@ -1237,6 +1237,27 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return true ;
// check if the document should be indexed
if ( queueEntry . processCase ( ) = = plasmaSwitchboardConstants . PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD ) {
// proxy-load
noIndexReason = queueEntry . shallIndexCacheForProxy ( ) ;
} else {
// normal crawling
noIndexReason = queueEntry . shallIndexCacheForCrawler ( ) ;
if ( noIndexReason ! = null ) {
// this document should not be indexed. log cause and close queue
final yacyURL referrerURL = queueEntry . referrerURL ( ) ;
log . logFine ( "Not indexed any word in URL " + queueEntry . url ( ) + "; cause: " + noIndexReason ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( queueEntry . url ( ) , ( referrerURL = = null ) ? "" : referrerURL . hash ( ) , queueEntry . initiator ( ) , queueEntry . anchorName ( ) , noIndexReason ) ;
// finish this entry
return true ;
// put document into the concurrent processing queue
webIndex . queuePreStack . enQueueToActive ( queueEntry ) ;
// check for interruption
@ -1468,14 +1489,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
this . webIndex . newsPool . publishMyNews ( yacyNewsRecord . newRecord ( webIndex . seedDB . mySeed ( ) , yacyNewsPool . CATEGORY_PROFILE_BROADCAST , news ) ) ;
/ *
// set a maximum amount of memory for the caches
// long memprereq = Math.max(getConfigLong(INDEXER_MEMPREREQ, 0), wordIndex.minMem());
// setConfig(INDEXER_MEMPREREQ, memprereq);
// setThreadPerformance(INDEXER, getConfigLong(INDEXER_IDLESLEEP, 0), getConfigLong(INDEXER_BUSYSLEEP, 0), memprereq);
kelondroCachedRecords . setCacheGrowStati ( 40 * 1024 * 1024 , 20 * 1024 * 1024 ) ;
kelondroCache . setCacheGrowStati ( 40 * 1024 * 1024 , 20 * 1024 * 1024 ) ;
* /
// update the cluster set
this . clusterhashes = this . webIndex . seedDB . clusterHashes ( getConfig ( "cluster.peers.yacydomain" , "" ) ) ;
@ -1617,16 +1631,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
// debug
if ( log . isFinest ( ) ) log . logFinest ( "CONDENSE " + in . queueEntry . toString ( ) ) ;
plasmaCondenser condenser = null ;
// strip out words and generate statistics
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) log . logFine ( "Condensing for '" + in . queueEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "'" ) ;
try {
condenser = condenseDocument ( in . queueEntry , in . document ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
condenser = null ;
if ( condenser = = null ) {
in . queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return null ;
plasmaCondenser condenser = new plasmaCondenser ( in . document , in . queueEntry . profile ( ) . indexText ( ) , in . queueEntry . profile ( ) . indexMedia ( ) ) ;
// update image result list statistics
// its good to do this concurrently here, because it needs a DNS lookup
@ -1635,50 +1643,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.
ResultImages . registerImages ( in . document , ( profile = = null ) ? true : ! profile . remoteIndexing ( ) ) ;
return new indexingQueueEntry ( in . queueEntry , in . document , condenser ) ;
private plasmaCondenser condenseDocument ( final IndexingStack . QueueEntry entry , plasmaParserDocument document ) throws InterruptedException {
final String dc_title = document . dc_title ( ) ;
final yacyURL referrerURL = entry . referrerURL ( ) ;
final int processCase = entry . processCase ( ) ;
if ( processCase = = plasmaSwitchboardConstants . PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD ) {
// proxy-load
noIndexReason = entry . shallIndexCacheForProxy ( ) ;
} else {
// normal crawling
noIndexReason = entry . shallIndexCacheForCrawler ( ) ;
if ( noIndexReason ! = null ) {
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
log . logFine ( "Not indexed any word in URL " + entry . url ( ) + "; cause: " + noIndexReason ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( entry . url ( ) , ( referrerURL = = null ) ? "" : referrerURL . hash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , dc_title , noIndexReason ) ;
/ *
if ( ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_6_GLOBAL_CRAWLING ) & & ( initiatorPeer ! = null ) ) {
if ( clusterhashes ! = null ) initiatorPeer . setAlternativeAddress ( ( String ) clusterhashes . get ( initiatorPeer . hash ) ) ;
yacyClient . crawlReceipt ( initiatorPeer , "crawl" , "rejected" , noIndexReason , null , "" ) ;
* /
document . close ( ) ;
document = null ;
return null ;
// strip out words
checkInterruption ( ) ;
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) log . logFine ( "Condensing for '" + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "'" ) ;
plasmaCondenser condenser ;
try {
condenser = new plasmaCondenser ( document , entry . profile ( ) . indexText ( ) , entry . profile ( ) . indexMedia ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
in . queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return null ;
return condenser ;
public indexingQueueEntry webStructureAnalysis ( final indexingQueueEntry in ) {