The (old) yacy web page does not need to part of the yacy distribution.

The old yacy home page will be replaced by a new one.

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 18 years ago
parent 87b297b4d2
commit 35b1bd66cd

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
<property name="yacyroot" location="."/>
<property name="addon" location="addon"/>
<property name="src" location="source"/>
<property name="doc" location="doc"/>
<property name="data" location="DATA"/>
<property name="lib" location="lib"/>
<property name="libx" location="libx"/>
@ -170,8 +169,6 @@
<mkdir dir="${build}/de/anomic/ymage"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}/de/anomic/yacy"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}/de/anomic/yacy/seedUpload"/>
<!--<mkdir dir="${doc}"/>-->
<mkdir dir="${data}"/>
<mkdir dir="${release}"/>
@ -193,7 +190,6 @@
<!-- deleting old file -->
<delete file="${build}/" failonerror="false"/>
<copy file="${src}/" tofile="${build}/" overwrite="true" filtering="true" />
<!--<copy file="${doc}/Download.html" tofile="${doc}/Download.html.up" filtering="true" />-->
@ -481,13 +477,6 @@
<include name="ChangeLog"/>
<copy todir="${release_main}/doc">
<fileset dir="${doc}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<!-- copy source code -->
<copy todir="${release_main}/source">
@ -565,9 +554,6 @@
<!-- deleting unneeded files -->
<delete dir="${release_main}"/>
<!-- writing the current release version into a file -->
<!--<echo message="${releaseVersion}" file="${doc}/release.txt"/>-->
<target name="distPro" depends="compileExtensions,copyMain4Dist,copyExt4Dist">

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
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<p>YaCy was developed and implemented by Michael Christen.
<p>You can hire me for professional consultancy, customizations or integrations. I am specialized on Network Architecture/Security, Information Retrieval and on Billing Systems in the telecommunication market. If you like to have further information about my professional work, please ask for a CV.
<p>Any feed-back is welcome!
<p>Please email me at <img src="grafics/mcemailh.gif">. Please be specific in the subject, so that I can distiguish your mail from the many spam mails I get every day.
<p><FONT SIZE="1"><i>The email-address presented here is not clickable and shown as an image to prevent that spam-senders can scan and parse the web page for address retrieval. Please re-type the address in your email application.</i></FONT>
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<h2>Online Demo</h2>
Since YaCy is a web-application, you can test it also online!
There are 3 options:
<li>Try using a peer in the public search cluster.<br>
The following portal chooses one peer randomly and shows its search page:<br>
<a href="">Random YaCy Peer Portal</a><br><br>
<li>YaCy-Installations can also operate as private search clusters.<br>
Such clusters have a specialized web index.<br>
The following portal lists some topic-oriented search engines<br>
that are all driven by a YaCy installation.<br>
You are welcome to contribute your own topic!<br>
<a href="">Kaskelix - Topic-Oriented Search Portal for YaCy Peers</a><br><br>
<li>Commercial software vendors sometimes provide a free demo of their software.<br>
YaCy is free software and therefore the software is equal to the demo version.<br>
This is probably the best demonstration - run your own installation of YaCy.<br>
<a href="Download.html">Download and run your own demo of YaCY</a><br><br>
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<h2>Technology Details</h2>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_Methods.png" align="center"></p>
<p>YaCy has a large number of document parsers included.</p><br><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_IndexDistribution.png" align="center"></p>
<p>When YaCy has indexed a number of web pages, it starts to distribute parts of the web index
to other YaCy peers. That causes that all indexes that users of YaCy generate are mixed with each other.
The indexes are stored to such peers that they can be found efficiently again.</p><br><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_IndexSearch.png" align="center"></p>
<p>When a web search in you local peer is done, it searches not only the own database, but also
databases of other YaCy peers. Only those peers are searched that should have the specific index.</p><br><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_Workflow.png" align="center"></p>
<p>The workflow inside YaCy. There is no user action required for steering of the workflow,
but the user interface offers a large number of monitoring pages that show status information about the queues and stacks.</p>
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This software is free! There is no functional limitation and no registration process is required.
