@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams ;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects ;
/ * *
* this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start
* /
public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > implements Map < String , String > {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5527325718810703504L ;
@ -60,41 +63,62 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public static final Pattern MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN = Pattern . compile ( MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ;
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_PUSH_STUB = "push_" ;
public enum CrawlAttribute {
HANDLE ( "handle" , true , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Profile Handle" ) ,
NAME ( "name" , true , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Name" ) , // corresponds to the start url in many cases (not all)
DEPTH ( "generalDepth" , false , CrawlAttribute . INTEGER , "Crawl Depth" ) ,
DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL ( "directDocByURL" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Put all linked urls into index without parsing" ) ,
CRAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH ( "crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "URL No-Depth-Limit Must-Match Filter" ) ,
DOM_MAX_PAGES ( "domMaxPages" , false , CrawlAttribute . INTEGER , "Domain Max. Pages" ) ,
CRAWLING_Q ( "crawlingQ" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "CrawlingQ / '?'-URLs" ) ,
FOLLOW_FRAMES ( "followFrames" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Flag if frames shall be followed (no by default)" ) ,
OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX ( "obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Obey html-robots-noindex" ) ,
OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW ( "obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Obey html-robots-nofollow" ) ,
CRAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH ( "crawlerURLMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "URL Must-Match Filter" ) ,
CRAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH ( "crawlerURLMustNotMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "URL Must-Not-Match Filter" ) ,
CRAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH ( "crawlerIPMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "IP Must-Match Filter" ) ,
CRAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH ( "crawlerIPMustNotMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "IP Must-Not-Match Filter" ) ,
CRAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH ( "crawlerCountryMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Country Must-Match Filter" ) ,
INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH ( "indexURLMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Indexing URL Must-Match Filter" ) ,
INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH ( "indexURLMustNotMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Indexing URL Must-Not-Match Filter" ) ,
INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH ( "indexContentMustMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Indexing Content Must-Match Filter" ) ,
INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH ( "indexContentMustNotMatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Indexing Content Must-Not-Match Filter" ) ,
RECRAWL_IF_OLDER ( "recrawlIfOlder" , false , CrawlAttribute . INTEGER , "Recrawl If Older" ) ,
STORE_HTCACHE ( "storeHTCache" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Store in HTCache" ) ,
CACHE_STRAGEGY ( "cacheStrategy" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Cache Strategy (NOCACHE,IFFRESH,IFEXIST,CACHEONLY)" ) ,
AGENT_NAME ( "agentName" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "User Agent Profile Name" ) ,
SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH ( "snapshotsMaxDepth" , false , CrawlAttribute . INTEGER , "Max Depth for Snapshots" ) ,
SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD ( "snapshotsReplaceOld" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Multiple Snapshot Versions - replace old with new" ) ,
SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH ( "snapshotsMustnotmatch" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "must-not-match filter for snapshot generation" ) ,
SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE ( "snapshotsLoadImage" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Flag for Snapshot image generation" ) ,
REMOTE_INDEXING ( "remoteIndexing" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Remote Indexing (only for p2p networks)" ) ,
INDEX_TEXT ( "indexText" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Index Text" ) ,
INDEX_MEDIA ( "indexMedia" , false , CrawlAttribute . BOOLEAN , "Index Media" ) ,
COLLECTIONS ( "collections" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Collections (comma-separated list)" ) ,
SCRAPER ( "scraper" , false , CrawlAttribute . STRING , "Declaration for Vocabulary Scraper" ) ,
TIMEZONEOFFSET ( "timezoneOffset" , true , CrawlAttribute . INTEGER , "Time Zone of Crawl Start Agent" ) ;
public static final int BOOLEAN = 0 ;
public static final int INTEGER = 1 ;
public static final int STRING = 2 ;
public final String key , label ;
public final boolean readonly ;
public final int type ;
private CrawlAttribute ( String key , final boolean readonly , final int type , final String label ) {
this . key = key ;
this . readonly = readonly ;
this . type = type ;
