@ -170,6 +170,56 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
PROPERTY_VALUES . put ( "align" , array ) ;
private final String tableStart = "{" + PIPE_ESCAPED ; // {|
private final String newLine = PIPE_ESCAPED + "-" ; // |-
private final String cellDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED + PIPE_ESCAPED ; // ||
private final String tableEnd = PIPE_ESCAPED + "}" ; // |}
private final String attribDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED ; // |
private final int lenTableStart = tableStart . length ( ) ;
private final int lenCellDivider = cellDivider . length ( ) ;
private final int lenTableEnd = tableEnd . length ( ) ;
private final int lenAttribDivider = attribDivider . length ( ) ;
private void processHeadline ( StringBuilder input , int firstPosition , final Tags tags , int secondPosition , String direlem ) {
//add anchor and create headline
if ( ( direlem = input . substring ( firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength , secondPosition ) ) ! = null ) {
//counting double headlines
int doubles = 0 ;
final Iterator < String > iterator = tableOfContent . iterator ( ) ;
String element ;
while ( iterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
element = iterator . next ( ) ;
// no element with null value should ever be in directory
assert ( element ! = null ) ;
if ( element . substring ( 1 ) . equals ( direlem ) ) {
doubles + + ;
String anchor = REGEX_NOT_CHAR_NUM_OR_UNDERSCORE_PATTERN . matcher ( SPACE_PATTERN . matcher ( direlem ) . replaceAll ( "_" ) ) . replaceAll ( EMPTY ) ; //replace blanks with underscores and delete everything thats not a regular character, a number or _
//if there are doubles, add underscore and number of doubles plus one
if ( doubles > 0 ) {
anchor = anchor + "_" + ( doubles + 1 ) ;
final StringBuilder link = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
link . append ( "<a name=\"" ) ;
link . append ( anchor ) ;
link . append ( "\"></a>" ) ;
link . append ( tags . openHTML ) ;
link . append ( direlem ) ;
link . append ( tags . closeHTML ) ;
input . replace ( firstPosition , secondPosition + tags . closeWikiLength , link . toString ( ) ) ;
/ *
input = input . substring ( 0 , firstPosition ) + "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\"></a>" + tags . openHTML
+ direlem + tags . closeHTML + input . substring ( secondPosition + tags . closeWikiLength ) ;
* /
//add headlines to list of headlines (so TOC can be created)
if ( Arrays . binarySearch ( HEADLINE_TAGS , tags . openWiki ) > = 0 ) {
tableOfContent . add ( ( tags . openWikiLength - 1 ) + direlem ) ;
private enum ListType {
@ -207,14 +257,16 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @return HTML fragment .
* @throws IOException in case input from reader can not be read .
* /
protected String transform ( String hostport , final BufferedReader reader , final int length )
protected String transform ( final String hostport , final BufferedReader reader , final int length )
throws IOException {
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder ( length ) ;
String line ;
while ( ( line = reader . readLine ( ) ) ! = null ) {
out . append ( processLineOfWikiCode ( hostport , line ) ) . append ( serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) ;
return out . insert ( 0 , createTableOfContents ( ) ) . toString ( ) ;
out . insert ( 0 , createTableOfContents ( ) ) ;
tableOfContent . clear ( ) ;
return out . toString ( ) ;
// contributed by [FB], changes by [MN]
@ -224,17 +276,8 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @return HTML fragment
* /
private String processTable ( final String line ) {
//some variables that make it easier to change codes for the table
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
final String tableStart = "{" + PIPE_ESCAPED ; // {|
final String newLine = PIPE_ESCAPED + "-" ; // |-
final String cellDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED + PIPE_ESCAPED ; // ||
final String tableEnd = PIPE_ESCAPED + "}" ; // |}
final String attribDivider = PIPE_ESCAPED ; // |
final int lenTableStart = tableStart . length ( ) ;
final int lenCellDivider = cellDivider . length ( ) ;
final int lenTableEnd = tableEnd . length ( ) ;
final int lenAttribDivider = attribDivider . length ( ) ;
if ( line . startsWith ( tableStart ) & & ! processingTable ) {
processingTable = true ;
@ -639,7 +682,7 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* @param line line of text to be transformed from wiki code to HTML
* @return HTML fragment
* /
private String processPreformattedText ( String hostport , String line ) {
private String processPreformattedText ( final String hostport , String line ) {
if ( ! escaped ) {
final int positionOfOpeningTag = line . indexOf ( WIKI_OPEN_PRE_ESCAPED ) ;
final int positionOfClosingTag = line . indexOf ( WIKI_CLOSE_PRE_ESCAPED ) ;
@ -865,61 +908,29 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
* Replaces the wiki representation of tags with the HTML representation .
