@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set ;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
protected kelondroIndex index ;
int keylength ;
private File path ;
private String filenameStub ;
private int loadfactor ;
@ -47,15 +49,19 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
private static final int idx_col_key = 0 ; // the index
private static final int idx_col_chunksize = 1 ; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option)
private static final int idx_col_chunkcount = 2 ; // chunkcount (number of chunks in this collection) needed to identify array file that has the chunks
private static final int idx_col_indexpos = 3 ; // indexpos (position in index file)
private static final int idx_col_lastread = 4 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_lastwrote = 5 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_clusteridx = 3 ; // selector for right cluster file, must be >= arrayIndex(chunkcount)
private static final int idx_col_flags = 4 ; // flags (for future use)
private static final int idx_col_indexpos = 5 ; // indexpos (position in index file)
private static final int idx_col_lastread = 6 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_lastwrote = 7 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static kelondroRow indexRow ( int keylen ) {
private kelondroRow indexRow ( ) {
return new kelondroRow (
"byte[] key-" + keylen + "," +
"byte[] key-" + keylen gth + "," +
"int chunksize-4 {b256}," +
"int chunkcount-4 {b256}," +
"byte clusteridx-1 {b256}," +
"byte flags-1 {b256}," +
"int indexpos-4 {b256}," +
"short lastread-2 {b256}, " +
"short lastwrote-2 {b256}"
@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
private static File propertyFile ( File path , String filenameStub , int loadfactor , int chunksize ) {
String lf = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( loadfactor ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 2 ) ;
String cs = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( chunksize ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 4 ) ;
return new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + ".properties" ) ; // kelondro collection array
return new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + ".properties" ) ;
public kelondroCollectionIndex ( File path , String filenameStub , int keyLength , kelondroOrder indexOrder ,
@ -87,11 +93,87 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
// the buffersize is number of bytes that are only used if the kelondroFlexTable is backed up with a kelondroTree
this . path = path ;
this . filenameStub = filenameStub ;
this . keylength = keyLength ;
this . playloadrow = rowdef ;
this . loadfactor = loadfactor ;
// create index table
index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index.table" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( keyLength ) , indexOrder ) ;
boolean ramIndexGeneration = false ;
boolean fileIndexGeneration = ! ( new File ( path , filenameStub + ".index" ) . exists ( ) ) ;
if ( ramIndexGeneration ) index = new kelondroRAMIndex ( indexOrder , indexRow ( ) ) ;
if ( fileIndexGeneration ) index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( ) , indexOrder ) ;
// open array files
this . arrays = new HashMap ( ) ; // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
if ( ( ( fileIndexGeneration ) | | ( ramIndexGeneration ) ) ) {
openAllArrayFiles ( ( ( fileIndexGeneration ) | | ( ramIndexGeneration ) ) , indexOrder ) ;
// open/create index table
if ( index = = null ) index = openIndexFile ( path , filenameStub , indexOrder , buffersize , preloadTime , loadfactor , rowdef ) ;
private void openAllArrayFiles ( boolean indexGeneration , kelondroOrder indexOrder ) throws IOException {
String [ ] list = this . path . list ( ) ;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array ;
kelondroRow irow = indexRow ( ) ;
int t = kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i + + ) if ( list [ i ] . endsWith ( ".kca" ) ) {
// open array
int pos = list [ i ] . indexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) continue ;
int chunksize = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 4 , pos + 8 ) , 16 ) ;
int partitionNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 9 , pos + 11 ) , 16 ) ;
int serialNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 12 , pos + 14 ) , 16 ) ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( partitionNumber , serialNumber , true ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
continue ;
// remember that we opened the array
arrays . put ( partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize , array ) ;
if ( ( index ! = null ) & & ( indexGeneration ) ) {
// loop over all elements in array and create index entry for each row
kelondroRow . Entry aentry , ientry ;
byte [ ] key ;
long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
long lastlog = start ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < array . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
aentry = array . get ( j ) ;
key = aentry . getColBytes ( 0 ) ;
if ( key = = null ) continue ; // skip deleted entries
kelondroRowSet indexrows = new kelondroRowSet ( this . playloadrow , aentry . getColBytes ( 1 ) ) ;
ientry = irow . newEntry ( ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_key , key ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_chunksize , chunksize ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , indexrows . size ( ) ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_clusteridx , ( byte ) partitionNumber ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_flags , ( byte ) 0 ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_indexpos , j ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_lastread , t ) ;
ientry . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , t ) ;
index . put ( ientry ) ;
// write a log
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - lastlog > 30000 ) {
serverLog . logFine ( "STARTUP" , "created " + j + " RWI index entries. " + ( ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) * ( array . size ( ) - j ) / j ) / 60000 ) + " minutes remaining for this array" ) ;
lastlog = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
private kelondroIndex openIndexFile ( File path , String filenameStub , kelondroOrder indexOrder ,
long buffersize , long preloadTime ,
