for production as a replacement of the metadata-db.
This intermediate release 1.041 will switch on the previously optional
solr index and the old metadata-db will still work as it did before.
Solr+metadata are accessed in mixed mode, no migration is done yet.
If this causes not a catastrophe until the end of the weekend, we will
do a YaCy 1.1 main release containing this as default.
This is an experimental switchboard to test an index migration from embedded metadata to embedded solr. The 'classic' configuration is rwi + metadata switched on. The future configuration is rwi + solr switched on.
This is an experimental switchboard to test an index migration from embedded metadata to embedded solr. The 'classic' configuration is rwi + metadata switched on. The future configuration is rwi + solr switched on.
The rwi index is necessary for index transmission and shall be switched off in future portalmode configurations.
The rwi index is necessary for index transmission and shall be switched off in future portalmode configurations.
<dt><inputtype="checkbox"name="core.service.citation.tmp"id="core.service.citation"#(core.service.citation.tmp.checked)#::checked="checked"#(/core.service.citation.tmp.checked)#/></dt><dd>embedded citation reference index (link structure, used for ranking)</dd>
<dt><inputtype="checkbox"name="core.service.citation.tmp"id="core.service.citation"#(core.service.citation.tmp.checked)#::checked="checked"#(/core.service.citation.tmp.checked)#/></dt><dd>embedded citation reference index (link structure, used for ranking)</dd>