@ -1162,34 +1162,56 @@ public final class serverCore extends serverAbstractThread implements serverThre
/ * *
* Read a line from a protocol stream ( HTTP / ICAP ) and do some
* pre - processing ( check validity , strip line endings ) .
* < br >
* Illegal control characters will be stripped from the result .
* Besides the valid line ending CRLF a single LF is treated as a
* line ending as well to avoid errors with buggy server .
* @param pbis The stream to read from .
* @param maxSize maximum number of bytes to read in one run .
* @param logerr log error messages if true , be silent otherwise .
* @return A byte array representing one line of the input or
* < code > null < / null > if EOS reached .
* /
public static byte [ ] receive ( PushbackInputStream pbis , int maxSize , boolean logerr ) {
// reuse an existing linebuffer
serverByteBuffer readLineBuffer = new serverByteBuffer ( 80 ) ;
serverByteBuffer temp = new serverByteBuffer ( 80 ) ;
int bufferSize = 0 , b = 0 ;
try {
while ( ( b = pbis . read ( ) ) ! = cr ) {
temp . write ( b ) ;
if ( bufferSize + + > maxSize ) break ;
// catch bytes until line end or illegal character reached or buffer full
// resulting readLineBuffer doesn't include CRLF or illegal control chars
while ( bufferSize < maxSize ) {
b = pbis . read ( ) ;
if ( ( b > 31 & & b ! = 127 ) | | b = = 9 ) {
// add legal chars to the result
readLineBuffer . append ( b ) ;
bufferSize + + ;
} else if ( b = = cr ) {
// possible beginning of CRLF, check following byte
b = pbis . read ( ) ;
if ( b = = lf ) {
// line end catched: break the loop
break ;
} else if ( b > = 0 ) {
// no line end: push back the byte, ignore the CR
pbis . unread ( b ) ;
// we have catched a possible line end
if ( b = = cr ) {
// maybe a lf follows, read it:
if ( ( b = pbis . read ( ) ) ! = lf ) if ( b > = 0 ) pbis . unread ( b ) ; // we push back the byte
} else if ( b = = lf | | b < 0 ) {
// LF without precedent CR: treat as line end of broken servers
// b < 0: EOS
break ;
byte tempByte ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < temp . length ( ) ; i + + ) {
tempByte = temp . byteAt ( i ) ;
// filter illegal bytes send by buggy HTTP servers
if ( tempByte = = 9 | | ( tempByte > 31 & & tempByte ! = 127 ) )
readLineBuffer . append ( tempByte ) ;
if ( ( readLineBuffer . length ( ) = = 0 ) & & ( b = = - 1 ) ) return null ;
// EOS
if ( bufferSize = = 0 & & b = = - 1 ) return null ;
return readLineBuffer . getBytes ( ) ;
} catch ( ClosedByInterruptException e ) {
if ( logerr ) serverLog . logSevere ( "SERVER" , "receive interrupted - timeout" ) ;