If you download the software, you must accept the <a href="License.html">License</a>.</p>
<li><b>Standard release</b> of YaCy for all Linux versions, Solaris/OpenSolaris, MacOS and Windows (all platforms with J2SE 1.4.2), <b>good for a Million Web pages on standard home computers</b>; needs 96MB RAM:</li>
<li><a href=""><tt>yacy_v0.55_20071004_4145.tar.gz</tt></a></li>
<li><b>'Pro' - release of YaCy</b> (all platforms) including all parsers (doc, pdf, rtf, <a href="Details.html">many more</a>) with high-performance configuration; needs 512 MB RAM; <b>can index more than 10 Million Web pages</b>:</li>
<li><a href=""><tt>yacy_pro_v0.55_20071004_4145.tar.gz</tt></a></li>
<p>Fresh builds from compiles out of SVN can be obtained <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<li><b>just de-compress and start the start script</b> (linux) / startYACY.bat (Windows) / startYACY.command (Mac)</li>
<li>open <a href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a></li>
<li>you will be asked for a peer-password; just set one</li>
<p><b>This software can only work in cooperation with the YaCy Main Release</b></p>
<li>YaCyBar Firefox add-on: <a href="">A search-toolbar for the Peer-to-Peer search-engine YaCy</a></li>
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<title>YaCy: FAQ</title>
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<h3>Can I Crawl The Web With YaCy?</h3>
<p>Yes! You can start your own crawl and you may also trigger distributed crawling,
which means that your own YaCy peer asks other peers to perform specific crawl tasks.
You can specify many parameters that focus your crawl to a limited set of web pages.</p>
<h3>What do you mean with 'Global Search Engine'?</h3>
<p>The integrated indexing and search service can not only be used locally, but also <i>globally</i>.
Each YaCy peer distributes some contact information to all other peers that can be reached,
and peers exchange <i>but do not copy</i> their indexes to each other.
This is done in such a way, that each <i>peer</i> knows how to address the correct other
<i>peer</i> to retrieve a special search index.
Therefore the community of all peers spawns a <i>distributed hash table</i> (DHT)
which is used to share the <i>reverse word index</i> (RWI) to all operators and users of the YaCy peers.
The applied logic of distribution and retrieval of RWI's on the DHT combines all participating peers to
a <i>Distributed Search Engine</i>.
To point out that this is in contrast to local indexing and searching,
we call it a <i>Global Search Engine</i>.
<h3>Is there a central server? Does the search engine network need one?</h3>
<p>No. The network architecture does not need a central server, and there is none.
In fact there is a root server which is the 'first' peer, but any other peer has the same rights and tasks to perform.
We still distinguish three different <i>classes</i> of peers:
<li><i>junior</i> peers are peers that cannot be reached from the internet because of routing problems or firewall settings;</li>
<li><i>senior</i> peers can be accessed by other peers and</li>
<li><i>principal</i> peers are like senior but can also upload network bootstrap information to ftp/http sites; this is necessary for the network bootstraping.</li>
Junior peers can contribute to the network by submitting index files to senior/principal peers without being asked. (This function is currently very limited)
<h3>Search Engines need a lot of terabytes of space, don't they? How much space do I need on my machine?</h3>
<p>The global index is <i>shared</i>, but not <i>copied</i> to the peers.
If you run YaCy, you need an average of the same disc memory amount for the index as you need for the cache.
In fact, the global space for the index may reach the space of Terabytes, but not all of that on your machine!</p>
<h3>Do I need a fast machine? Search Engines need big server farms, don't they?</h3>
<p>You don't need a fast machine to run YaCy. You also don't need a lot of space.
You can configure the amount of Megabytes that you want to spend for the cache.
YaCy can also run on a vServer.
<h3>I don't want to wait for search results very long. How long does a search take?</h3>
<p>Our architecture does not do peer-hopping, we also don't have a TTL (time to live).
We expect that search results are <i>instantly</i> responded to the requester.
This can be done by asking the index-owning peer <i>directly</i> which is
in fact possible by using DHT's (distributed hash tables).
Because we need some redundancy to compensate for missing peers, we ask
several peers simultanously. To collect their response, we wait a little time
of at most 6 seconds. If this is not enough, the user may start a re-search
to catch up 'late' responses from other peers.</p>
<h3>I am scared about the fact that the browsing results are distributed.
What about privacy?</h3>
<p>None of the words that are indexed from the
pages you have crawled or seen is stored in clear text on your computer.
Instead, a hash is used which can not be computed back into the original word.
