@ -982,14 +982,12 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
public static final String collection1query ( final Segment segment , final String harvestkey ) {
return ( harvestkey = = null | | ! segment . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConfiguration ( ) . contains ( CollectionSchema . harvestkey_s ) ?
"" :
CollectionSchema . harvestkey_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":\"" + harvestkey + "\" AND " ) +
"" : CollectionSchema . harvestkey_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":\"" + harvestkey + "\" AND " ) +
CollectionSchema . process_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) + AbstractSolrConnector . CATCHALL_DTERM ;
public static final String webgraphquery ( final Segment segment , final String harvestkey ) {
return ( harvestkey = = null | | ! segment . fulltext ( ) . getWebgraphConfiguration ( ) . contains ( WebgraphSchema . harvestkey_s ) ?
"" :
WebgraphSchema . harvestkey_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":\"" + harvestkey + "\" AND " ) +
"" : WebgraphSchema . harvestkey_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":\"" + harvestkey + "\" AND " ) +
WebgraphSchema . process_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) + AbstractSolrConnector . CATCHALL_DTERM ;
@ -1242,9 +1240,10 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
ConcurrentLog . info ( "CollectionConfiguration" , postprocessingActivity ) ;
BlockingQueue < SolrDocument > docs = collectionConnector . concurrentDocumentsByQuery (
collection1query ,
( this . contains ( CollectionSchema . http_unique_b ) | | this . contains ( CollectionSchema . www_unique_b ) ) ?
CollectionSchema . host_subdomain_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + " asc," + // sort on subdomain to get hosts without subdomain first; that gives an opportunity to set www_unique_b flag to false
CollectionSchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + " asc , " + // sort on protocol to get http before https; that gives an opportunity to set http_unique_b flag to false
CollectionSchema . url_chars_i . getSolrFieldName ( ) + " asc" ,
CollectionSchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + " asc " // sort on protocol to get http before https; that gives an opportunity to set http_unique_b flag to false
: null , // null sort is faster!
0 , 100000000 , Long . MAX_VALUE , 200 , 1 ) ;
int countcheck = 0 ;
Collection < String > failids = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
@ -1376,12 +1375,11 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
String urlhash = ASCII . String ( url . hash ( ) ) ;
String hostid = url . hosthash ( ) ;
Conjunction con = new Conjunction ( ) ;
con . addOperand ( new Negation ( new Literal ( CollectionSchema . id , urlhash ) ) ) ;
con . addOperand ( new Literal ( CollectionSchema . host_id_s , hostid ) ) ;
Disjunction dnf = new Disjunction ( ) ;
uniquecheck: for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : new CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] {
CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] doccheckschema = new CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] {
{ CollectionSchema . exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . exact_signature_unique_b , CollectionSchema . exact_signature_copycount_i } ,
{ CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_l , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_unique_b , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_copycount_i } } ) {
{ CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_l , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_unique_b , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_copycount_i } } ;
uniquecheck : for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : doccheckschema ) {
CollectionSchema signaturefield = checkfields [ 0 ] ;
CollectionSchema uniquefield = checkfields [ 1 ] ;
CollectionSchema countfield = checkfields [ 2 ] ;
@ -1396,6 +1394,8 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
con . addOperand ( dnf ) ;
con . addOperand ( new Negation ( new Literal ( CollectionSchema . id , urlhash ) ) ) ;
con . addOperand ( new Literal ( CollectionSchema . host_id_s , hostid ) ) ;
String query = con . toString ( ) ;
SolrDocumentList docsAkk ;
try {
@ -1405,9 +1405,7 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
docsAkk = new SolrDocumentList ( ) ;
uniquecheck : for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : new CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] {
{ CollectionSchema . exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . exact_signature_unique_b , CollectionSchema . exact_signature_copycount_i } ,
{ CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_l , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_unique_b , CollectionSchema . fuzzy_signature_copycount_i } } ) {
if ( docsAkk . getNumFound ( ) > 0 ) uniquecheck : for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : doccheckschema ) {
CollectionSchema signaturefield = checkfields [ 0 ] ;
CollectionSchema uniquefield = checkfields [ 1 ] ;
CollectionSchema countfield = checkfields [ 2 ] ;
@ -1437,13 +1435,15 @@ public class CollectionConfiguration extends SchemaConfiguration implements Seri
Integer httpstatus_i = this . contains ( CollectionSchema . httpstatus_i ) ? ( Integer ) sid . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . httpstatus_i . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) : null ;
String canonical_s = this . contains ( CollectionSchema . canonical_s ) ? ( String ) sid . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . canonical_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) : null ;
Boolean canonical_equal_sku_b = this . contains ( CollectionSchema . canonical_equal_sku_b ) ? ( Boolean ) sid . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . canonical_equal_sku_b . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) : null ;
CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] metadatacheckschema = new CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] {
{ CollectionSchema . title , CollectionSchema . title_exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . title_unique_b } ,
{ CollectionSchema . description_txt , CollectionSchema . description_exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . description_unique_b } } ;
if ( segment . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConfiguration ( ) . contains ( CollectionSchema . host_id_s ) & &
( robots_i = = null | | ( robots_i . intValue ( ) & ( 1 < < 9 ) ) = = 0 /*noindex in http X-ROBOTS*/ & & ( robots_i . intValue ( ) & ( 1 < < 3 ) ) = = 0 /*noindex in html metas*/ ) & &
( canonical_s = = null | | canonical_s . length ( ) = = 0 | | ( canonical_equal_sku_b ! = null & & canonical_equal_sku_b . booleanValue ( ) ) | | url . toNormalform ( true ) . equals ( canonical_s ) ) & &
( httpstatus_i = = null | | httpstatus_i . intValue ( ) = = 200 ) ) {
uniquecheck : for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : new CollectionSchema [ ] [ ] {
{ CollectionSchema . title , CollectionSchema . title_exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . title_unique_b } ,
{ CollectionSchema . description_txt , CollectionSchema . description_exact_signature_l , CollectionSchema . description_unique_b } } ) {
uniquecheck : for ( CollectionSchema [ ] checkfields : metadatacheckschema ) {
CollectionSchema checkfield = checkfields [ 0 ] ;
CollectionSchema signaturefield = checkfields [ 1 ] ;
CollectionSchema uniquefield = checkfields [ 2 ] ;