add missing quote chars in sk.lng translation file

+ minor: del one redundancy
reger 9 years ago
parent e8256bb3b1
commit 218061752e

@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ a complete <a href="
Activate this list for==为以下条目激活此名单
Show entries:==显示条目:
Entries per page:==页面条目:
Edit existing pattern(s):==编辑现有规则:
"Save URL pattern(s)"=="保存URL规则"
@ -1959,7 +1958,6 @@ this peer==本机peer
>green lines<==>绿线<
#You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available.==Sie befinden sich im Online-Modus, aber zur Zeit besteht keine Internetverbindung.You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available.
#Please check your internet connection.==Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.
#You are not in online mode. To get online, press this button:==Sie sind nicht im Online-Modus. Um Online zu gehen, drücken Sie diesen Knopf:

@ -2454,7 +2454,6 @@ this peer==Ihr Peer
>DHT-out<==>DHT ausgehend<
>green lines<==>grüne Linien<
>DHT-in<==>DHT eingehend<
#You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available.==Sie befinden sich im Online-Modus, aber zur Zeit besteht keine Internetverbindung.You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available.
#Please check your internet connection.==Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.
#You are not in online mode. To get online, press this button:==Sie sind nicht im Online-Modus. Um Online zu gehen, drücken Sie diesen Knopf:

@ -1044,9 +1044,9 @@ crawling activity==activit&eacute; due au balayages en cours
green radiation==radiation verte
strong query activity==forte activit&eacute; due aux requ&ecirc;tes
red lines==lignes rouges
DHT-out==DHT sortante
>DHT-out<==>DHT sortante<
green lines==lignes vertes
DHT-in==DHT entrante
>DHT-in<==>DHT entrante<
You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available. Please check your internet connection.==Vous &ecirc;tes en mode connect&eacute;, mais aucune ressource internet n'est disponible. V&eacute;rifiez votre connexion internet.
You are either not in online mode or you do not use the proxy option.==Vous n'&ecirc;tes pas en mode En Ligne ni n'utilisez l'option Proxy.

@ -2571,7 +2571,6 @@ this peer==Ваш узел
>green lines<==>зелёные линии<
#You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available.==Вы в сети, но возможно интернет-ресурс недоступен.
#Please check your internet connection.==Пожалуйста, проверьте ваше соединение с интернетом.
#You are not in online mode. To get online, press this button:==Вы не в сети. Для входа в сеть, нажмите эту кнопку:

