via Jetty IPAccessHandler to allow only configured IP's to access.
Handler is only loaded if a restriction is configured.
Since IPAcessHandler (Jetty 8) does not support IPv6 system property
Testing showed system.setProperty seems to be sensitive to point of calling (earliest possible time seems to be best = early in yacy.main).
Moved the "isrunning..." just open browser check also to the new routine to preread the yacy.config only once."SERVER","activated IP access restriction to: [,"+white+"] (this works only correct with start parameter");
server.setHandler(securityHandler);// iphandler not needed
server.setHandler(securityHandler);// iphandler not needed
if(f.exists()){// another instance running? VM crash? User will have to care about this
ConcurrentLog.severe("STARTUP","WARNING: the file "+f+" exists, this usually means that a YaCy instance is still running. If you want to restart YaCy, try first ./, then ./ If ./ fails, try ./");
// If YaCy is actually running, then we check if the server port is open.
// If yes, then we consider that a restart is a user mistake and then we just respond
// as the user expects and tell the browser to open the start page.
// That will especially happen if Windows Users double-Click the YaCy Icon on the desktop to simply
// open the web interface. (They don't think of 'servers' they just want to get to the search page).
// We need to parse the configuration file for that to get the host port
// If YaCy is actually running, then we check if the server port is open.
// If yes, then we consider that a restart is a user mistake and then we just respond
// as the user expects and tell the browser to open the start page.
// That will especially happen if Windows Users double-Click the YaCy Icon on the desktop to simply
// open the web interface. (They don't think of 'servers' they just want to get to the search page).
// We need to parse the configuration file for that to get the host port
// test for yacy already running
if(lockFile.exists()){// another instance running? VM crash? User will have to care about this
//standard log system not up yet - use simply stdout
// prevents also creation of a log file while just opening browser
System.out.println("WARNING: the file "+lockFile+" exists, this usually means that a YaCy instance is still running. If you want to restart YaCy, try first ./, then ./ If ./ fails, try ./");