Because index files travel among peers, you cannot state if a specific link was
visited by you or another peer-user, so this frees you from being responsible about
the index files on your machine.</p>
<h3>Do I need to set up and run a separate database?</h3>
<p>No. YaCy contains it's own database engine, which does not need any extra set-up
or configuration.</p>
<h3>What kind of database do you use? Is it fast enough?</h3>
<p>The database stores tables in files with the
structure of AVL-Trees (which are height-regulated binary trees).
Such a search tree ensures a logarithmic order of computation time.
We compared the YaCy database engine ('kelondro') with mysql and yacy
was as fast as mysql with up to millions of entries in one table.</p>
<h3>Why do you use your own database? Why not use mySQL or openLDAP?</h3>
<p>The database structure we need is very special.
One demand is that the entries can be retrieved in logarithmic time <i>and</i>
can be enumerated in any order. Enumeration in a specific order is needed to
create conjunctions of tables very fast. This is needed when someone searches
for several words. We implement the search word conjunction by pairwise and
simultanous enumeration/comparisment of index trees/sequences.
This forces us to use binary trees as data structure. Another demand is that we
need the ability to have many index tables, maybe <i>millions of tables</i>.
The size of the tables may be not big in average, but we need many of them.
This is in contrast of the organization of relational databases, where the focus
is on management of very large tables, but not of many of them. A third demand is
the ease of installation and maintenance: the user shall not be forced to install
a RBMS first, care about tablespaces and such.
The integrated database is completely service-free.</p>
<h3>What does Senior Mode mean? What is Junior Mode?</h3>
<p><i>Junior</i> peers are such peers that cannot be reached from other peers, while <i>Senior</i> peers can be contacted.
If your peer has global access, it runs in Senior Mode. If it is hidden from others, it is in Junior Mode.
If your peer is in Senior Mode, it is an access point for index sharing and distribution. It can be contacted for search requests and it collects index files from other peers. If your peer is in Junior Mode, it collects index files from your browsing and distributes them only to other Senior peers, but does not collect index files.
<h3>Why should I run my YaCy peer in Senior Mode?</h3>
<p>Some p2p-based file sharing software assign non-contributing peers very low priority. We think that that this is not always fair since sometimes the operator does not have the choice of opening the firewall or configuring the router accordingly. Our idea of 'information wares' and their exchange can also be applied to junior peers: they must contribute to the global index by submitting their index <i>actively</i>, while senior peers contribute <i>passively</i>.
Therefore we don't need to give junior peers low priority: they contribute equally, so they may participate equally.
But enough senior peers are needed to make this architecture functional. Since any peer contributes almost equally, either actively or passively, you should decide to run in Senior Mode if you can.
<h3>My YaCy says it runs in 'Junior Mode'. How can I run it in Senior Mode?</h3>
<p>Open your firewall for port 8080 (or the port you configured) or program your router to act as a <i>virtual server</i>.</p>
<h3>How can I help?</h3>
<p>First of all: run YaCy in senior mode. This helps to enrich the global index and to make YaCy more attractive.
If you want to add your own code, you are welcome; but please contact the author first and discuss your idea to see how it may fit into the overall architecture.
You can help a lot by simply giving us feedback or telling us about new ideas. You can also help by telling other people about this software.
And if you find an error or you see an exception, we welcome your defect report. Any feed-back is welcome.</p>
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Dipl. Inf. Michael Christen<br>
Finkenhofstrasse 9<br>
60322 Frankfurt am Main<br>
E-Mail: <img src="grafics/mcemailh.gif"><br>
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F&uuml;r den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschliesslich
deren Betreiber verantwortlich.
Ich weise darauf hin, das eine Benutzung der angegebenen <a href="Demo.html">Demo-Peers</a> nur unter Beachtung der <a href="License.html">YaCy Applikationslizenz</a> erlaubt ist. Falls sie die Demo-Peers zur Web-Suche benutzen wollen, so ist dies nur zur Recherche von legalem Inhalt erlaubt. Die Verantwortung f&uuml;r den Inhalt der durch eine YaCy-Suche gefundene Webseite liegt nicht beim Betreiber des Such-Peers, sondern beim Betreiber der jeweiligen gefundenen Webseite; sie d&uuml;rfen eine nicht von ihnen vorgenommene YaCy-Installation nur dann benutzen, wenn sie akzeptieren das der Peer-Betreiber nicht die Verantwortung f&uuml;r die verlinkten Webseiten &uuml;bernimmt.
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Description of the YaCy lng format
You are not forced but encouraged to use the following format for your language file.