int loadfactor , kelondroRow rowdef ) throws IOException {
// open/create index table
kelondroFlexTable theindex = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( ) , indexOrder ) ;
// save/check property file for this array
File propfile = propertyFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , rowdef . objectsize ( ) ) ;
@ -108,19 +190,20 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
props . put ( "rowdef" , rowdef . toString ( ) ) ;
serverFileUtils . saveMap ( propfile , props , "CollectionIndex properties" ) ;
// open array files
this . arrays = new HashMap ( ) ; // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
return theindex ;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray openArrayFile ( int partitionNumber , int serialNumber , boolean create ) throws IOException {
File f = arrayFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , playloadrow . objectsize ( ) , partitionNumber , serialNumber ) ;
int load = arrayCapacity ( partitionNumber ) ;
kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow (
"byte[] key-" + index. row ( ) . width ( 0 ) + "," +
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"byte[] collection-" + ( kelondroRowCollection . exportOverheadSize + load * this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) )
) ;
if ( ( ! ( f . exists ( ) ) ) & & ( ! create ) ) return null ;
return new kelondroFixedWidthArray ( f , rowdef , 0 ) ;
kelondroFixedWidthArray a = new kelondroFixedWidthArray ( f , rowdef , 0 ) ;
serverLog . logFine ( "STARTUP" , "opened array file " + f + " with " + a . size ( ) + " RWIs" ) ;
return a ;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray getArray ( int partitionNumber , int serialNumber , int chunksize ) {
@ -191,16 +274,18 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
return 0 ;
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
int oldchunksize = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunksize ) ; // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunkcount ) ;
int oldrownumber = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_indexpos ) ;
int oldPartitionNumber = arrayIndex ( oldchunkcount ) ;
int oldPartitionNumber = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColByte ( idx_col_clusteridx ) ;
assert ( oldPartitionNumber > = arrayIndex ( oldchunkcount ) ) ;
int oldSerialNumber = 0 ;
if ( merge ) {
// load the old collection and join it with the old
// load the old collection and join it
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getdelete ( oldindexrow , false , false ) ;
// join with new collection
@ -218,8 +303,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
Object k ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
k = i . next ( ) ;
if ( k instanceof byte [ ] ) {if ( oldcollection . remove ( ( byte [ ] ) k ) ! = null ) removed + + ; }
if ( k instanceof String ) {if ( oldcollection . remove ( ( ( String ) k ) . getBytes ( ) ) ! = null ) removed + + ; }
if ( ( k instanceof byte [ ] ) && ( oldcollection . remove ( ( byte [ ] ) k ) ! = null ) ) removed + + ;
if ( ( k instanceof String ) && ( oldcollection . remove ( ( ( String ) k ) . getBytes ( ) ) ! = null ) ) removed + + ;
oldcollection . shape ( ) ;
collection = oldcollection ;
@ -253,6 +338,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
// update the index entry
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_clusteridx , ( byte ) newPartitionNumber ) ;
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_flags , ( byte ) 0 ) ;
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
index . put ( oldindexrow ) ;
} else {
@ -275,7 +362,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
// simply store a collection without check if the collection existed before
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( arrayIndex ( collection . size ( ) ) , 0 , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
int clusteridx = arrayIndex ( collection . size ( ) ) ;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( clusteridx , 0 , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
// define row
kelondroRow . Entry arrayEntry = array . row ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
@ -290,6 +378,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_key , key ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunksize , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_clusteridx , ( byte ) clusteridx ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_flags , ( byte ) 0 ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_indexpos , ( long ) newRowNumber ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastread , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
@ -329,7 +419,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
int chunksize = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunksize ) ;
int chunkcount = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunkcount ) ;
int rownumber = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_indexpos ) ;
int partitionnumber = arrayIndex ( chunkcount ) ;
int partitionnumber = ( int ) indexrow . getColByte ( idx_col_clusteridx ) ;
assert ( partitionnumber > = arrayIndex ( chunkcount ) ) ;
int serialnumber = 0 ;
// open array entry
@ -347,6 +438,8 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_key , arrayrow . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunksize , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_clusteridx , ( byte ) partitionnumber ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_flags , ( byte ) 0 ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_indexpos , ( long ) rownumber ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastread , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
@ -455,10 +548,9 @@ public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
collectionIndex . merge ( ( "key-" + i ) . getBytes ( ) , collection ) ;
collectionIndex . close ( ) ;
// printout of index
kelondroFlexTable index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( 9 ) , kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder ) ;
kelondroFlexTable index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index" , buffersize , preloadTime , collectionIndex . indexRow ( ) , kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder ) ;
collectionIndex . close ( ) ;
index . print ( ) ;
index . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {