@ -102,23 +102,26 @@ public class WebStructurePicture_p {
// first set points to next hosts
Iterator i = next.entrySet().iterator();
ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();
int maxrefs = 8;
int refcount;
double rr;
int maxtargetrefs = 8, maxthisrefs = 8;
int targetrefs, thisrefs;
double rr, re;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
targethash = (String) entry.getKey();
targethost = structure.resolveDomHash2DomString(targethash);
if (targethost == null) continue;
refcount = structure.referencesCount(targethash);
maxrefs = Math.max(refcount, maxrefs);
thisrefs = ((Integer) entry.getValue()).intValue();
targetrefs = structure.referencesCount(targethash); // can be cpu/time-critical
maxtargetrefs = Math.max(targetrefs, maxtargetrefs);
maxthisrefs = Math.max(thisrefs, maxthisrefs);
targets.add(new String[] {targethash, targethost});
if (graph.getPoint(targethost) != null) continue;
// set a new point. It is placed on a circle around the host point
double angle = ((double) kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.cardinal((targethash + "____").getBytes())) / maxlongd * 2 * Math.PI;
//System.out.println("ANGLE = " + angle);
rr = radius / 4 * (1 - refcount / maxrefs);
graph.addPoint(targethost, x + (radius - rr) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius - rr) * Math.sin(angle), nextlayer);
rr = radius * 0.25 * (1 - targetrefs / maxtargetrefs);
re = radius * 0.5 * (thisrefs / maxthisrefs);
graph.addPoint(targethost, x + (radius - rr - re) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius - rr - re) * Math.sin(angle), nextlayer);
// recursively set next hosts
i = targets.iterator();