It ensures a high compatibility, readability and full support of syntax highlighting in Notepad++ and other editors.
Also we recommend to use an fully UTF-8 capable text editor and to save in this format, so please don't use an old notepad.exe ;-)
If you start a completely new translation, you can build it from scratch and search all the strings out of the HTROOT files yourself (best, but most laborious way) or use a good, current translation and copy the English strings from there.
If you would decide to copy from an existing translation, i.e. the German, because at the moment it is the most complete, take care, that you delete all strings which are not translated into your target language.
Otherwise the user may have a mixed German/Japanese webinterface when he chooses the Japanese translation. This is not good, if you don't translate the whole interface simply don't mention the strings you don't translate in your language file and they will be left in English.
Every languagefile should have a header, which gives short information about it and should consist of comments as described later in this document.
It should start with the filename, the "direction" of your translation, the SVN-keyword for the date with the last change (don't forget to "svn propset svn:keywords "LastChangedDate" <filename>.lng" if you maintain the file by yourself), a copyright header, followed by a maintainer.
The maintainer should be someone with SVN write-access. He is responsible for getting upates of the lng-file from other persons and checking them into our repository on a long term basis.
If you are willing to contribute once or only for a short time, find a maintainer who is willing to to this job for a long time.
The maintainer of the German language file (who wrote this document ;-)) is always up to act as maintainer for new languages, if you are not able/willing to do so by yourself.
Then follows an enumeration of all people who contributed at least some content to the translation file in chronological order and an advice for newbies to contact the maintainer if they have something to contribute.
# de.lng
# English-->German
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
# first published on
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is written by (chronological order) Roland Ramthun <>, Oliver Wunder <>, Jan Sandbrink
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
---File definitions---
YaCy needs to know which XHTML file you are translating. The definition consists of a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by the word "File:", a blank space and the filename of the translated file relative to the YaCy HTROOT.
Every file can only be declared once.
#File: Messages_p.html
#File: env/templates/header.template
---Start of translation section---
After the "File"-declaration you should open the file specific part by a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by 27 hyphens.
---Translation mappings---
This is the real work. Find every string you want to translate in the corresponding files in HTROOT.
In the correct section, initialized by the above "File"-definition and framed by the "Start/End of translation section"-strings, you enter the original string, a double equals sign and the translation.
---End of translation section---
After the translation strings you should close the file specific section with a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by 29 hyphens.
Comments are started with a hash/pound-symbol (#), followed by a blank space and the comment itself.
# This is a comment without many sense.
Full example:
# de.lng
# English-->German
# $LastChangedDate$
# -----------------------
# part of YaCy
# (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
# first published on
# Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
# This file is written by (chronological order) Roland Ramthun <>, Oliver Wunder <>, Jan Sandbrink
# If you find any mistakes or untranslated strings in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the maintainer.
#File: ConfigLanguage_p.html
# Only part 1.
# Contributors are in chronological ordern, not how much they did absolutely.
# Thank you for your help!
<!-- lang -->default\(english\)==Deutsch
<!-- author -->==Roland Ramthun, Oliver Wunder, Jan Sandbrink
<!-- maintainer -->==
#File: Blacklist_p.html
Blacklist Manager==Blacklist Manager
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==Diese Funktion stellt einen URL-Filter vor den Proxy. Das Laden einer URL aus der Blacklist wird geblockt.
from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==Sie k&ouml;nnen mehrere Blacklists anlegen und getrennt aktivieren.
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==Sie k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls Ihre Blacklist einem anderen Peer zum Download anbieten.
collect blacklist entries from other peers.==Im Gegenzug k&ouml;nnen Sie sich selber von anderen Peers Blacklists runterladen.
