@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ import de.anomic.server.servletProperties;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsPool ;
import de.anomic.yacy.graphics.ProfilingGraph ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyChannel ;
import java.util.Map ;
public class yacysearch {
@ -87,12 +88,14 @@ public class yacysearch {
final boolean authenticated = sb . adminAuthenticated ( header ) > = 2 ;
final boolean localhostAccess = sb . accessFromLocalhost ( header ) ;
String promoteSearchPageGreeting = env . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . GREETING , "" ) ;
if ( env . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . GREETING_NETWORK_NAME , false ) ) promoteSearchPageGreeting = env . getConfig ( "network.unit.description" , "" ) ;
final String promoteSearchPageGreeting =
( env . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . GREETING_NETWORK_NAME , false ) ) ?
env . getConfig ( "network.unit.description" , "" ) :
env . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . GREETING , "" ) ;
final String client = header . get ( HeaderFramework . CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP ) ; // the search client who initiated the search
// get query
String originalquerystring = ( post = = null ) ? "" : post . get ( "query" , post . get ( "search" , "" ) ) . trim ( ) ;
final String originalquerystring = ( post = = null ) ? "" : post . get ( "query" , post . get ( "search" , "" ) ) . trim ( ) ;
String querystring = originalquerystring . replace ( '+' , ' ' ) . replace ( '*' , ' ' ) . trim ( ) ;
CrawlProfile . CacheStrategy snippetFetchStrategy = ( post = = null ) ? null : CrawlProfile . CacheStrategy . parse ( post . get ( "verify" , "cacheonly" ) ) ;
final servletProperties prop = new servletProperties ( ) ;
@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// get segment
Segment indexSegment = null ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "segment" ) ) {
String segmentName = post . get ( "segment" ) ;
final String segmentName = post . get ( "segment" ) ;
if ( sb . indexSegments . segmentExist ( segmentName ) ) {
indexSegment = sb . indexSegments . segment ( segmentName ) ;
@ -166,19 +169,18 @@ public class yacysearch {
// collect search attributes
boolean newsearch = post . hasValue ( "query" ) & & post . hasValue ( "former" ) & & ! post . get ( "query" , "" ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( post . get ( "former" , "" ) ) ; //new search term
final boolean newsearch = post . hasValue ( "query" ) & & post . hasValue ( "former" ) & & ! post . get ( "query" , "" ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( post . get ( "former" , "" ) ) ; //new search term
int itemsPerPage = Math . min ( ( authenticated ) ? ( snippetFetchStrategy ! = null & & snippetFetchStrategy . isAllowedToFetchOnline ( ) ? 100 : 1000 ) : ( snippetFetchStrategy ! = null & & snippetFetchStrategy . isAllowedToFetchOnline ( ) ? 20 : 500 ) , post . getInt ( "maximumRecords" , post . getInt ( "count" , 10 ) ) ) ; // SRU syntax with old property as alternative
int offset = ( newsearch ) ? 0 : post . getInt ( "startRecord" , post . getInt ( "offset" , 0 ) ) ;
int newcount ;
final int newcount ;
if ( authenticated & & ( newcount = post . getInt ( "count" , 0 ) ) > 0 ) sb . setConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_ITEMS , newcount ) ; // set new default maximumRecords if search with "more options"
boolean global = post . get ( "resource" , "local" ) . equals ( "global" ) & & sb . peers . sizeConnected ( ) > 0 ;
final boolean indexof = ( post ! = null & & post . get ( "indexof" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) ;
String urlmask = null ;
String originalUrlMask = null ;
final String originalUrlMask ;
if ( post . containsKey ( "urlmask" ) & & post . get ( "urlmask" ) . equals ( "no" ) ) { // option search all
originalUrlMask = ".*" ;
} else if ( ! newsearch & & post . containsKey ( "urlmaskfilter" ) ) {
@ -188,7 +190,9 @@ public class yacysearch {
String prefermask = ( post = = null ) ? "" : post . get ( "prefermaskfilter" , "" ) ;
if ( prefermask . length ( ) > 0 & & prefermask . indexOf ( ".*" ) < 0 ) prefermask = ".*" + prefermask + ".*" ;
if ( prefermask . length ( ) > 0 & & prefermask . indexOf ( ".*" ) < 0 ) {
prefermask = ".*" + prefermask + ".*" ;
Bitfield constraint = ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "constraint" ) & & post . get ( "constraint" , "" ) . length ( ) > 0 ) ? new Bitfield ( 4 , post . get ( "constraint" , "______" ) ) : null ;
if ( indexof ) {
@ -200,12 +204,10 @@ public class yacysearch {
final boolean indexReceiveGranted = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW , true ) | |
sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . INDEX_RECEIVE_AUTODISABLED , true ) ;
global = global & & indexReceiveGranted ; // if the user does not want indexes from remote peers, it cannot be a global search
