chunk
try {
rowBuffer = rows ( inc , rot , lastKey , false , chunkSize ) ;
bufferIterator = rowBuffer . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
rowBuffer = null ;
bufferIterator = null ;
// return the row
count + + ;
return entry . getValue ( ) ;
public void remove ( ) {
if ( lastKey ! = null ) try {
kelondroTree . this . remove ( lastKey ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// do nothing
public synchronized keyIterator keys ( boolean up , boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
// iterates only the keys of the Nodes
// enumerated objects are of type String
// iterates the elements in a sorted way.
return new keyIterator ( new nodeIterator ( up , rotating ) ) ;
public Iterator keys ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return new keyIterator ( new nodeIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , true ) ) ;
public class keyIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator nodeIterator ;
public keyIterator ( Iterator nodeIterator ) {
this . nodeIterator = nodeIterator ;
int chunkSize ;
byte [ ] start ;
boolean inc , rot ;
long count ;
String lastKey ;
TreeSet keyBuffer ;
Iterator bufferIterator ;
public void finalize ( ) {
nodeIterator = null ;
public keyIterator ( boolean up , boolean rotating , byte [ ] firstKey , long guessedCountLimit ) throws IOException {
start = firstKey ;
inc = up ;
rot = rotating ;
count = 0 ;
lastKey = null ;
chunkSize = ( int ) Math . min ( 100 , guessedCountLimit ) ;
keyBuffer = keys ( inc , rot , start , true , chunkSize ) ;
bufferIterator = keyBuffer . iterator ( ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return ( nodeIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ;
return ( ( bufferIterator ! = null ) & & ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) & & ( ( rot ) | | ( count < size ( ) ) ) ) ;
public Object next ( ) {
Node nextNode = ( Node ) nodeIterator . next ( ) ;
if ( nextNode = = null ) throw new kelondroException ( filename , "no more elements available" ) ;
return new String ( nextNode . getKey ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ) return null ;
lastKey = ( String ) bufferIterator . next ( ) ;
// check if this was the last entry in the rowBuffer
if ( ! ( bufferIterator . hasNext ( ) ) ) {
// assign next buffer chunk
try {
keyBuffer = keys ( inc , rot , lastKey . getBytes ( ) , false , chunkSize ) ;
bufferIterator = keyBuffer . iterator ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
keyBuffer = null ;
bufferIterator = null ;
// return the row
count + + ;
return lastKey ;
public void remove ( ) {
if ( lastKey ! = null ) try {
kelondroTree . this . remove ( lastKey . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// do nothing
@ -1469,7 +1538,7 @@ public class kelondroTree extends kelondroRecords implements kelondroIndex {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i + + ) {
b = ( "T" + i ) . getBytes ( ) ; tt . put ( b , b ) ;
Iterator i = tt . keys ( true , false );
Iterator i = tt . keys ( true , false , null );
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) System . out . print ( ( String ) i . next ( ) + ", " ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;
@ -1558,7 +1627,7 @@ public class kelondroTree extends kelondroRecords implements kelondroIndex {
public static int countElements ( kelondroTree t ) {
int count = 0 ;
try {
Iterator iter = t . rows ( true , false );
Iterator iter = t . rows ( true , false , null );
byte [ ] [ ] row ;
while ( iter . hasNext ( ) ) {
count + + ;