Edit list:==Liste bearbeiten:
\(active\)\#not active::active\#\(/active\)\# \#\(shared\)\#not shared::shared\#\(/shared\)==(active)#nicht aktiv::aktiv#(/active)# #(shared)#nicht freigegeben::freigegeben#(/shared)
New list:==Neue Liste:
Enable/disable this list==Liste an/ausschalten
Share/don't share this list==Liste freigeben/nicht freigeben
Delete this list==Liste l&ouml;schen
Active list:==Aktivierte Liste:
These are the domain name / path patterns in this blacklist:==Dies sind die Domainnamen / -pfade die in der Blacklist sind:
You can select them here for deletion==Sie k&ouml;nnen sie einzeln zum L&ouml;schen w&auml;hlen
Delete URL pattern==URL aus der Liste l&ouml;schen
Enter new domain name / path pattern in the form:==Geben Sie eine neue Domain/einen neuen Pfad in dieser Form ein:
Add URL pattern==F&uuml;ge URL hinzu
Import blacklist items from other YaCy peers:==Importiere Blacklist von anderen YaCy Peers:
Load new blacklist items==Lade neue Blacklist
Import blacklist items from URL:==Importiere Blacklist von URL:
Load new blacklist items==Lade neue Blacklist
Import blacklist items from file:==Importiere Blacklist aus Datei:
"Load new blacklist items"==Lade neue Blacklist
was removed from blacklist==wurde aus Blacklist entfernt
was added to the blacklist==wurde zur Blacklist hinzugef&uuml;gt
Activate this list for==Diese Liste ist g&uuml;ltig f&uuml;r
#File: Blog.html
show more entries==zeige weitere Eintr&auml;ge
new entry==Neuer Eintrag
import XML-File==XML-Datei importieren
export as XML==als XML exportieren
No changes have been submitted so far!==Es wurden noch keine &Auml;nderungen &uuml;bertragen!
Access denied==Zugriff verweigert
To edit or create blog-entries you need to be logged in as Admin or User who has Blog rights.==Um Blogeintr&auml;ge zu ver&auml;ndern oder zu erstellen m&uuml;ssen Sie als Admin oder User mit Blog-Rechten eingeloggt sein.
Are you sure==Sind Sie sicher
that you want to delete <b>\#\[subject\]\#</b> by \#\[author\]\#?==dass Sie <b>#[subject]#</b> von #[author]# l&ouml;schen wollen?
Yes, delete it.==Ja, l&ouml;schen.
No, leave it.==Nein, belassen.
Import was successful!==Import war erfolgreich!
Import failed, maybe the supplied file was no valid blog-backup?==Import fehlgeschlagen, unter Umst&auml;nden war die angegebene Datei keine g&uuml;ltige Blog-Sicherung?
Please select the XML-file you want to import:==Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie die XML-Datei die Sie importieren wollen:

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<p>The copyright for YaCy belongs to Michael Peter Christen; Frankfurt, Germany; <img src="grafics/mcemailh.gif">.
<p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the <a href="">GNU General Public License</a> as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.</p>
<p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.</p>
<p>It is allowed to freely copy and distribute this software
as long as it is mentioned in connection with a link to the Anomic home page "", or the YaCy home page "".
You are allowed to use this software for any legal purpose, private or commercial.</p>
<p>You agree that Anomic/YaCy Software and the author(s) is/are not responsible for cost, loss of data or any harm that
may be caused by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software is on your own
risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this software may allow other people or application
to access your computer and any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the software
which must be done by the user of the software; Anomic/YaCy Software and the author(s) is/are also not responsible
for proper configuration and usage of the software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
the software.</p>
<p> This software is provided as-is, including possible bugs, errors, misbehaviours,
failures, crashes, destructive effects to your software, data or system.
Users and administrators of this software use and operate it on their own risk.</p>
<p>Attention: YaCy is a content provider for a peer-to-peer based index sharing
and distribution network. It's purpose is to provide a world-wide global search index.
This application generates and distributes an index of files that passes the proxy and of files that are generated by web crawling, and crawling jobs that can be requested by other YaCy installations.
If you run the application you must agree that this software distributes automatically certain information about your system and network configuration and it also distributes index files that are created from the internet content that passed your system.
You must also agree that your system receives index transmissions from other peers and that your system is used by other peers to load internet content, index it and passes it again back to other peers.
The author(s) of YaCy cannot guarantee that a misuse of the index passing procedure, causing harm to your system or privacy or causing illegal content or harmfull behavior to other internet servers, can be avoided; the author(s) take no responsibility for such cases; you must agree that you take complete responsibility for such case.
You must agree that you take complete responsibility about the information that is stored on your system, even if this information was passed to you from other YaCy-peers without notification.
You must also agree that you are responsible to protect any users of your search peer against the use of your peer to index/search for illegal content; your local law applies.
You are not allowed to use this software to create or search for any information that is banned or illegal in your country.
If you want to search for illegal information, you are not allowed to use this software in any way, neither using it as private installation nor using any other available YaCy search peer as source for such information.