//final boolean offline = yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed().isVirgin();
final boolean clustersearch = sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) & &
( sb . getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "" ) . equals ( "privatecluster" ) | |
sb . getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "" ) . equals ( "publiccluster" ) ) ;
//if (offline || !indexDistributeGranted || !indexReceiveGranted) { global = false; }
if ( clustersearch ) global = true ; // switches search on, but search target is limited to cluster nodes
// increase search statistic counter
@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( ( ! block ) & & ( post = = null | | post . get ( "cat" , "href" ) . equals ( "href" ) ) ) {
String urlmask = null ;
// check available memory and clean up if necessary
if ( ! MemoryControl . request ( 8000000L , false ) ) {
@ -289,12 +292,14 @@ public class yacysearch {
int lrp = querystring . indexOf ( "/language/" ) ;
String lr = "" ;
if ( lrp > = 0 ) {
if ( querystring . length ( ) > = ( lrp + 11 ) )
if ( querystring . length ( ) > = ( lrp + 11 ) ) {
lr = querystring . substring ( lrp + 9 , lrp + 11 ) ;
querystring = querystring . replace ( "/language/" + lr , "" ) ;
lr = lr . toLowerCase ( ) ;
int inurl = querystring . indexOf ( "inurl:" ) ;
final int inurl = querystring . indexOf ( "inurl:" ) ;
if ( inurl > = 0 ) {
int ftb = querystring . indexOf ( ' ' , inurl ) ;
if ( ftb = = - 1 ) ftb = querystring . length ( ) ;
@ -302,7 +307,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
querystring = querystring . replace ( "inurl:" + urlstr , "" ) ;
if ( urlstr . length ( ) > 0 ) urlmask = ".*" + urlstr + ".*" ;
int filetype = querystring . indexOf ( "filetype:" ) ;
final int filetype = querystring . indexOf ( "filetype:" ) ;
if ( filetype > = 0 ) {
int ftb = querystring . indexOf ( ' ' , filetype ) ;
if ( ftb = = - 1 ) ftb = querystring . length ( ) ;
@ -338,24 +343,21 @@ public class yacysearch {
sitehash = DigestURI . domhash ( sitehost ) ;
int heuristicScroogle = querystring . indexOf ( "heuristic:scroogle" ) ;
final int heuristicScroogle = querystring . indexOf ( "heuristic:scroogle" ) ;
if ( heuristicScroogle > = 0 ) {
querystring = querystring . replace ( "heuristic:scroogle" , "" ) ;
int heuristicBlekko = querystring . indexOf ( "heuristic:blekko" ) ;
final int heuristicBlekko = querystring . indexOf ( "heuristic:blekko" ) ;
if ( heuristicBlekko > = 0 ) {
querystring = querystring . replace ( "heuristic:blekko" , "" ) ;
int authori = querystring . indexOf ( "author:" ) ;
final int authori = querystring . indexOf ( "author:" ) ;
String authorhash = null ;
if ( authori > = 0 ) {
// check if the author was given with single quotes or without
boolean quotes = false ;
if ( querystring . charAt ( authori + 7 ) = = ( char ) 39 ) {
quotes = true ;
final boolean quotes = ( querystring . charAt ( authori + 7 ) = = ( char ) 39 ) ;
String author ;
if ( quotes ) {
int ftb = querystring . indexOf ( ( char ) 39 , authori + 8 ) ;
@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
authorhash = UTF8 . String ( Word . word2hash ( author ) ) ;
int tld = querystring . indexOf ( "tld:" ) ;
final int tld = querystring . indexOf ( "tld:" ) ;
if ( tld > = 0 ) {
int ftb = querystring . indexOf ( ' ' , tld ) ;
if ( ftb = = - 1 ) ftb = querystring . length ( ) ;
@ -401,7 +403,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// navigation
String navigation = ( post = = null ) ? "" : post . get ( "nav" , "" ) ;
final String navigation = ( post = = null ) ? "" : post . get ( "nav" , "" ) ;
// the query
final TreeSet < String > [ ] query = QueryParams . cleanQuery ( querystring . trim ( ) ) ; // converts also umlaute
@ -427,7 +429,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// make new news message with negative voting
if ( ! sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) ) {
final Hash Map< String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
final Map< String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
map . put ( "urlhash" , delHash ) ;
map . put ( "vote" , "negative" ) ;
map . put ( "refid" , "" ) ;
@ -455,7 +457,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( documents ! = null ) {
// create a news message
final Hash Map< String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
final Map< String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
map . put ( "url" , metadata . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) . replace ( ',' , '|' ) ) ;
map . put ( "title" , metadata . dc_title ( ) . replace ( ',' , ' ' ) ) ;
map . put ( "description" , documents [ 0 ] . dc_title ( ) . replace ( ',' , ' ' ) ) ;
@ -468,7 +470,6 @@ public class yacysearch {
// prepare search properties
//final boolean yacyonline = ((sb.webIndex.seedDB != null) && (sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed() != null) && (sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().getPublicAddress() != null));
