@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ public class plasmaDbImporter extends AbstractImporter implements dbImporter {
HashSet importedUrlBuffer = new HashSet();
// iterate over all words from import db
Iterator importWordHashIterator = this.importWordIndex.wordHashes(this.wordChunkStartHash, plasmaWordIndex.RL_WORDFILES, false);
//Iterator importWordHashIterator = this.importWordIndex.wordHashes(this.wordChunkStartHash, plasmaWordIndex.RL_WORDFILES, false);
Iterator importWordHashIterator = this.importWordIndex.wordHashes(this.wordChunkStartHash, plasmaWordIndex.RL_WORDFILES, false, 100).iterator();
while (!isAborted() && importWordHashIterator.hasNext()) {
TreeSet entityUrls = new TreeSet(new kelondroNaturalOrder(true));
@ -124,8 +125,6 @@ public class plasmaDbImporter extends AbstractImporter implements dbImporter {
this.wordHash = (String) importWordHashIterator.next();
newContainer = this.importWordIndex.getContainer(this.wordHash, true, -1);
if (newContainer.size() == 0) continue;
// loop throug the entities of the container and get the
// urlhash
Iterator importWordIdxEntries = newContainer.entries();
@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ public class plasmaDbImporter extends AbstractImporter implements dbImporter {
// testing if import process was aborted
@ -213,6 +212,16 @@ public class plasmaDbImporter extends AbstractImporter implements dbImporter {
} finally {
if (newContainer != null) newContainer.clear();
if (!importWordHashIterator.hasNext()) {
// We may not be finished yet, try to get the next chunk of wordHashes
TreeSet wordHashes = this.importWordIndex.wordHashes(this.wordHash, plasmaWordIndex.RL_WORDFILES, false, 100);
importWordHashIterator = wordHashes.iterator();
// Make sure we don't get the same wordhash twice, but don't skip a word
if ((importWordHashIterator.hasNext())&&(!this.wordHash.equals(importWordHashIterator.next()))) {
importWordHashIterator = wordHashes.iterator();
this.log.logInfo("Home word index contains " + this.homeWordIndex.size() + " words and " + this.homeUrlDB.size() + " URLs.");