<p>If you like to make changes to the software, you may do it. But if you re-distribute
the software you must maintain the original copyright notice including this complete license statement.</p>
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<p>Information related to YaCy and search engine / p2p technology</p><br>
<p>Other YaCy Project Sites
<li><a href=""><b>YaCy Wiki</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Deutsches Forum</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>English Forum</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>YaCy at BerliOS</b> - our SVN hosting service</li>
<li><a href=""><b>YaCy at</b></a> - Project Announcement Page (please click here to support the project and enhance Rating/Popularity)</li>
<li><a href=""><b>YaCy at</b></a> - Project Services; Forum and (in the future) CVS Hosting.</li>
<p>Public Interfaces to YaCy Services and Statistics
<li><a href=""><b>Statistics about the YaCy network and indexed pages</b></a> - from Alexander Fieger</li>
<li><a href=""><b>PHP-based Interface to YaCy Search</b> using YaCys RSS Search Result Output</a> - from Hendrik Richter</li>
<li><a href=""><b>Public Interface for Crawl-Start Entry</b> - from <a href="">slick</a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Stats about the YaCy network and indexed pages</b></a> - from Hendrik Richter</li>
<p>Publications about YaCy
<li>News on <a href="">GIGA</a>: <a href="">"Peer-to-Peer Suchmaschine YaCy w&auml;chst stetig!"</a></li>
<li>News on <a href=""></a>: <a href="">"Freie Peer-to-Peer-Suchmaschine YaCy kommt voran"</a> Sander-Beuermann: YaCy ist dabei, eine "kritische Masse" zu erreichen</li>
<li>Article in the german computer magazine <a href=""><b>c't</b></a>,
issue <a href="">c't 16/2005</a>,
page 52 (german): "<a href=""><b>Wider die Monokultur</b></a>"</li>
<li>Article in <a href="">Datenschleuder #086</a>,
magazine of the german 'chaos computer association' (<b>Chaos Computer Club</b>, <b>CCC</b>), german:
<a href=""><b>"YaCy -- Peer-to-Peer Web-Suchmaschine (Original-PDF)"</b></a>,
<a href=""><b>"YaCy -- Peer-to-Peer Web-Suchmaschine (Datenschleuder-Redaktion)"</b>
<li>Cited as <b>world-wide unique proof-of-concept for a distributed p2p search engine</b>
in the German issue of the MIT's Magazine of Innovation
<a href=""><b>Technology Review</b></a> in an
<a href="">article by Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann</a>;
<a href="">issue 02/2005</a>, page 29</li>
<li>Article in the german computer magazine <a href=""><b>c't</b></a>,
issue <a href="">c't 2/2005</a>,
page 40 (german): "<b>Suchmaschine sucht Tauschpartner</b>"</li>
<li><a href=""><b>"Jedermanns Suchmaschine"</b> (german)</a>
- press release in the <a href="">Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung</a>; issue #289, Dec 9th 2004, page 23</li>
<li>News-Feed on <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Report and Interview on <a href=""></a></li>
<p>Partner Sites
<li><a href=""><b>The SuMa-Lab</b> (german)</a> - Project Server of the German Search-Engine association <a href="">SuMa-eV</a></li>
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<h2>Press Material, Publications, Presentations</h2>
<p>Here you can find links to documents that had been published about YaCy by YaCy-Authors</p><br>
<p>Documentation / Talks (in German language)
<li><a href=""><b>YaCy Workshop Paper for the LinuxTag 2007 Expo in Berlin</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Vortrag zum 3. SuMa-eV Forum: "Suchmaschinen: In Technik, Wirtschaft und Medienkunst" (pdf)</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Vortrag zum 3. SuMa-eV Forum: "Suchmaschinen: In Technik, Wirtschaft und Medienkunst" (html)</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Speech paper "YaCy Peer-to-Peer Web-Suche: Informationsfreiheit und freie Information Retrieval Software" for the 'Practical Linux Forum' at the LinuxTag 2006 Expo in Wiesbaden</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>Vortrag zum 2. SuMa-eV Forum: "Portale/Suchmaschinen - und ihre Grenzen"</b></a></li>
<li><a href=""><b>"YaCy -- Peer-to-Peer Web-Suchmaschine"</b></a> - Ver&ouml;ffentlichung in der Datenschleuder #086; technische Details zur Funktionsweise</li>
<p>Documentation / Talks (in English language)
<li><a href=""><b>Speech paper "Distributed Web Search with YaCy" for the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress</b></a></li>
<p>YaCy in the press (in German language)
<li><a href=""><b>moenk's podcast #6: LinuxTag 2007 (Teil 2)</b> - Videocast vom Linuxtag</a></li>
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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<h2>Supported Platforms</h2>
<p><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%" valign="top"><center><b>Any Java 2 System</b></center></td><td width="70%">
<p>YaCy is written entirely in Java 1.4.2.<br>GNU Classpath 0.92 can be used in exchange of Sun classes (tested only with JamVM)</p>
<tr><td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%" valign="top"><center><b>Windows</b><br><img src="grafics/startupWin.gif"></center></td><td width="70%">
YaCy runs on Windows and comes with an easy-to-use installer application. Please download the Windows Release Flavour of YaCy instead the generic one.