this . label = label ;
public String toString ( ) {
return this . key ;
// this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start
private static final String HANDLE = "handle" ;
public static final String AGENT_NAME = "agentName" ;
public static final String NAME = "name" ;
public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth" ;
public static final String DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL = "directDocByURL" ;
public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder" ;
public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages" ;
public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ" ;
public static final String FOLLOW_FRAMES = "followFrames" ;
public static final String OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX = "obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex" ;
public static final String OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW = "obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow" ;
public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText" ;
public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia" ;
public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache" ;
public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing" ;
public static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy" ;
public static final String COLLECTIONS = "collections" ;
public static final String SCRAPER = "scraper" ;
public static final String TIMEZONEOFFSET = "timezoneOffset" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustMatch" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerURLMustNotMatch" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustMatch" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlerIPMustNotMatch" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH = "crawlerCountryMustMatch" ;
public static final String CRAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH = "crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch" ;
public static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH = "indexURLMustMatch" ;
public static final String INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "indexURLMustNotMatch" ;
public static final String INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH = "indexContentMustMatch" ;
public static final String INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH = "indexContentMustNotMatch" ;
public static final String SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH = "snapshotsMaxDepth" ; // if previews shall be loaded, this is positive and denotes the maximum depth; if not this is -1
public static final String SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD = "snapshotsReplaceOld" ; // if this is set to true, only one version of a snapshot per day is stored, otherwise we store also different versions per day
public static final String SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE = "snapshotsLoadImage" ; // if true, an image is loaded
public static final String SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH = "snapshotsMustnotmatch" ;
private Pattern crawlerurlmustmatch = null , crawlerurlmustnotmatch = null ;
private Pattern crawleripmustmatch = null , crawleripmustnotmatch = null ;
@ -175,43 +199,43 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
if ( name . length ( ) > 256 ) name = name . substring ( 256 ) ;
this . doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , AtomicInteger > ( ) ;
final String handle = Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encode ( Digest . encodeMD5Raw ( name + crawlerUrlMustMatch + depth + crawlerUrlMustNotMatch + domMaxPages + collections ) ) . substring ( 0 , Word . commonHashLength ) ;
put ( HANDLE, handle ) ;
put ( NAME, name ) ;
put ( AGENT_NAME, userAgentName ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH, ( crawlerUrlMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING : crawlerUrlMustMatch ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH, ( crawlerUrlMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerUrlMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH, ( crawlerIpMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING : crawlerIpMustMatch ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH, ( crawlerIpMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerIpMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH, ( crawlerCountryMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerCountryMustMatch ) ;
put ( C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH, ( crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch ) ;
put ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH, ( indexUrlMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexUrlMustMatch ) ;
put ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH, ( indexUrlMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexUrlMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH, ( indexContentMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexContentMustMatch ) ;
put ( INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH, ( indexContentMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexContentMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( DEPTH, depth ) ;
put ( DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL, directDocByURL ) ;
put ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER, recrawlIfOlder = = null ? Long . MAX_VALUE : recrawlIfOlder . getTime ( ) ) ;
put ( DOM_MAX_PAGES, domMaxPages ) ;
put ( C RAWLING_Q, crawlingQ ) ; // crawling of urls with '?'