final boolean globalsearch = ( global ) & & indexReceiveGranted ; /* && (yacyonline)*/
// do the search
@ -527,7 +528,9 @@ public class yacysearch {
sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . REMOTESEARCH_MAXTIME_USER , sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . REMOTESEARCH_MAXTIME_DEFAULT , 3000 ) ) ,
( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . DHT_BURST_ROBINSON , 0 ) ,
( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . DHT_BURST_MULTIWORD , 0 ) ) ;
try { Thread . sleep ( global ? 100 : 10 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e1 ) { } // wait a little time to get first results in the search
try {
Thread . sleep ( global ? 100 : 10 ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e1 ) { } // wait a little time to get first results in the search
if ( offset = = 0 ) {
if ( sitehost ! = null & & sb . getConfigBool ( "heuristic.site" , false ) & & authenticated ) sb . heuristicSite ( theSearch , sitehost ) ;
@ -535,13 +538,6 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( ( heuristicBlekko > = 0 | | sb . getConfigBool ( "heuristic.blekko" , false ) ) & & authenticated ) sb . heuristicRSS ( "http://blekko.com/ws/$+/rss" , theSearch , "blekko" ) ;
// generate result object
//serverLog.logFine("LOCAL_SEARCH", "SEARCH TIME AFTER ORDERING OF SEARCH RESULTS: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " ms");
//serverLog.logFine("LOCAL_SEARCH", "SEARCH TIME AFTER RESULT PREPARATION: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " ms");
// calc some more cross-reference
//serverLog.logFine("LOCAL_SEARCH", "SEARCH TIME AFTER XREF PREPARATION: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " ms");
// log
Log . logInfo ( "LOCAL_SEARCH" , "EXIT WORD SEARCH: " + theQuery . queryString + " - " +
"local-unfiltered(" + theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getLocalIndexCount ( ) + "), " +
@ -565,8 +561,8 @@ public class yacysearch {
prop . put ( "meanCount" , meanMax ) ;
if ( meanMax > 0 ) {
DidYouMean didYouMean = new DidYouMean ( indexSegment . termIndex ( ) , querystring ) ;
Iterator < String > meanIt = didYouMean . getSuggestions ( 100 , 5 ) . iterator ( ) ;
final DidYouMean didYouMean = new DidYouMean ( indexSegment . termIndex ( ) , querystring ) ;
final Iterator < String > meanIt = didYouMean . getSuggestions ( 100 , 5 ) . iterator ( ) ;
int meanCount = 0 ;
String suggestion ;
while ( meanCount < meanMax & & meanIt . hasNext ( ) ) {
@ -606,7 +602,9 @@ public class yacysearch {
try {
synchronized ( trackerHandles ) {
trackerHandles . add ( theQuery . time ) ;
while ( trackerHandles . size ( ) > 600 ) if ( ! trackerHandles . remove ( trackerHandles . first ( ) ) ) break ;
while ( trackerHandles . size ( ) > 600 ) {
if ( ! trackerHandles . remove ( trackerHandles . first ( ) ) ) break ;
sb . localSearchTracker . put ( client , trackerHandles ) ;
if ( sb . localSearchTracker . size ( ) > 1000 ) sb . localSearchTracker . remove ( sb . localSearchTracker . keys ( ) . nextElement ( ) ) ;
@ -614,7 +612,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
int indexcount = theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getLocalIndexCount ( ) - theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getMissCount ( ) + theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getRemoteIndexCount ( ) ;
final int indexcount = theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getLocalIndexCount ( ) - theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getMissCount ( ) + theSearch . getRankingResult ( ) . getRemoteIndexCount ( ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_offset" , offset ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_itemscount" , Formatter . number ( 0 , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_itemsPerPage" , itemsPerPage ) ;
@ -662,7 +660,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
resnav . append ( QueryParams . navurl ( "html" , thispage + 1 , theQuery , null , originalUrlMask , navigation ) ) ;
resnav . append ( "\"><img src=\"env/grafics/navdr.gif\" alt=\"arrowright\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /></a>" ) ;
String resnavs = resnav . toString ( ) ;
final String resnavs = resnav . toString ( ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_resnav" , resnavs ) ;
prop . put ( "pageNavBottom" , ( indexcount - offset > 6 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ; // if there are more results than may fit on the page we add a navigation at the bottom
prop . put ( "pageNavBottom_resnav" , resnavs ) ;
@ -685,7 +683,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( prop = = null | | prop . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( post = = null | | post . get ( "query" , post . get ( "search" , "" ) ) . length ( ) < 3 ) {
if ( post . get ( "query" , post . get ( "search" , "" ) ) . length ( ) < 3 ) {
prop . put ( "num-results" , "2" ) ; // no results - at least 3 chars
} else {
prop . put ( "num-results" , "1" ) ; // no results