*) removed recursion which hopefully prevents exception

*) fixed bug in creation of table of content which caused double entries if a page was previewed more than once

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7663 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
low012 14 years ago
parent a2e86daae9
commit 2e9694c9e9

@ -170,6 +170,56 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
PROPERTY_VALUES.put("align", array);
private final String tableStart = "{" + PIPE_ESCAPED; // {|
private final String newLine = PIPE_ESCAPED + "-"; // |-
private final String cellDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED + PIPE_ESCAPED; // ||
private final String tableEnd = PIPE_ESCAPED + "}"; // |}
private final String attribDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED; // |
private final int lenTableStart = tableStart.length();
private final int lenCellDivider = cellDivider.length();
private final int lenTableEnd = tableEnd.length();
private final int lenAttribDivider = attribDivider.length();
private void processHeadline(StringBuilder input, int firstPosition, final Tags tags, int secondPosition, String direlem) {
//add anchor and create headline
if ((direlem = input.substring(firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength, secondPosition)) != null) {
//counting double headlines
int doubles = 0;
final Iterator<String> iterator = tableOfContent.iterator();
String element;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
element = iterator.next();
// no element with null value should ever be in directory
assert (element != null);
if (element.substring(1).equals(direlem)) {
String anchor = REGEX_NOT_CHAR_NUM_OR_UNDERSCORE_PATTERN.matcher(SPACE_PATTERN.matcher(direlem).replaceAll("_")).replaceAll(EMPTY); //replace blanks with underscores and delete everything thats not a regular character, a number or _
//if there are doubles, add underscore and number of doubles plus one
if (doubles > 0) {
anchor = anchor + "_" + (doubles + 1);
final StringBuilder link = new StringBuilder();
link.append("<a name=\"");
input.replace(firstPosition, secondPosition + tags.closeWikiLength, link.toString());
input = input.substring(0, firstPosition) + "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\"></a>" + tags.openHTML
+ direlem + tags.closeHTML + input.substring(secondPosition + tags.closeWikiLength);
//add headlines to list of headlines (so TOC can be created)
if (Arrays.binarySearch(HEADLINE_TAGS, tags.openWiki) >= 0) {
tableOfContent.add((tags.openWikiLength - 1) + direlem);
private enum ListType {
@ -207,14 +257,16 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @return HTML fragment.
* @throws IOException in case input from reader can not be read.
protected String transform(String hostport, final BufferedReader reader, final int length)
protected String transform(final String hostport, final BufferedReader reader, final int length)
throws IOException {
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(length);
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
out.append(processLineOfWikiCode(hostport, line)).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
return out.insert(0, createTableOfContents()).toString();
out.insert(0, createTableOfContents());
return out.toString();
// contributed by [FB], changes by [MN]
@ -224,17 +276,8 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @return HTML fragment
private String processTable(final String line) {
//some variables that make it easier to change codes for the table
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
final String tableStart = "&#123;" + PIPE_ESCAPED; // {|
final String newLine = PIPE_ESCAPED + "-"; // |-
final String cellDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED + PIPE_ESCAPED; // ||
final String tableEnd = PIPE_ESCAPED + "&#125;"; // |}
final String attribDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED; // |
final int lenTableStart = tableStart.length();
final int lenCellDivider = cellDivider.length();
final int lenTableEnd = tableEnd.length();
final int lenAttribDivider = attribDivider.length();
if (line.startsWith(tableStart) && !processingTable) {
processingTable = true;
@ -639,7 +682,7 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @param line line of text to be transformed from wiki code to HTML
* @return HTML fragment
private String processPreformattedText(String hostport, String line) {
private String processPreformattedText(final String hostport, String line) {
if (!escaped) {
final int positionOfOpeningTag = line.indexOf(WIKI_OPEN_PRE_ESCAPED);
final int positionOfClosingTag = line.indexOf(WIKI_CLOSE_PRE_ESCAPED);
@ -865,61 +908,29 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* Replaces the wiki representation of tags with the HTML representation.
* @param input String which potentially contains tags to be replaced.
* @param tags tags to be replaced.
* @return input String with replaced tags.
* @return String with replaced tags.
private String tagReplace(String input, final Tags tags) {
private String tagReplace(final String input, final Tags tags) {
String direlem = null; //string to keep headlines until they get added to List dirElements
int firstPosition;
final int secondPosition;
//replace pattern if a pair of the pattern can be found in the line
if (((firstPosition = input.indexOf(tags.openWiki)) >= 0) &&
((secondPosition = input.indexOf(tags.closeWiki, firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength)) >= 0)) {
//extra treatment for headlines
if (Arrays.binarySearch(HEADLINE_TAGS, tags.openWiki) >= 0) {
//add anchor and create headline
if ((direlem = input.substring(firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength, secondPosition)) != null) {
//counting double headlines
int doubles = 0;
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(input);
final Iterator<String> iterator = tableOfContent.iterator();
String element;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
element = iterator.next();
// no element with null value should ever be in directory
assert (element != null);
int firstPosition = 0;
int secondPosition = 0;
//replace pattern if a pair of the pattern can be found in the line
while (((firstPosition = stringBuilder.indexOf(tags.openWiki, secondPosition)) >= 0) &&
((secondPosition = stringBuilder.indexOf(tags.closeWiki, firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength)) >= 0)) {
if (element.substring(1).equals(direlem)) {
String anchor = REGEX_NOT_CHAR_NUM_OR_UNDERSCORE_PATTERN.matcher(SPACE_PATTERN.matcher(direlem).replaceAll("_")).replaceAll(EMPTY);; //replace blanks with underscores and delete everything thats not a regular character, a number or _
//if there are doubles, add underscore and number of doubles plus one
if (doubles > 0) {
anchor = anchor + "_" + (doubles + 1);
input = input.substring(0, firstPosition) + "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\"></a>" + tags.openHTML
+ direlem + tags.closeHTML + input.substring(secondPosition + tags.closeWikiLength);
//add headlines to list of headlines (so TOC can be created)
//extra treatment for headlines
if (Arrays.binarySearch(HEADLINE_TAGS, tags.openWiki) >= 0) {
tableOfContent.add((tags.openWikiLength - 1) + direlem);
processHeadline(stringBuilder, firstPosition, tags, secondPosition, direlem);
} else {
input = input.substring(0, firstPosition) + tags.openHTML
+ (input.substring(firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength, secondPosition)) + tags.closeHTML
+ input.substring(secondPosition + tags.closeWikiLength);
stringBuilder.replace(firstPosition, firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength, tags.openHTML);
stringBuilder.replace(secondPosition, secondPosition + tags.closeWikiLength, tags.closeHTML);
return input;
// commented out the following lines because they caused an endless recursion here
//recursion if another pair of the pattern can still be found in the line
if (((firstPosition = input.indexOf(tags.openWiki)) >= 0) && (input.indexOf(tags.closeWiki, firstPosition + tags.openWikiLength) >= 0)) {
input = tagReplace(input, tags);
return input;
return stringBuilder.toString();
/** Replaces wiki tags with HTML tags in one line of text.
@ -1067,6 +1078,8 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
return toc.iterator();
void clear() {