put ( FOLLOW_FRAMES, followFrames ) ; // load pages contained in frames or ifames
put ( OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX, obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex ) ; // if false, then a meta robots tag containing 'noindex' is ignored
put ( OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW, obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow ) ;
put ( INDEX_TEXT, indexText ) ;
put ( INDEX_MEDIA, indexMedia ) ;
put ( STORE_HTCACHE, storeHTCache ) ;
put ( REMOTE_INDEXING, remoteIndexing ) ;
put ( SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH, snapshotsMaxDepth ) ;
put ( SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE, snapshotsLoadImage ) ;
put ( SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD, snapshotsReplaceOld ) ;
put ( SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH, snapshotsMustnotmatch ) ;
put ( C ACHE_STRAGEGY, cacheStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
put ( C OLLECTIONS, CommonPattern . SPACE . matcher ( collections . trim ( ) ) . replaceAll ( "" ) ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. HANDLE. key , handle ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. NAME. key , name ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. AGENT_NAME. key , userAgentName ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH. key , ( crawlerUrlMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING : crawlerUrlMustMatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key , ( crawlerUrlMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerUrlMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH. key , ( crawlerIpMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING : crawlerIpMustMatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH. key , ( crawlerIpMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerIpMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH. key , ( crawlerCountryMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerCountryMustMatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH. key , ( crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH. key , ( indexUrlMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexUrlMustMatch ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key , ( indexUrlMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexUrlMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH. key , ( indexContentMustMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexContentMustMatch ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH. key , ( indexContentMustNotMatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING : indexContentMustNotMatch ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. DEPTH. key , depth ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL. key , directDocByURL ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. RECRAWL_IF_OLDER. key , recrawlIfOlder = = null ? Long . MAX_VALUE : recrawlIfOlder . getTime ( ) ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. DOM_MAX_PAGES. key , domMaxPages ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLING_Q. key , crawlingQ ) ; // crawling of urls with '?'
put ( CrawlAttribute. FOLLOW_FRAMES. key , followFrames ) ; // load pages contained in frames or ifames
put ( CrawlAttribute. OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX. key , obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex ) ; // if false, then a meta robots tag containing 'noindex' is ignored
put ( CrawlAttribute. OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW. key , obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEX_TEXT. key , indexText ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. INDEX_MEDIA. key , indexMedia ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. STORE_HTCACHE. key , storeHTCache ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. REMOTE_INDEXING. key , remoteIndexing ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH. key , snapshotsMaxDepth ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE. key , snapshotsLoadImage ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD. key , snapshotsReplaceOld ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH. key , snapshotsMustnotmatch ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C ACHE_STRAGEGY. key , cacheStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C OLLECTIONS. key , CommonPattern . SPACE . matcher ( collections . trim ( ) ) . replaceAll ( "" ) ) ;
// we transform the scraper information into a JSON Array
this . scraper = scraper = = null ? new VocabularyScraper ( ) : scraper ;
String jsonString = this . scraper . toString ( ) ;
assert jsonString ! = null & & jsonString . length ( ) > 0 & & jsonString . charAt ( 0 ) = = '{' : "jsonString = " + jsonString ;
put ( SCRAPER, jsonString ) ;
put ( TIMEZONEOFFSET, timezoneOffset ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. SCRAPER. key , jsonString ) ;
put ( CrawlAttribute. TIMEZONEOFFSET. key , timezoneOffset ) ;
/ * *
@ -222,7 +246,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
super ( ext = = null ? 1 : ext . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ext ! = null ) putAll ( ext ) ;
this . doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , AtomicInteger > ( ) ;
String jsonString = ext . get ( SCRAPER) ;
String jsonString = ext . get ( CrawlAttribute. SCRAPER. key ) ;
this . scraper = jsonString = = null | | jsonString . length ( ) = = 0 ? new VocabularyScraper ( ) : new VocabularyScraper ( jsonString ) ;
@ -260,7 +284,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public ClientIdentification . Agent getAgent ( ) {
String agentName = this . get ( AGENT_NAME) ;
String agentName = this . get ( CrawlAttribute. AGENT_NAME. key ) ;
return ClientIdentification . getAgent ( agentName ) ;
@ -306,7 +330,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @return handle of the profile
* /
public String handle ( ) {
final String r = get ( HANDLE) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. HANDLE. key ) ;
assert r ! = null ;
//if (r == null) return null;
return r ;
@ -320,7 +344,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Map < String , Pattern > collections ( ) {
if ( cmap ! = null ) return cmap ;
final String r = get ( C OLLECTIONS) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C OLLECTIONS. key ) ;
this . cmap = collectionParser ( r ) ;
return this . cmap ;
@ -341,7 +365,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @return name of the profile
* /
public String name ( ) {