<tr><td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%" valign="top"><center><b>Mac OS X</b><br><img src="grafics/startupMac.gif"></center></td><td width="70%">
The general distribution includes a Mac OS X wrapper shell, which is double-clickable. The application can be monitored and administrated through a web server that you can open with your Safari browser.
<tr><td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%" valign="top"><center><b>Linux/Unix</b><br><img src="grafics/startupLinux.gif"></center></td><td width="70%">
You can start YaCy in a console, and monitor it's actions through a log file. A wrapper shell script for easy startup is included. You can administrate the proxy remotely through the built-in http server with any browser.
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<h2>Web Search Technology</h2><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_Components.png" align="center"></p>
<p>YaCy consists mainly of four parts:
a <b>web crawler</b>, an <b>indexer</b>,
a built-in <b>database engine</b> and
the <b>p2p index exchange</b> protocol, based on http.
The YaCy search engine can be accessed through the <b>built-in http server</b>.
All parts of this architecture are included in the YaCy distribution.</p><br><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_UserInterface.png" align="center"></p>
<p>YaCy has a built-in http server,
and the user interface is realized as web pages on the own web server.
A search request to YaCy is done inside your web browser.
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_Crawler.png" align="center"></p>
<p>A web search engine can only search web pages that had been <i>crawled</i>, which means that
all pages of subpages (and so on) of a start point had been loaded. YaCy has an integrated web crawler.</p><br><br>
<p><img width="480" src="grafics/YaCy_Technology_Indexing.png" align="center"></p>
<p>Before a huge number of web pages can be searched efficiently, the pages must be <i>indexed</i>.
This is a very difficult process which runs inside YaCy without any user action.
After indexing of web pages a single YaCy installation is able to provide search results
from more that 10 million of web pages efficiently.</p>
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<p>The following persons are involved (alphabetical order):
<li><b>Michael Christen</b> is project founder; designed and implemented the overall architecture, is chief software architect, release management, kelondro database, yacy core protocol, indexing technique and database structure, search and ranking functionality, http client/server architecture, admin of</li>
<li><b>Natali Christen</b> designed the YaCy logo.</li>
<li><b>Stephan Hermens</b> has made some important bugfixes.</li>
<li><b>Matthias Kempka</b> provided a linux-init start/stop - script</li>
<li><b>Timo Leise</b> suggested and implemented an extension to the blacklist feature: part-of-domain matching.</li>
<li><b>Marc Nause</b> made many major enhancements to the YaCyWiki, the Message- and User-Profile menues and functions.</li>
<li><b>Thomas Quella</b> designed the Kaskelix mascot. He also made a large number of bug fixes.</li>
<li><b>Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann</b>, executive board member of the German search-engine association <a href="">SuMa-eV</a>
and manager of the meta-search-engine <a href="">metaGer</a> provided computing resources for a <a href="">demo peer</a>. He also pushed the project by arranging promotional events.</li>
<li><b>Alexander Schier</b> did much alpha-testing from beginning of project, and suggested many features; implemented the blacklist feature, bookmarks, log-menu, user-db, skin-feature, windows-installer and provided first implementation of the yacybar Firefox extension.</li>
<li><b>Matthias S&ouml;hnholz</b> added the offline-browsing feature</li>
<li><b>slick</b> helps as packager (.rpm, .deb etc)</li>
<li><b>Oliver Wunder</b> provided some german translation. He also made bittorrent-releases</li>
<p>Further volunteers are very welcome.
Please <a href="Contact.html">contact</a> me if you have something that you are willing to do for this project. In any case: before you start something to do, please ask me in advance if I would like to integrate it later. Thank You!</p>
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You are most propably here, because you have seen accesses from an user with the useragent "yacybot" in your webserver-logs.