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ collect blacklist entries from other peers.==zaznamy z blacklistov inych peerov
#(active)#not active::active#(/active)# #(shared)#not shared::shared#(/shared)==(aktivny)#neaktivny::aktivny#(/aktivny)# #(zdielany)#nezdielany::zdielany#(/zdielany)
New list:==Novy zoznam:
Enable/disable this list==Aktivuj/deaktivuj zoznam
Share/don't share this list==Povol/zakaz zdielanie zoznamu
# NOT USED Change==Zmen
@ -57,14 +57,12 @@ Add URL pattern==Pridaj URL masku
#Import blacklist items from other YaCy peers:==Importuj blacklist ineho peera:
"Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist
"Load new blacklist items"=="Nahraj novy blacklist"
#Import blacklist items from URL:==Importuj blacklist z URL adresy:
"Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist
#Import blacklist items from file:==Importuj blacklist zo suboru:
"Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist
was removed from blacklist==bol z blacklistu vymazany
was added to the blacklist==bol do blacklistu pridany
@ -155,7 +153,7 @@ Advanced Config==Pokrocile nastavenia
Here are all configuration options from YaCy.==Tu sa nachadzaju vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia YaCy.
You can change anything, but some options need a restart, and some options can crash YaCy, if wrong values are used.==Vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia mozu byt zmenene, avsak niektore volby vyzaduju restart a niektore mozu sposobit pad YaCy v pripade zadnia nespravnych hodnot.
For explanation please look into defaults/yacy.init==Vysvetlenie najdete v subore defaults/yacy.init
#File: ConfigBasic.html
@ -213,9 +211,9 @@ Send additions to maintainer:==Pros&iacute;m po&scaron;lite zmeny maintainerovy
Available Languages:==Podporovan&eacute; jazyky:
Install new language from URL:==Nain&scaron;taluj nov&yacute; jazyk z URL adresy:
Use this language==Tento jazyk ihned pouzit
Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozn&eacute; nain&scaron;talovat s&uacute;bor z tejto URL adresy::
Error saving the language file.==Pri nahr&aacute;van&iacute; s&uacute;boru do&scaron;lo k chybe.
@ -235,7 +233,7 @@ Jabber==Jabber
"Save"==Uloz profil
"Save"=="Uloz profil"
#File: ConfigSkins_p.html
@ -244,11 +242,11 @@ Skin Selection==Vyber skinov
You can change the appearance of YaCy with skins. Select one of the default skins, download new skins, or create your own skin.==Vzhlad YaCy mozete zmenit pomocou skinov. Zvolte jeden z predvytvorenych skinov, stiahnite si nove, alebo vytvorte vlastne skiny.
Current skin:==Pouzity skin:
Available Skins:==Dostupne skiny:
Install new skin from URL:==Nainstaluj novy skin z URL adresy:
Use this skin==Pouzi tento skin
Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozne nainstalovat pozadovany subor z URL adresy:
Error saving the skin.==Chyba pri stahovani skinu.
@ -885,9 +883,9 @@ Send additions to maintainer:==Prosim poslite zmeny maintainerovy
Available Languages:==Podporovane jazyky:
Install new language from URL:==Naistaluj novy jazyk:
Use this language==Pouzi tento jazyk
Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozne nainstalovat subor z URL adresy:
Error saving the language file.==Pri ukladani jazykoveho suboru doslo k chybe.
@ -1048,7 +1046,7 @@ To get connection to the YaCy network, you must use the proxy by setting your br
for an installation guide) or you can go online by activating the permanent online mode.==Mozete sa vsak prejst do online modu tak, ze aktivujete permanentny online mod.
To do this, press this button:==Na prechod do online stavu, kliknite prosim na toto tlacitko:
"go online"==Online mod
"go online"=="Online mod"
Progress towards the next peer:==Postup k dalsiemu peeru:
At current PPM you will reach him==Pri sucasnom pocte stranok za minutu (PPM - Pages Per Minute) dosiahnete dalsieho peera
in an unknown time:==za neznamy cas
@ -1097,8 +1095,8 @@ Category==Kategoria
"#(page)#::Process Selected News::Delete Selected News::Abort Publication of Selected News::Delete Selected News#(/page)#"==#(page)#::Oznac&nbsp;vybrate&nbsp;spravy&nbsp;ako&nbsp;precitane::Zmaz&nbsp;vybrate&nbsp;spravy::Prerus&nbsp;rozsirovanie&nbsp;oznacenych&nbsp;sprav::Zmaz&nbsp;oznacene&nbsp;spravy#(/page)#
"#(page)#::Process All News::Delete All News::Abort Publication of All News::Delete All News#(/page)#"==#(page)#::Oznac&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy&nbsp;ako&nbsp;precitane::Zmaz&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy::Prerus&nbsp;rozsirovanie&nbsp;vsetkych&nbsp;sprav::Zmaz&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy#(/page)#
"#(page)#::Process Selected News::Delete Selected News::Abort Publication of Selected News::Delete Selected News#(/page)#"=="#(page)#::Oznac&nbsp;vybrate&nbsp;spravy&nbsp;ako&nbsp;precitane::Zmaz&nbsp;vybrate&nbsp;spravy::Prerus&nbsp;rozsirovanie&nbsp;oznacenych&nbsp;sprav::Zmaz&nbsp;oznacene&nbsp;spravy#(/page)#"
"#(page)#::Process All News::Delete All News::Abort Publication of All News::Delete All News#(/page)#"=="#(page)#::Oznac&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy&nbsp;ako&nbsp;precitane::Zmaz&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy::Prerus&nbsp;rozsirovanie&nbsp;vsetkych&nbsp;sprav::Zmaz&nbsp;vsetky&nbsp;spravy#(/page)#"
#File: PerformanceQueues_p.html
@ -1686,7 +1684,7 @@ Auto pop-up of status page on start-up:==Automaticky pop-up stranky stavu pri st
YaCy '#[clientname]#': Search Page==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Vyhladavacia stranka
"Search for #[former]#"=="Hladaj #[former]#"
P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internetov&eacute; Vyhlad&aacute;vanie
Max. number of results:==Max. pocet vysledkov:
No Results.==Ziadne vysledky.
length of search words must be at least 3 characters==Vyhladavane slova musia mat najmenej 3 znaky
@ -1899,7 +1897,7 @@ Original Resource Content==Originalny obsah zdroja
reversed order==v prevratenom poradi
#File: ViewProfile.html
@ -1974,7 +1972,7 @@ See here for an==Tu najdete
installation guide==instalacnu prirucku
Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online mode, which also grants global search.==Alternativne mozete nechat bezat proxy permanentne v online mode. Tento mod garantuje globalne vyhladavanie.
To do this, press this button:==Kliknite prosim na nasledujuce tlacitko na prechod do online modu:
"go online"==pripoj online
"go online"=="pripoj online"
you must also switch to online mode==najprv sa vsak musite prepnut do online modu
(by using the proxy) to contribute to the global index.==(v ktorom pouzivate proxy) aby ste mohli prehladavat globalny index.
The global search resulted in #[globalresults]# link contributions from other YaCy peers.==Globalne vyhladavanie obsahuje #[globalresults]# vysledkov, ktore boli vytvorene za prispenia ostatnych peerov.
