- <noscript> - area for non-JS - Browsers
- progressbar for the loading - process (may be used in other searches too)
- the image that is available first ist displayed first, so the images aren't moved around when new results arrive
- the correct number of results is displayed
- successfully tested in IE 5.5 and 6, Opera, Firefox and Konqueror (recent versions)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@3904 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
@ -193,17 +193,27 @@ document.getElementById("Enter").value = "search again - catch up more links";
<!-- linklist end -->
<!-- linklist end -->
::<!-- type 2: image search: presents image thumbnails -->
::<!-- type 2: image search: presents image thumbnails -->
<!-- linklist begin -->
<!-- link begin -->
Sorry, but in order to use the image search, you need JavaScript. But here are the urls, yacy would have looked for the images you want. Perhaps you can find them there. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want a non-JavaScript image search, beg the developers for it.
<divclass="snippetLoading"id="#[urlhash]#">loading snippet from <ahref="#[url]#"id="url#[urlhash]#">#[urlname]#</a></div>
<!-- link end -->
<!-- linklist start -->
<!-- linklist end -->
var urls = "#{results}##[urlname]# #{/results}#".split(" ");
// the last element is always empty because the split gets a space at the end of the string
urls.length --;
if(urls.length > 0)
AllImageSnippets(urls, "#[former]#");
<!-- linklist end -->
::<!-- type 3: image thumbnail list for one single url -->
::<!-- type 3: image thumbnail list for one single url -->