* @param input String which potentially contains tags to be replaced .
* @param tags tags to be replaced .
* @return input String with replaced tags .
* @return String with replaced tags .
* /
private String tagReplace ( String input , final Tags tags ) {
private String tagReplace ( final String input , final Tags tags ) {
String direlem = null ; //string to keep headlines until they get added to List dirElements
int firstPosition ;
final int secondPosition ;
//replace pattern if a pair of the pattern can be found in the line
if ( ( ( firstPosition = input . indexOf ( tags . openWiki ) ) > = 0 ) & &
( ( secondPosition = input . indexOf ( tags . closeWiki , firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength ) ) > = 0 ) ) {
//extra treatment for headlines
if ( Arrays . binarySearch ( HEADLINE_TAGS , tags . openWiki ) > = 0 ) {
//add anchor and create headline
if ( ( direlem = input . substring ( firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength , secondPosition ) ) ! = null ) {
//counting double headlines
int doubles = 0 ;
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ( input ) ;
final Iterator < String > iterator = tableOfContent . iterator ( ) ;
String element ;
while ( iterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
element = iterator . next ( ) ;
// no element with null value should ever be in directory
assert ( element ! = null ) ;
int firstPosition = 0 ;
int secondPosition = 0 ;
//replace pattern if a pair of the pattern can be found in the line
while ( ( ( firstPosition = stringBuilder . indexOf ( tags . openWiki , secondPosition ) ) > = 0 ) & &
( ( secondPosition = stringBuilder . indexOf ( tags . closeWiki , firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength ) ) > = 0 ) ) {
if ( element . substring ( 1 ) . equals ( direlem ) ) {
doubles + + ;
String anchor = REGEX_NOT_CHAR_NUM_OR_UNDERSCORE_PATTERN . matcher ( SPACE_PATTERN . matcher ( direlem ) . replaceAll ( "_" ) ) . replaceAll ( EMPTY ) ; ; //replace blanks with underscores and delete everything thats not a regular character, a number or _
//if there are doubles, add underscore and number of doubles plus one
if ( doubles > 0 ) {
anchor = anchor + "_" + ( doubles + 1 ) ;
input = input . substring ( 0 , firstPosition ) + "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\"></a>" + tags . openHTML
+ direlem + tags . closeHTML + input . substring ( secondPosition + tags . closeWikiLength ) ;
//add headlines to list of headlines (so TOC can be created)
//extra treatment for headlines
if ( Arrays . binarySearch ( HEADLINE_TAGS , tags . openWiki ) > = 0 ) {
tableOfContent . add ( ( tags . openWikiLength - 1 ) + direlem ) ;
processHeadline ( stringBuilder , firstPosition , tags , secondPosition , direlem ) ;
} else {
input = input . substring ( 0 , firstPosition ) + tags . openHTML
+ ( input . substring ( firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength , secondPosition ) ) + tags . closeHTML
+ input . substring ( secondPosition + tags . closeWikiLength ) ;
stringBuilder . replace ( firstPosition , firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength , tags . openHTML ) ;
stringBuilder . replace ( secondPosition , secondPosition + tags . closeWikiLength , tags . closeHTML ) ;
return input ;
// commented out the following lines because they caused an endless recursion here
/ *
//recursion if another pair of the pattern can still be found in the line
if ( ( ( firstPosition = input . indexOf ( tags . openWiki ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( input . indexOf ( tags . closeWiki , firstPosition + tags . openWikiLength ) > = 0 ) ) {
input = tagReplace ( input , tags ) ;
return input ;
* /
return stringBuilder . toString ( ) ;
/ * * Replaces wiki tags with HTML tags in one line of text .
@ -1067,6 +1078,8 @@ public class WikiCode extends AbstractWikiParser implements WikiParser {
return toc . iterator ( ) ;
void clear ( ) {
toc . clear ( ) ;