final String r = get ( NAME) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. NAME. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return "" ;
return r ;
@ -351,7 +375,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @return the name of the collection if that is not "user" or the name ( ) otherwise ;
* /
public String collectionName ( ) {
final String r = get ( C OLLECTIONS) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C OLLECTIONS. key ) ;
return r = = null | | r . length ( ) = = 0 | | "user" . equals ( r ) ? name ( ) : r ;
@ -361,7 +385,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern urlMustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . crawlerurlmustmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . crawlerurlmustmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . crawlerurlmustmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -375,7 +399,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern urlMustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . crawlerurlmustnotmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . crawlerurlmustnotmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . crawlerurlmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -389,7 +413,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern ipMustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . crawleripmustmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . crawleripmustmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . crawleripmustmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -403,7 +427,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern ipMustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . crawleripmustnotmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . crawleripmustnotmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . crawleripmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -416,7 +440,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @return a list of country codes
* /
public String [ ] countryMustMatchList ( ) {
String countryMustMatch = get ( C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH) ;
String countryMustMatch = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH. key ) ;
if ( countryMustMatch = = null ) countryMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ;
if ( countryMustMatch . isEmpty ( ) ) return new String [ 0 ] ;
String [ ] list = CommonPattern . COMMA . split ( countryMustMatch ) ;
@ -430,7 +454,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern crawlerNoDepthLimitMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . crawlernodepthlimitmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . crawlernodepthlimitmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . crawlernodepthlimitmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -444,7 +468,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern indexUrlMustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . indexurlmustmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . indexurlmustmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . indexurlmustmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -458,7 +482,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern indexUrlMustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . indexurlmustnotmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . indexurlmustnotmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . indexurlmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -472,7 +496,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern indexContentMustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . indexcontentmustmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . indexcontentmustmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . indexcontentmustmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -486,7 +510,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* /
public Pattern indexContentMustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . indexcontentmustnotmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . indexcontentmustnotmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . indexcontentmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -500,7 +524,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
* @return depth of crawl job
* /
public int depth ( ) {
final String r = get ( DEPTH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. DEPTH. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 ;
try {
return Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
@ -511,13 +535,13 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public boolean directDocByURL ( ) {
final String r = get ( DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. DIRECT_DOC_BY_URL. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ( ) {
final String r = get ( C ACHE_STRAGEGY) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C ACHE_STRAGEGY. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return CacheStrategy . IFEXIST ;
try {
return CacheStrategy . decode ( Integer . parseInt ( r ) ) ;
@ -528,7 +552,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public void setCacheStrategy ( final CacheStrategy newStrategy ) {
put ( C ACHE_STRAGEGY, newStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
put ( C rawlAttribute. C ACHE_STRAGEGY. key , newStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
/ * *
@ -538,7 +562,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public long recrawlIfOlder ( ) {
// returns a long (millis) that is the minimum age that
// an entry must have to be re-crawled
final String r = get ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. RECRAWL_IF_OLDER. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 L ;
try {
final long l = Long . parseLong ( r ) ;
@ -552,7 +576,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public int domMaxPages ( ) {
// this is the maximum number of pages that are crawled for a single domain
// if -1, this means no limit
final String r = get ( DOM_MAX_PAGES) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. DOM_MAX_PAGES. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
try {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
@ -565,55 +589,55 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public boolean crawlingQ ( ) {
final String r = get ( C RAWLING_Q) ;
final String r = get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLING_Q. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean followFrames ( ) {
final String r = get ( FOLLOW_FRAMES) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. FOLLOW_FRAMES. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex ( ) {