<h3>What is yacybot?</h3>
"yacybot" is the useragent of the software <a href="">YaCy</a>, which is an approach to build a Peer-to-Peer based websearch-engine.
"yacybot" is the useragent of the YaCy webcrawlers which are maintained by the YaCy users and work the same way as e.g. the googlebot.
<h3>How to control yacybot?</h3>
YaCy follows the rules defined in a <b>robots.txt</b> file.<br>
If you do not wish that YaCy crawls your website, please set up such a file. It is the standard way to control all web-spiders like Google, Yahoo! and also YaCy.<br>
In case you don't know how to make such a file please read <a href=""></a> for further instructions.<br>
After some hours all yacybots will obey your instructions.
<h3>This didn't help me.</h3>
If there are any questions left please visit our <a href="">forum</a> and ask for help.
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<H2><FONT SIZE="5">YaCy&nbsp;-&nbsp;Web Search Engine</FONT></H2><br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="50%">
<h3>Peer-to-Peer Web Search Engine</h3>
Anonymous and uncensored search in a distributed and community-driven network of search-engine peers.
<h3>Personal Search Appliance</h3>
Create your own search portal with up to 10 million pages in your private web index.
<td width="40">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%">
<tr><td>We are supported by</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="SuMa-eV"></a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="">Gemeinn&uuml;tziger Verein zur F&ouml;rderung der Suchmaschinen-Technologie und des freien Wissenszugangs</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>We collaborate with</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"></a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="">Liebel-Lab at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe</a></td></tr>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<p>YaCy is GPL licensed, free software.
<p><i>F&uuml;r eine deutsche Dokumentation sehen sie bitte <a href="">hier</a></p>
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"<td width=\"120\"></td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"white\">" +
"<a href=\"\" class=\"white\">Anomic + YaCy Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
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"<a href=\"\" class=\"white\">Profile</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
"<a href=\"\" class=\"white\">Impressum</a>" +
"</td><td></td></tr>" +
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YACY Release Road Map
The milestones listed here may change while milestones are reached.
This is just a vision of the possible evolution of the proxy.
0.1 http proxy with cache indexing
- database
- caching http proxy
- search engine on cache entries, implementationb of reverse word indexes ("RWI"'s)
- http server to access search function
- proxy configuration through built-in httpd
- simple prefetch without prefetch schemes
- firewall for proxy and httpd access protection
0.2 peer fundamentals
- first information 'ware': seeds, which are peer information records
- seed categories:
'junior' - for peers without server (like 'LO-ID'),
'senior' - for peers with server (like 'HI-ID'),
'principal' - for senior peers with ftp upload for superseeds lists
- first p2p protocol commands:
* 'Hello' - network bootstraping and seed propagation
* 'Query' - for peer information and access granting
* 'Search' - global naive search of RWI's throughout 'some' remote (other peer) RWI's
- ftp integration for principal peers: to upload seed list-files to dedicated places, listed in superseed-files
- blacklist distribution
0.3 distributed hash tables for reverse word indexes
- prefetch schemes and local prefetch execution
- spider order entry + interface
- blacklists / hotlists
- next p2p-command:
* 'Tell' - for information wares distribution
- establishment of the DHT's structure for all information wares
- performance of search of RWI's using the DHT's
- more information ware: L-URL's (loaded-url register) and DHT's
0.4 DHT in place
- all peers shall contibute in DHT transfer
- search patterns
- search depth
0.5 advanced search functions
- scheduled and exceptional ware propagation and distribution
- next p2p-command:
* 'Check' - for L-URL requesting
0.6 gloabl prefetching and global spidering
- non-proxy mode, using a specialized prefetch schemes for such cases
- more information wares: P-URL's (prefetch url's, not loaded), deadlinks
- next p2p-command to support standalone-mode (non-proxy)
* 'Job' - requesting of P-URL's
- global prefetch execution with P-URL's
- delegated index conjunction
- delegated description provisioning
0.7 ? split-off of mature code
- kelondro database
- httpd/http-proxy
- plasma indexing/searching
- p2p-protocol handler
0.8 ? more interfaces
- konqueror cache access
- mozilla cache access
- squid cache access
- telnet command interface
0.9 ? pre-production release
- bugfixes for all known bugs
- user demands integration
- proprietary functions
1.0 production release

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