final String r = get ( OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOINDEX. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow ( ) {
final String r = get ( OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. OBEY_HTML_ROBOTS_NOFOLLOW. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexText ( ) {
final String r = get ( INDEX_TEXT) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEX_TEXT. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexMedia ( ) {
final String r = get ( INDEX_MEDIA) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEX_MEDIA. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean storeHTCache ( ) {
final String r = get ( STORE_HTCACHE) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. STORE_HTCACHE. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean remoteIndexing ( ) {
final String r = get ( REMOTE_INDEXING) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. REMOTE_INDEXING. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public int snapshotMaxdepth ( ) {
final String r = get ( SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_MAXDEPTH. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return - 1 ;
try {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
@ -626,20 +650,20 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public boolean snapshotLoadImage ( ) {
final String r = get ( SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_LOADIMAGE. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean snapshotReplaceold ( ) {
final String r = get ( SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_REPLACEOLD. key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public Pattern snapshotsMustnotmatch ( ) {
if ( this . snapshotsMustnotmatch = = null ) {
final String r = get ( SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH) ;
final String r = get ( CrawlAttribute. SNAPSHOTS_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ;
try {
this . snapshotsMustnotmatch = ( r = = null | | r . equals ( CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_PATTERN : Pattern . compile ( r , Pattern . CASE_INSENSITIVE ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) { this . snapshotsMustnotmatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN ; }
@ -648,7 +672,7 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
public int timezoneOffset ( ) {
final String timezoneOffset = get ( TIMEZONEOFFSET) ;
final String timezoneOffset = get ( CrawlAttribute. TIMEZONEOFFSET. key ) ;
if ( timezoneOffset = = null ) return 0 ;
try {
return Integer . parseInt ( timezoneOffset ) ;
@ -717,8 +741,8 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_handle" , this . handle ( ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_name" , this . name ( ) ) ;
//prop.putXML(CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_collection", this.get(COLLECTIONS)); // TODO: remove, replace with 'collections'
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_collections" , this . get ( C OLLECTIONS) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_agentName" , this . get ( AGENT_NAME) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_collections" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C OLLECTIONS. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_agentName" , this . get ( CrawlAttribute. AGENT_NAME. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_userAgent" , this . getAgent ( ) . userAgent ) ;
prop . put ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_depth" , this . depth ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_directDocByURL" , this . directDocByURL ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
@ -734,17 +758,17 @@ public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> implements M
//prop.put(CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_storeCache", this.storeHTCache() ? 1 : 0); // TODO: remove, replace with 'storeHTCache'
prop . put ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_storeHTCache" , this . storeHTCache ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_remoteIndexing" , this . remoteIndexing ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_cacheStrategy" , this . get ( C ACHE_STRAGEGY) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerURLMustMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerURLMustNotMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerIPMustMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerIPMustNotMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerCountryMustMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch" , this . get ( C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexURLMustMatch" , this . get ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexURLMustNotMatch" , this . get ( INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexContentMustMatch" , this . get ( INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexContentMustNotMatch" , this . get ( INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_cacheStrategy" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C ACHE_STRAGEGY. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerURLMustMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerURLMustNotMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerIPMustMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerIPMustNotMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerCountryMustMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlerNoLimitURLMustMatch" , this . get ( C rawlAttribute. C RAWLER_URL_NODEPTHLIMITMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexURLMustMatch" , this . get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexURLMustNotMatch" , this . get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexContentMustMatch" , this . get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTMATCH. key ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_indexContentMustNotMatch" , this . get ( CrawlAttribute. INDEXING_CONTENT_MUSTNOTMATCH. key ) ) ;
//prop.putXML(CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_mustmatch", this.urlMustMatchPattern().toString()); // TODO: remove, replace with crawlerURLMustMatch
//prop.putXML(CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_mustnotmatch", this.urlMustNotMatchPattern().toString()); // TODO: remove, replace with crawlerURLMustNotMatch
//prop.put(CRAWL_PROFILE_PREFIX + count + "_crawlingIfOlder", (this.recrawlIfOlder() == 0L) ? "no re-crawl" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(this.recrawlIfOlder())); // TODO: remove, replace with recrawlIfOlder